
SiriusXM Buying Stitcher Podcasting Unit For $300M From Scripps: Report

SiriusXM Buying Stitcher Podcasting Unit For $300M From Scripps: Report

SiriusXM 從斯克里普斯購買拼接播客單元 300 萬美元:報告
Benzinga Staff Writer ·  2020/07/07 04:02

Sirius XM Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: SIRI) is set to purchase Stitcher Inc, a unit of E.W. Scripps Co (NASDAQ: SSP) for nearly $300 million to expand its presence in the podcasting segment. What Happened

天狼星 XM 控股 納斯達克股票代碼:SIRI)設置為購買拼接公司,一個單位 E.W 斯克里普斯公司 (納斯達克:SSP)以近 3 億美元的價格擴大其在播客領域的存在。 發生了什麼

The satellite radio operator’s move to purchase Stitcher is similar to the strategy adopted by Spotify Technology SA (NYSE: SPOT) and iHeartMedia Inc (NASDAQ: IHRT), reported the Wall Street Journal.

衛星廣播運營商購買 Stitcher 的舉動類似於採用的策略 Spotify 技術 (紐約證交所:點)iHeartMedia 納斯達克股票代碼:IHRT)報導了《華爾街日報》。

Stitcher’s service allows listeners to enjoy podcasts without advertisements at $4.99 per month or they can sign up for a free app. Why It Matters

Stitcher 的服務允許聽眾以每月 4.99 美元的價格欣賞沒有廣告的播客,或者他們可以註冊一個免費的應用程序。 為什麼它很重要

Scripps had purchased Stitcher in 2016 for $4.5 million in cash, and it operated as a part of Midroll Media, a podcast industry leader, which Scripps acquired in 2015.

斯克里普斯已經購買了縫合 2016 為 $4.5 萬現金, 它作為米德羅爾媒體的一部分, 播客行業的領導者, 斯克里普斯收購 2015.

Stitcher owns Earwolf and Stitcher Podcats, which publishes 50 shows such as “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” and “Freakonomics Radio,” noted WSJ.

縫合擁有 Earwolf 和拼接器 Podcats,其中出版 50 節目,如「柯南奧布萊恩需要一個朋友」和「怪胎學廣播電台」WSJ 指出。

The company’s Midroll Media unit distributes and sells advertising for 250 podcasts like “My Favorite Murder” and “Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations.”

該公司的 Midroll 媒體部門分發和銷售廣告 250 播客,如「我最喜歡的謀殺案」和「奧普拉的超靈對話」。

In 2018, Sirius purchased Pandora Media Inc for $3.5 billion, a company that generates most of its revenue from advertising and also has podcast expansion plans.

在 2018 年,天狼星購買 潘多拉媒體 以 35 億美元的價格,這家公司從廣告中產生大部分收入,並且還有播客擴展計劃。

Last year, Walt Disney Co’s (NYSE: DIS) Marvel Entertainment agreed to create exclusive content for Sirius and Pandora.

去年 華特迪士尼公司(NYSE: DIS) 漫威娛樂同意為天狼星和潘多拉創作獨家內容。

According to WSJ, podcast revenue in the United States touched $678.7 million last year and is slated to reach 863.4 million in 2020. The revenue will exceed $1 billion by 2021. Price Action

根據《華爾街日報》的數據,去年美國的播客收入達到 6.78.7 億美元,預計 2020 年將達到 863.4 億美元。到 2021 年,收入將超過 10 億美元。 價格行動

Sirius XM shares traded 0.17% higher at $5.88 in the after-hours session on Monday. The shares had closed the regular session 0.51% higher at $5.87.

星期一收市後交易時段,天狼星 XM 股票上漲 0.17%,報 5.88 美元。股票已經關閉了常規會議上漲 0.51%,報 5.87 美元。

E. W. Scripps shares traded 6.79% higher at $8.97 in the after-hours session on Monday. The shares had closed the regular session 1.45% higher at $8.40.

週一收市後交易時段,斯克里普斯股票上漲 6.79%,報 8.97 美元。股票已經關閉了常規會議 1.45%,報 8.40 美元。

