
How to Pick Stocks Now For a Biden Presidency

How to Pick Stocks Now For a Biden Presidency

TheStreet ·  2020/07/31 19:00

If presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is elected in November, several pressures on the stock market will emerge.

如果民主黨假定總統候選人喬·拜登(Joe Biden)在11月當選,股市將面臨幾個壓力。

Here’s a guide to Biden's core issues—and how to pick stocks before a possible Biden victory.


Biden plans to raise corporate taxes, which lowers earnings immediately. Look for companies headquartered in non-U.S. countries or companies with such a global footprint that only a small portion of their earnings are taxed in the U.S. According to analysts at RBC Capital Markets, Lululemon( LULU ) - Get Reportis a nice pick because it’s domiciled in Canada. Mcdonald’s( MCD ) - Get Reportis a good pick because a considerable portion of its earnings come from Europe and Asia.

拜登計劃提高公司税,這會立即降低收入。尋找總部設在非美國國家的公司,或者那些全球業務以至於只有一小部分收入在美國納税的公司。加拿大皇家銀行資本市場(RBC Capital Markets)的分析師表示,露露檸檬(Lululemon,Lulu)-給Reportis一個不錯的選擇,因為它的註冊地是加拿大。麥當勞(McDonald‘s)-讓Reportis成為一個不錯的選擇,因為它相當大一部分收入來自歐洲和亞洲。

Biden also plans to raise taxes on the wealthy: this potentially lowers spend from high-end consumers. Buy lower-end consumer companies. Dollar Tree( DLTR ) - Get Reportor Dollar General( DG ) - Get Reportare examples. Walmart( WMT ) - Get Reportis RBC’s example.

拜登還計劃對富人增税:這可能會降低高端消費者的支出。收購低端消費公司。美元樹(DLTR)-獲取報表或美元常規(DG)-獲取報表均為示例。沃爾瑪(Walmart)--以Reportis RBC為例。

His plan to raise wages pressures operating margins for corporations, but does increase the purchasing power of the consumer. RBC notes that stronger purchasing power for wage workers could work well for consumer spend at Walmart, although Walmart would also have to pay higher wages to employees. We’ll have to see about the net result.


Biden’s stance on renewable energy is a negative for energy companies that can’t make the shift, but a positive for those that are. RBC says Valero( VLO ) - Get Reportis the second largest renewable diesel producer in the world.


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