
Why Now Is A Good Time To Invest In Real Estate

Why Now Is A Good Time To Invest In Real Estate

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2020/07/30 22:16

The uncertainty brought about by the pandemic has caused many real estate investors to sit and wait. Although through the uncertainty, real estate continues to be the most favored investment by a majority of Americans. In a recent Gallup poll, 35% of Americans cited real estate as the best long-term investment with stocks and mutual funds trailing behind at 21%. 


You may be hesitant to jump into the market but if you’re looking to diversify your portfolio, real estate is a great option. It provides a passive income stream with the possibility of substantial appreciation over time.


When looking at where to start, one approach is passive real estate investing. Questions like where to look for listings, what location to choose, and calculating potential return rates, are enough to scare off even the most optimistic investor. 


That’s where real estate crowdfunding and passive investing steps in to help.  


Passive Investing Using Roofstock


Roofstock is a platform that allows investors to invest in carefully vetted single-family rental properties.


Some specialists like Clint Coons, founding partner of Anderson Law Group, believe that single-family properties are a good investment during the pandemic due to the rent abeyances granted by some state government and municipalities. “Multi-family will be more complicated,” he said.

安德森法律集團(Anderson Law Group)創始合夥人克林特·庫恩斯(Clint Coons)等一些專家認為,由於一些州政府和市政當局給予租金擱置,獨户房產在大流行期間是一項很好的投資。“多個家庭將會更加複雜,”他説。

Using Roofstock, investors can scroll through a number of real estate listings that have undergone a rigorous vetting process. The listings provide information regarding the year the property was built, neighborhood rating, square footage, total return, and more. The platform also provides an analysis of the property’s cumulative cash flow, potential appreciation and equity.


Getting A Loan


Mortgage rates have lowered significantly during COVID-19 making now one of the most opportune times to get a loan. Although, with lower rates came a flood of banks like JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) and Wells Fargo & Co (NYSE:WFC) tightening their criteria for loan approval. This change included higher credit scores and down payment requirements. 

新冠肺炎時期,抵押貸款利率顯着降低,使現在成為獲得貸款的最好時機之一。不過,隨着利率的降低,像摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase&Co.)這樣的銀行蜂擁而至。(紐約證券交易所代碼:JPM)和富國銀行(NYSE:WFC)收緊貸款審批標準。這一變化包括更高的信用評分和首付要求。

But for those that are interested and are able to qualify for a loan or have the capital, Roofstock has made the investment process more accessible by opening up their platform to non-accredited investors. No matter your yearly take-home, Roofstock allows you to buy properties at no minimum purchase price, even if you’re a non-accredited investor.


Making the choice to start investing in real estate is a big decision, but it's a decision that has the potential to become a major financial payoff. Figuring out what’s right for you and exploring the different tools that are available at your fingertips are the first steps towards starting your real estate investment journey.



