
McDonald's to boost diversity as part of values revamp

McDonald's to boost diversity as part of values revamp

Reuters ·  2020/07/30 20:05

By Hilary Russ

希拉里·拉斯(Hilary Russ)著

July 30 (Reuters) - McDonald&aposs Corp laid out new diversity initiatives for corporate leadership, franchisees and suppliers at its global convention on Wednesday.


The announcement was part of Chief Executive Chris Kempczinski&aposs effort to reinject some of early owner Ray Kroc&aposs collaborative spirit with a modern twist and to reset the narrative after a tumultuous nine months since he took over in November.

這一聲明是首席執行官克里斯·肯普欽斯基(Chris Kempczinski&aposs)努力的一部分,目的是用現代的轉折重新注入早期所有者Ray Kroc&aposs的一些合作精神,並在去年11月上任以來動盪的九個月後重新設定敍事。

The Chicago-based burger chain&aposs biennial worldwide meeting was held virtually this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.


The revised values - which pertain to serving, inclusion, integrity, community and family - come after former Chief Executive Steve Easterbrook was ousted over an improper relationship. McDonald&aposs values were last reworked in 2008, when James Skinner was chief executive.

修改後的價值觀-涉及服務、包容、正直、社區和家庭-是在前首席執行官史蒂夫·伊斯特布魯克(Steve Easterbrook)因不正當關係而被趕下臺後發佈的。麥當勞和阿波斯的價值觀上一次被修改是在2008年,當時詹姆斯·斯金納(James Skinner)擔任首席執行官。

A few months after Easterbrook&aposs departure, the coronavirus pandemic broke out and McDonald&aposs restaurants scrambled to secure supply chains and protective gear and shift operations to drive-thru and delivery.


McDonald&aposs U.S. franchisees felt they were not getting enough financial support, and the feud broke out publicly.


Employees walked off the job over what they said was a lack of proper protection and adequate pay. Black franchisees were leaving because of a growing financial disparity between their stores and those of white owners, Business Insider reported.


Organizations large and small have been addressing racism internally after nationwide protests over the May killing of George Floyd, a Black man, by Minneapolis police.

在5月份明尼阿波利斯警察殺害黑人喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)引發全國性抗議活動後,大大小小的組織一直在內部解決種族主義問題。

McDonald&aposs new diversity initiative deals with bias in hiring, increasing diversity among leadership, franchisees and advertising and reducing barriers to diverse suppliers.


Metrics will be developed in coming weeks. McDonald&aposs said the meaning of diversity varies in the 120 countries where it operates.


In a video shown to attendees, Heidi Capozzi, global chief people officer, who joined McDonald&aposs in April, said progress would be tracked annually.

在向與會者播放的一段視頻中,4月份加入麥當勞的全球首席人事官海蒂·卡波齊(Heidi Capozzi)表示,將每年跟蹤進展情況。

"Thanks to the scale of the McDonald&aposs system, the impact we can have is unlike any other company," she said.


