
Impossible Foods to sell plant-based burgers in 2,100 Walmart stores

Impossible Foods to sell plant-based burgers in 2,100 Walmart stores

Reuters ·  2020/07/31 00:28

July 30 (Reuters) - Impossible Foods&apos flagship burgers will be sold at more than 2,100 Walmart Inc WMT.N stores in the United States, the plant-based meat maker said on Thursday, as it tries to boost its retail presence in the face of subdued sales to restaurants due to the coronavirus crisis.

路透7月30日電-沃爾瑪(Walmart Inc)WMT.N門店週四表示,Impact Foods&apos旗艦漢堡將在美國2,100多家門店銷售,該公司正試圖提升零售業務,以應對冠狀病毒危機導致的餐廳銷售疲軟.

The company, which also partnered with supermarket chain Kroger Co KR.N in May, said its products would now be available at more than 8,000 U.S. retail stores, marking a 50-fold increase in its retail footprint in less than six months.

該公司還在5月份與連鎖超市克羅格(Kroger Co KR.N)合作,表示其產品現在將在美國8000多家零售店銷售,標誌着其零售足跡在不到六個月的時間裏增長了50倍。

Impossible Foods and rival Beyond Meat Inc BYND.O have recently struck high-profile deals with several restaurant chains, including Subway and Yum Brands Inc YUM.N , but have had to arrive at new strategies to stay afloat.

Impact Foods及其競爭對手Beyond Meat Inc BYND.O最近與賽百味(Subway)和百勝餐飲集團(Yum Brands Inc YUM.N)等幾家連鎖餐廳達成了高調的交易,但不得不達成新的戰略來維持運營。

In June, Impossible started selling its burgers online in the United States through its website after beef prices shot up as the pandemic forced several meat plants to shutter.


