
Intel ousts its chief engineer, shakes up technical group after delays

Intel ousts its chief engineer, shakes up technical group after delays

路透社 ·  2020/07/28 05:35

By Stephen Nellis and Munsif Vengattil


(Reuters) - Intel Corp's Chief Engineering Officer Murthy Renduchintala is departing, part of a move in which a key technology unit will be separated into five teams, the chipmaker said on Monday.

(路透社)-英特爾公司的首席工程官 Murthy Renduchintala 即將離開,這是該舉措的一部分,其中一個關鍵技術單位將分成五個團隊,芯片製造商週一表示。

Intel said it is reorganizing its technology, systems architecture and client group. Its new leaders will report directly to Chief Executive Officer Bob Swan.

英特爾表示,它正在重組其技術,系統架構和客戶端組。其新領導人將直接向行政總裁鮑勃·斯旺(Bob Swan)匯報。

Ann Kelleher, a 24-year Intel veteran, will lead development of 7-nanometer and 5-nanometer chip technology processes. Last week, the company had said the smaller, faster 7-nanometer chipmaking technology was six months behind schedule and it would have to rely more on outside chipmakers to keep its products competitive.

擁有 24 年資歷的英特爾資深人士 Ann Kelleher 將領導 7 奈米和 5 奈米晶片技術製程的開發。上週,該公司表示,較小、速度更快的 7 納米晶片製造技術落後了六個月,因此必須更多地依賴外部晶片製造商才能保持其產品的競爭力。

Renduchintala, who was president of the wide-ranging group before its reorganization and widely seen as a No. 2 to Swan, joined Intel in 2015. He was executive vice president of Qualcomm Inc , and has been on Accenture's board since April 2018.

倫杜欽達拉在重組之前曾擔任廣泛集團的總裁,並被廣泛視為天鵝的第二名,於 2015 年加入英特爾。他擔任高通公司的執行副總裁,並自 2018 年 4 月以來一直加入埃森哲董事會。

Renduchintala was one of several key hires from outside Intel, which had been famous in Silicon Valley for developing and promoting talent from within. He was hired as part of a strategy to go after broader markets than the central processing units, or CPUs, the company became known for in the PC era.

Renduchintala 是英特爾以外的幾個關鍵員工之一,該公司在矽谷以內部發展和促進人才而聞名。他被聘為戰略的一部分,以追逐更廣泛的市場比中央處理器, 或 CPU, 該公司成為眾所周知的 PC 時代.

One major effort, creating modem chips to connect smart phones to mobile data networks, ended last year. Intel sold the business to Apple for $1 billion, a fraction of what it had invested in the effort.

一個主要的努力,創造調製解調器芯片,智能手機連接到移動數據網絡,去年結束。英特爾以 10 億美元的價格將業務賣給蘋果公司,這是其投資努力的一小部分。

Renduchintala eventually took responsibly for turning around Intel's process technology, which struggled with years of delay for its current 10-nanometer process. CEO Swan told investors in November that Intel was set start catching up to rivals with its 7-nanometer process in early 2021, but was forced to reverse himself last week because of the delays.

Renduchintala 最終負責任地轉向英特爾的製程技術,該技術在目前的 10 奈米製程中掙扎著多年的延遲。首席執行官 Swan 在 11 月告訴投資者,英特爾將於 2021 年初開始以其 7 納米工藝迎接競爭對手,但由於延誤,上週被迫扭轉自己。

Intel said Renduchintala will depart Aug. 3.

英特爾表示,倫杜欽塔拉將於 8 月 3 日離開。

(Reporting by Munsif Vengattil in Bengaluru and Stephen Nellis in San Francisco; Editing by Shailesh Kuber and David Gregorio)

(由 Munsif Vengattil 在班加羅爾和斯蒂芬·內利斯在舊金山的報告; 由沙萊什庫伯和大衛·格雷戈里奧編輯)

