
Amazon, eBay and Etsy Price Targets Raised in Jefferies Note

Amazon, eBay and Etsy Price Targets Raised in Jefferies Note

亞馬遜,易趣和 Etsy 的價格目標在傑富瑞注意提出
TheStreet ·  2020/07/20 13:48

Three e-Commerce companies received a bullish call in a Jefferies note Monday with the firm raising the price targets of Amazon( AMZN ) - Get Report, EBAY( EBAY ) - Get Reportand Etsy( ETSY ) - Get Report.

三家電子商務公司週一在富瑞集團的票據中接到看漲呼籲,該公司提高了價格目標 亞馬遜( AMZN )-獲取報告, 易趣( 易趣 )-獲取報告和 Etsy( ETSY )-獲取報告。

Amazon's price target was raised to $3,800 from $3,100 while eBay's price target was raised to $58 from $52 and Etsy was increased to $125 from $110.

亞馬遜的價格目標從 3,100 美元提高到 3,800 美元,而易趣的目標價格從 52 美元提高到 58 美元,Etsy 從 110 美元提高到 125 美元。

"Our analysis points to continued elevated top-line growth for e-commerce through June and into July, supporting our view that behavioral changes brought about by the pandemic has permanently increased online consumption," said analyst Brent Thill.

分析師 Brent Thiill 表示:「我們的分析指出,直到 6 月和 7 月,電子商務的頂級增長將繼續提高,支持我們認為大流行帶來的行為變化永久地增加了在線消費。

Jefferies is most bullish on Amazon and Etsy, as those two companies "are best positioned to benefit over the long-term from behavioral changes resulting from the pandemic."

傑富瑞(Jefferies)在亞馬遜和 Etsy 上最看好,因為這兩家公司「最能從大流行引起的行為變化中受益於長期受益」。

In a separate note, an analyst at Goldman Sachs raised Amazon's price target to $3,800 from $3,000, EBAY was raised to $56 from $49 and Wayfair W.

在單獨的說明中,分析師 高盛 將亞馬遜的價格目標提高到 3,800 美元,從 3,000 美元,易趣從 49 美元和韋費爾 W 提高到 56 美元。

"We expect more medium- and long-term outperformance to come from those companies with models that will benefit beyond the immediate crisis in the form of accelerated network effects, weakened competitive sets, and scale benefits to profitability," Goldman analyst Heath Terry wrote.

Goldman 分析師 Heath Terry 寫道:「我們預計那些具有模型的公司將以加速的網絡效應,減弱的競爭力以及擴展利潤的形式受益於超越即時危機的公司,從而獲得更多的中期和長期優勢。」

Goldman is most optimistic about stocks like Amazon, Google( GOOGL ) - Get Report, Paypal( PYPL ) - Get Report, Peloton( PTON ) - Get Report, Snap Inc( SNAP ) - Get Reportand Twitter( TWTR ) - Get Reportas consumer behavior continues to migrate online amid the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

高盛對亞馬遜這樣的股票最樂觀, 谷歌( 傻瓜 )-獲取報告, 貝寶( PYPL )-獲取報告, 伯洛頓 ( 普頓 )-獲取報告, 捕捉公司( 鎖點 )-獲取報告 推特( TWTR )-在冠狀病毒大流行封鎖期間,獲取 Reportas 消費者行為繼續在線遷移。

"Given increased digital adoption over the last couple of months, the convenience offered by these platforms amid the pandemic, and a large number of retailer store closures & bankruptcies, the shift to online could remain elevated over the coming quarters," Terry wrote.

Terry 寫道:「鑑於過去幾個月的數字採用率增加,這些平台在大流行中提供的便利性以及大量零售商店關閉和破產,在未來幾個季度內,向在線的轉變可能會保持較高。」

Amazon shares were up 2% in early trading Monday while eBay rose 0.7% and Etsy climbed 1.6%.

亞馬遜股價上漲 2% 在週一早盤交易,而易趣上漲 0.7% 和 Etsy 攀升了 1.6%。

