
Verizon expands home Internet options to customers in rural areas

Verizon expands home Internet options to customers in rural areas

GlobeNewswire ·  2020/07/30 07:00

LTE Home Internet initial launch includes Savannah, GA; Springfield, MO and Tri Cities, TN/VA/KY


What you need to know:


New broadband Internet service uses Verizon’s most awarded 4G LTE network, now available in parts of Savannah, GA; Springfield, MO and Tri Cities, TN/VA/KY

新的寬頻互聯網服務用途威瑞森獲獎最多的4G LTE網絡,現已在佐治亞州薩凡納的部分地區提供;密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德和三個城市,田納西州/弗吉尼亞州/肯塔基州

Unlimited data, plus Internet download speeds of 25 Mbps with peaks up to 50 Mbps

無限數據,外加25 Mbps的互聯網下載速度,最高可達50 Mbps

Just $40 a month for Verizon wireless customers1, $60 a month for non-Verizon customers2


Easy Self-setup


BASKING RIDGE, N.J., July 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Introducing Verizon’s new LTE Home Internet. A new broadband Internet service now available in Savannah, GA; Springfield, MO and Tri Cities, TN/VA/KY, uses Verizon’s most awarded 4G LTE network. Beginning July 30, Verizon will expand home access Internet to customers outside the Fios and 5G Home footprints, expanding home connectivity options to rural areas.

新澤西州巴斯金嶺,2020年7月30日(環球通訊社)--介紹Verizon的新LTE家庭互聯網。一種新的寬帶互聯網服務現已在佐治亞州薩凡納、密蘇里州斯普林菲爾德和三城市(田納西州/弗吉尼亞州/肯塔基州)推出,使用Verizon獲獎最多的4G LTE網絡。從7月30日開始,Verizon將把家庭接入互聯網擴展到Fios和5G家庭足跡以外的客户,將家庭連接選擇擴大到農村地區。

Why LTE Home Internet?


With LTE Home Internet, customers can work from home, homeschool their kids, or binge-watch their favorite shows in HD using the nation’s most awarded network. They’ll get unlimited data, and experience download speeds of 25 Mbps with peak Internet speeds of 50 Mbps.3With easy self-setup, customers can install the router on their own time. No tech or tools are needed. If desired, eligible customers will have access to 30 days of free setup support through Verizon’s Smart Setup program.

有了LTE家庭互聯網,客户可以在家工作,在家教育他們的孩子,或者使用這個國家獲獎最多的網絡狂歡觀看他們最喜歡的高清節目。他們將獲得不受限制的數據,體驗25 Mbps的下載速度和50 Mbps的峯值網速。3通過簡單的自行設置,客户可以在自己的時間安裝路由器。不需要任何技術或工具。如果需要,符合條件的客户可以通過Verizon的智能安裝計劃獲得30天的免費安裝支持。

“Our 4G LTE network keeps our customers connected when and where it matters most,” said Frank Boulben, Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing and Products at Verizon. “With LTE Home Internet, our most awarded 4G LTE network will provide Internet connectivity for customers in more rural parts of America who may not have access to broadband Internet service - a critical need, especially now, when so many are counting on reliable connectivity for remote work and educational needs.”

Verizon負責消費者營銷和產品的高級副總裁弗蘭克·布爾本(Frank Boulben)表示:“我們的4G LTE網絡讓我們的客户在最重要的時間和地點保持聯繫。”有了LTE家庭互聯網,我們獲獎最多的4G LTE網絡將為美國更多農村地區的客户提供互聯網連接,這些客户可能無法獲得寬帶互聯網服務--這是一種迫切的需求,特別是現在,如此多的人依賴可靠的連接來滿足遠程工作和教育需求。“

The Details.


LTE Home Internet is $40 a month for Verizon wireless customers and $60 a month for non-Verizon wireless customers. The easy-to install LTE Home router is $10 a month with a device payment plan.4To find out if LTE Home Internet is available in your area,

Verizon無線客户的LTE家庭互聯網月費為40美元,非Verizon無線客户的LTE家庭互聯網月費為60美元。易於安裝的LTE Home路由器每月10美元(含設備付款計劃)。4要了解您所在地區是否提供LTE Home Internet,請訪問。

Recently, Verizon has been named the most awarded wireless company for network quality by J.D. Power 25 consecutive times.5Verizon’s 4G LTE network currently covers over 98% of the population. As our customers add more devices and find more ways to use them, we’re constantly increasing the density of our network and advancing the technology within the network. Since 2000, we've invested more than $145 billion to meet today’s surging demand for wireless data and video.

最近,Verizon連續25次被J.D.Power評為網絡質量最高的無線公司。5Verizon的4G LTE網絡目前覆蓋了98%以上的人口。隨着我們的客户添加更多的設備並找到更多的方法來使用它們,我們不斷地增加我們的網絡密度並推進網絡內的技術。自2000年以來,我們已投資超過1450億美元,以滿足當今激增的無線數據和視頻需求。

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed on June 30, 2000 and is celebrating its 20th year as one of the world’s leading providers of technology, communications, information and entertainment products and services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $131.9 billion in 2019.The company offers voice, data and video services and solutions on its award winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, security and control.

Verizon Communications Inc.(紐約證券交易所,納斯達克:VZ)成立於2000年6月30日,正在慶祝其作為世界領先的技術、通信、信息和娛樂產品和服務提供商之一的20週年。Verizon總部設在紐約市,業務遍及世界各地,2019年的收入為1319億美元。該公司在其屢獲殊榮的網絡和平台上提供語音、數據和視頻服務和解決方案,滿足客户對移動性、可靠的網絡連接、安全和控制的需求。

VERIZON’S ONLINE MEDIA CENTER: News releases, stories, media contacts and other resources are available News releases are also available through an RSS feed. To subscribe,


1with Verizon mobile plan of $30 or more req'd


2with autopay and paperless billing


3LTE Home Internet provides typical speeds of 25-50mbps.

3LTE家庭互聯網提供25-50 Mbps的典型速度。

4$240 device payment purch req'd. Less $10 promo credit applied over 24 mos; promo credit ends if eligibility req's are no longer met; 0% APR


5Verizon received the highest number of awards in network quality for the 25th time as compared to all other brands in the J.D. Power 2003-2020 Volume 1 and 2 U.S. Wireless Network Quality Performance Studies. Network Quality measures customers’ satisfaction with their network performance with wireless carriers. For J.D. Power 2020 award information, visit for more details.

5在J.D.Power 2003-2020第一卷和第二卷美國無線網絡質量性能研究中,Verizon第25次獲得網絡質量獎,是所有其他品牌中獲獎最多的品牌。網絡質量衡量客户對其與無線運營商的網絡性能的滿意度。有關J.D.Power 2020獎項的信息,請訪問瞭解更多詳細信息。

Media contact:


Alex Lawson






