
XPO's Earnings Beat Forecasts. It's Good News on the Economy --

XPO's Earnings Beat Forecasts. It's Good News on the Economy --

XPO 的收益超過預測。這是經濟上的好消息-巴倫
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2020/07/31 05:30

DJ XPO's Earnings Beat Forecasts. It's Good News on the Economy --

DJ XPO 的收益超過預期。這是經濟上的好消息-巴倫

By Al Root


The shipping company XPO Logistics' earnings exceeded reduced expectations -- a common theme this profit-reporting season -- and although things were tough in April, May and June, the overall results look solid.

航運公司 XPO Logistics 的收入超出了預期的降低-這個利潤報告季節的共同主題-儘管四月,五月和六月的情況很艱難,但總體結果看起來很穩定。

There are signs an industrial recovery is under way.


For the second quarter, XPO (ticker: XPO) reported a loss of 63 cents a share from $3.5 billion in sales. Wall Street was looking for a 76 cents-per-share loss from $3.4 billion in sales.

第二季度,XPO(股票代碼:XPO)報告的損失為每股 63 美分,相比於 35 億美元的銷售額。華爾街一直在尋找每股虧損 76%,來自 34 億美元的銷售額。

Beating earnings is always a good thing, but it is important to remember that the company reported earnings of $1.28 a share from $4.2 billion in sales a year ago. The pandemic has hit many companies hard, including XPO.

擊敗收益始終是一件好事,但重要的是要記住,該公司報告的收入為 1.28 美元,一年前的銷售額為 42 億美元。這種大流行已經打擊了許多公司,包括 XPO。

Many logistics providers have benefited during the pandemic from the explosion in e-commerce shipping. United Parcel Service (UPS), for instance, crushed second-quarter earnings expectations Thursday. It's shares rose 14.4% after the numbers came out.

在大流行期間,許多物流供應商都受益於電子商務航運的爆炸。例如,聯合包裹服務(UPS)週四下降了第二季度盈利預期。數字出來後,它的股價上漲了 14.4%。

XPO benefited from e-commerce trends as well. The company is a large provider of last-mile shipping for large equipment. XPO has been delivering a lot of Peloton Interactive (PTON) bikes lately. But much of XPO's business serves industrial customers. And many U.S. manufacturing facilities across many industries shut during the quarter to help slow the spread of coronavirus.

XPO 也受益於電子商務趨勢。該公司是大型設備最後一英里航運的大型供應商。XPO 最近已經提供了很多佩洛頓互動(PTON)自行車。但是 XPO 的大部分業務都為工業客戶提供服務。美國許多行業的許多製造工廠在本季度關閉,以幫助減緩冠狀病毒的傳播。

" Automotive went to zero," explained CEO Bradley Jacobs to Barron's. "But plants opened back up in May." Daily volumes in shipments of less than a truckload, or LTL -- a proxy for industrial activity -- dropped 22% year over year in April. Volumes in July, however, are down only single- digit percentage points.

「汽車歸零,」首席執行官布拉德利雅各布對巴倫的解釋。「但植物在五月份開放了。」少於卡車負載量的每日運輸量,或者 LTL-工業活動的代理--在四月份同比下降了 22%。然而,7 月份的交易量僅下降了一位數的百分點。

The second quarter, as a result of recent improvement, should be the trough in economic activity. For the third quarter, XPO management told investors to expect $350 million in Ebitda, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. That compares with $172 million earned in the second quarter and $333 million in the first quarter of 2020.

第二季,由於近期的改善,應該是經濟活動的低谷。在第三季度,XPO 管理層告訴投資者預計將獲得 3.5 億美元的 EBITDA,或在利息,稅收,折舊和攤銷前的收益。與第二季度賺取的 1.72 億美元和 2020 年第一季度的 3.33 億美元相比。

Wall Street's financial models point to Ebitda of $323 million, so management's guidance looks good relative to expectations as well.

華爾街的財務模式指向 EBITDA $323 億美元,因此管理層的指導看起來相對於預期也不錯。

XPO stock reflects some relatively high expectations. Shares trade for about 23 times estimated 2021 earnings, a premium to the 20 times multiple for the market. What's more, shares are up about 8% year to date, better than comparable returns of the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average.

XPO 股票反映了一些相對較高的期望。股票的交易量預計 2021 年收益約為 23 倍,這是市場上 20 倍的溢價。更重要的是,股票迄今為止上漲約 8%,優於標普 500 和道瓊斯工業平均指數的可比回報。

Shares were up about 2.3%, to $89, in after-hours trading. For the stock to keep gaining from that level, things need to keep getting better.

收市後交易時段股票上漲約 2.3%,至 89 美元。為了讓股票不斷從這個水平上獲得,事情需要不斷變得更好。

"The European recovery is ahead of the U.S.," added Jacobs. XPO does a lot of business in Europe as well as the U.S. "Covid-19 started there earlier and [Europe] executed nationwide lock downs, but the North American rebound is the real deal."

雅各布斯補充說:「歐洲的復甦領先於美國。」XPO 在歐洲和美國開展了很多業務「Covid-19 早些時候開始在那裡,[歐洲] 在全國范圍內執行了鎖定,但北美反彈是真正的交易。」

The rebound is an external factor benefiting the company, but XPO is taking action internally as well. It named two new executives to the team when it released earnings. Eduardo Pelleissone has been chosen as chief transformation officer and Alex Santoro has been named executive vice president for operations. Both will be tasked with helping XPO take out $700 million to $1 billion in annual costs.

反彈是使公司受益的外部因素,但 XPO 也在內部採取行動。當它釋放收益時,它命名了兩個新的高管團隊。愛德華多·佩萊索內已被選為首席轉型官和亞歷克斯·桑托羅已被任命為運營執行副總裁.兩者都將負責幫助 XPO 取出 7 億美元至 1 億美元的年度成本。

Cost reduction can benefit the company in the long run, regardless of what the economy does.


XPO management will host a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Friday morning to discuss the results.

XPO 管理層將於東部星期五早上 8:30 為分析師和投資者舉辦電話會議,討論結果。

Write to Al Root at


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

(完) 道瓊斯通訊社

July 30, 2020 17:30 ET (21:30 GMT)

2020 年 7 月 30 日東部時間 17:30(格林威治標準時間 21:30)

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