
Amazon removes Washington Redskins merchandise from website

Amazon removes Washington Redskins merchandise from website

路透社 ·  2020/07/09 05:02

(Reuters) - Inc is pulling Washington Redskins merchandise from its website, with sellers given 48 hours to review and remove any products flagged by the e-commerce giant, according to a note sent to sellers by the company.

(路透社)-根據該公司發送給賣家的說明, Inc 正在從其網站上提取華盛頓紅皮商品,賣家有 48 小時審查和刪除電子商務巨頭標記的任何產品。

An Amazon spokeswoman confirmed the move by the company.


Under mounting pressure from sponsors and Native American rights groups, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder said last week he would consider changing the name of the National Football League team whose roots date back to the 1930s.

在贊助商和美國原住民權利團體的壓力下,華盛頓紅人隊的老闆丹·斯奈德(Dan Snyder)上週表示,他將考慮更改其根源可以追溯到 1930 年代的國家足球聯盟球隊的名稱。

Controversy over the team's name, which is widely seen as a racial slur against Native Americans, resurfaced in recent weeks amid widespread racial and social justice protests across the United States after the death of George Floyd in police custody.

在喬治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被警方拘留之後,在美國各地普遍普遍的種族和社會正義抗議活動中,該團隊名稱的爭議被廣泛視為針對美國原住民的種族歧視,最近幾週在美國各地普遍存在種族和社會正義抗議活動中浮出水面。

Amazon's action follows that of other retailers such as Walmart Inc , Target Corp and Nike Inc .

亞馬遜的行動跟隨其他零售商,如沃爾瑪公司, 目標公司和耐克公司.

Top sponsors, including PepsiCo Inc and FedEx Corp , who have the naming rights to the NFL team's Landover, Maryland, stadium, called for a change last week.

頂級贊助商,包括百事可樂公司和聯邦快遞公司,誰擁有 NFL 球隊的蘭多弗,馬里蘭州體育場的命名權,呼籲改變上週。

(Reporting by Shanti S Nair in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta)

(由香提 S 奈爾在班加羅爾的報告; 編輯由舒納克達斯古普塔)

