
Black Friday in 2020: What It Will Look Like

Black Friday in 2020: What It Will Look Like

2020 年的黑色星期五:它將是什麼樣子
TheStreet ·  2020/07/31 16:03

As retailers and consumers adapt to the pandemic, what will Black Friday look like this year?


According to NerdWallet, the mega shopping discount day will still take place, but with significant changes.

根據 NerdWallet 的說法,大型購物折扣日仍將舉行,但會有重大變化。

“Being there at the crack of dawn, waiting in lines, the hustle and bustle in the store — that’s probably not going to exist," said Jane Boyd Thomas, professor of marketing at Winthrop University.

溫思羅普大學市場營銷教授珍·博伊德·托馬斯(Jane Boyd Thomas)說:「在黎明的裂縫中,排隊等待,商店裡的喧囂-這可能不會存在。」

“I’m expecting that Black Friday as we have grown to know it cannot exist in a Covid world, said Michael Brown, a partner in the consumer practice of Kearney, a global strategy and management consultant.

全球戰略和管理顧問科爾尼(Kearney)消費者實踐中的合作夥伴邁克爾·布朗(Michael Brown)表示:「我期待黑色星期五,因為我們越來越知道它不可能存在於 Covid 世界中。

Experts expect Black Friday sales will shift further online. Consumers will also likely opt for contactless curbside pickup. It’s likely buyers will gravitate towards sales on computers and other technologies needed for work-from-home. Experts say it’s likely Black Friday sales will be extended over multiple days.


Of course, what Black Friday looks like in 2020 will depend on the state of the pandemic in the U.S.

當然,2020 年黑色星期五的樣子將取決於美國的大流行狀況。

However, one thing’s already clear: many big retailers are closing shop on Thanksgiving Day. Walmart( WMT ) - Get Report, Best Buy( BBY ) - Get Report, and Target( TGT ) - Get Reportall announced they will be closed for the holiday.

但是,有一件事已經清楚了:許多大型零售商都在感恩節關閉商店。 沃爾瑪( WMT )-獲取報告,百思買( BBY )-獲取報告和目標( TGT )-獲取報告宣布他們將在假期關閉。

“We know this has been a trying year, and our associates have stepped up. We hope they will enjoy a special Thanksgiving Day at home with their loved ones," said John Furner, president and CEO of Walmart U.S. Watch More on the Coronavirus Pandemic From

「我們知道這是一個艱難的一年,我們的同事也加強了。我們希望他們能和親人在家裡度過一個特別的感恩節。」沃爾瑪美國總裁兼首席執行官 John Furner 說。 從街頭觀看有關冠狀病毒大流行的更多信息:

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冠狀病毒:COVID-19 大流行的最新數字美國經濟剛剛在創紀錄的情況下收縮病毒更新:什麼 默克, 雪佛龍, 高露潔棕櫚樹, 毛毛蟲 談到大流行哪些主要零售商要求客戶戴口罩?冠狀病毒救濟套餐對自僱人士意味著什麼

