
NYU launches coronavirus safety training for Uber, Lyft drivers as many return to work

NYU launches coronavirus safety training for Uber, Lyft drivers as many return to work

Reuters ·  2020/07/31 00:28

By Tina Bellon

蒂娜·貝隆(Tina Bellon)著

NEW YORK, July 30 (Reuters) - Public health researchers at New York University are launching a coronavirus safety training for ride-hail workers at a time when many Uber and Lyft drivers are expected to return to the road as federal unemployment benefits expire.

路透紐約7月30日電-紐約大學(New York University)公共衞生研究人員正在為叫車工人啟動冠狀病毒安全培訓,目前預計隨着聯邦失業救濟金到期,許多優步(Uber)和Lyft司機將重返道路。

The training, which teaches disinfection protocols and ways to minimize virus spread, was developed in partnership with the Independent Drivers Guild, an advocacy group that represents more than 200,000 on-demand drivers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

這項培訓傳授消毒規程和將病毒傳播降至最低的方法,是與獨立司機工會(Independent Drivers Guild)合作開發的。獨立司機工會是一個倡導組織,代表紐約、新澤西州和康涅狄格州的20多萬名按需司機。

Training sessions will begin in August and are conducted via video seminars with public health professionals, said Jack Caravanos, an NYU clinical professor of environmental public health sciences.

紐約大學環境公共衞生科學臨牀教授傑克·卡拉瓦諾斯(Jack Caravanos)説,培訓課程將於8月份開始,通過與公共衞生專業人員舉行視頻研討會進行。

Funding for the program comes from the U.S. government&aposs National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Caravanos said it was sufficient to expand the program nationwide beyond the New York City region.


Ride-hail use has plummeted during the pandemic, with U.S. trip requests dropping more than 80% at one point. Ride bookings have increased since then, but are still significantly below prior-year levels, according to Uber Technologies Inc UBER.N and Lyft Inc LYFT.O .

在大流行期間,叫車服務的使用量直線下降,美國的出行請求一度下降了80%以上。根據優步技術公司(Uber Technologies Inc UBER.N)和Lyft公司LYFT.O的數據,自那以來,叫車預訂量有所增加,但仍遠低於前一年的水平。

Some drivers have said they feel forced to return to work, with federal pandemic-related unemployment assistance due to expire at the end of the month.


Ensuring the safety of passengers is a key factor in boosting demand, and Uber and Lyft have instituted a mandatory mask-wearing policy for riders and drivers.


Caravanos said that besides wearing a mask and thoroughly disinfecting a vehicle after each ride, opening windows has shown to quickly disperse virus particles in tests he conducted. Partition screens between the driver and rider are also highly effective in preventing particle spread throughout a vehicle, Caravanos added.


Lyft has said it will provide some 60,000 ride-hail drivers with free partition shields. Uber has said it was up to drivers to purchase those shields.


