
Tencent Music Entertainment Group Announces Strategic Partnership with CoMix Wave Films

Tencent Music Entertainment Group Announces Strategic Partnership with CoMix Wave Films

騰訊音樂娛樂集團宣佈與 CoMix 波電影策略合作
美通社 ·  2020/07/02 10:00

Partnership brings to TME's platforms the soundtracks of CoMix Wave Films Inc.'s popular animated works, including 5 Centimeters per Second and The Garden of Words

合作夥伴為 TME 的平台帶來了動漫波電影公司的配樂受歡迎的動畫作品,包括每秒 5 厘米和文字花園

SHENZHEN, China, July 2, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) (NYSE:TME) has established a strategic partnership with CoMix Wave Films Inc. (CWF), a leading Japanese animated movie studio and distribution company known especially for the works of Makoto Shinkai and Jiro Tsunoda. Under this new partnership, the original soundtracks from 17 popular animated movies, including 5 Centimeters per Second and The Garden of Words, both directed by Makoto Shinkai, will go live on TME's music platforms - QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music and WeSing.

深圳, 中國2020 年 7 月 2 日/新聞通訊社/-騰訊音樂娛樂集團(TME)(紐約證交所代碼:TME)與 CoMix Wave 電影公司(CWF)建立了戰略合作夥伴關係,該公司是日本著名的動畫電影製作室和發行公司,該公司的作品尤其著名 新海誠角田次郎。在這一新的合作夥伴關係下,17 部流行動畫電影的原始配樂,包括 秒速 5 公分言語花園,兩者均由 新海誠,將在 TME 的音樂平台上直播-QQ 音樂,酷狗音樂,酷窩音樂和 WeSing。

As a leader in the Japanese anime sector, CWF has a strong lineup of works deeply loved around the world. Makoto Shinkai Studio, an emerging animation studio under CWF, has drawn the attention of Chinese animation fans for its capabilities in creating immersive experiences in each of its works, with Your Name and Weathering With You as two of the most successful, by leveraging the unique combination of refined visual effects and emotionally strong soundtracks.

作為日本動漫界的領導者,CWF 擁有深受世界各地喜愛的強大作品陣容。新海誠工作室是 CWF 旗下的新興動畫工作室,因其在每件作品中創造沉浸式體驗的能力而引起了中國動漫愛好者的注意。 您的姓名風化與你 作為兩個最成功的,通過利用精緻的視覺效果和情感強烈的配樂的獨特組合。

CWF commented on the strategic partnership, "TME has over 800 million monthly active users across several leading Chinese digital music and entertainment platforms, each of which boasts a huge user base of young people that offers a great environment to provide a deeper understanding of Japanese culture as embodied by music. With years of experience and accumulated expertise in digital music, TME will help CWF accelerate its digital transformation. By leveraging TME's proven capabilities in promotion and distribution of digital music and entertainment works, CWF expects to offer animated music fans a diversified lineup of content and experiences, unleashing the unlimited power of music." 

CWF 評論了這項策略性合作夥伴關係:「TME 在幾個領先的中國數字音樂和娛樂平台上每月活躍用戶超過 8 億,每個平台都擁有龐大的年輕人用戶群,為音樂體現的日本文化提供了一個良好的環境。憑藉多年的數字音樂經驗和積累的專業知識,TME 將幫助 CWF 加速其數字化轉型。通過利用 TME 在推廣和發行數字音樂和娛樂作品方面的經過驗證的能力,CWF 預計將為動畫音樂迷提供多元化的內容和體驗陣容,釋放音樂的無限力量。」

TME, a long-established player in the segment encompassing ACG (anime, comic and game) songs, selected leading global animation firm CWF as its strategic partner with the aim of addressing demand from fans for access to music specific to their preferences, while maximizing the value that can be derived from the various ACG music segments. TME plans to combine its strength in terms of music and entertainment with CWF's strong production capabilities in anticipation of boosting the growth of the music IP industry.

TME 是該領域歷史悠久的球員,包括 ACG(動漫,漫畫和遊戲)歌曲,他選擇了全球領先的動畫公司 CWF 作為其戰略合作夥伴,旨在滿足粉絲訪問特定於他們喜好的音樂的需求,同時最大限度地提高可從各種 ACG 音樂領域獲得的價值。TME 計劃將其在音樂和娛樂方面的實力與 CWF 強大的製作能力相結合,以期促進音樂知識產權行業的增長。

As part of TME's efforts to enhance its presence in the world of Japanese ACG music, the company signed a deal with Japanese music label Being in March 2020. With the partnership, TME obtained the music copyrights of popular animations owned by Being, including Detective Conan, Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball and Chibi Maruko-chan, immersing music fans in a wonderful world of animation accompanied by great music. 

作為 TME 在日本 ACG 音樂世界中增強其存在力的努力的一部分,該公司與日本音樂標簽署了協議正在 三月二零。通過合作,TME 獲得了 Fe 擁有的流行動畫的音樂版權,其中包括 名偵探柯南, 灌籃, 七龍珠櫻桃小丸子,讓音樂迷沉浸在一個美妙的動畫世界中,伴隨著美妙的音樂。

By adding the Japanese ACG music collection to its portfolio, TME has expanded its footprint in content verticals and accelerated the build-out of an international content ecosystem. In recent years, TME has already entered into strategic cooperation agreements with famous overseas labels, including Sony Music, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, Being, Inc, Believe Digital, Stem Music, Roba Music Publishing, Hillsong and Twin Music.

通過將日本 ACG 音樂收藏添加到其產品組合中,TME 擴大了其在垂直內容領域的足跡,並加快了國際內容生態系統的建設。近年來,TME 已經與著名海外唱片公司簽訂戰略合作協議,包括索尼音樂,華納音樂集團,環球音樂集團,存在,公司,相信數字,STEM 音樂,羅巴音樂出版社,Hillsong 和雙子音樂。

Looking ahead, TME plans to work with CWF and other partners to build a global multicultural digital music and entertainment ecosystem and create a music partner-friendly environment as they co-create content for every conceivable musical genre. TME will continue pursuing its vision of increasing the value of musical content and further exploring the potential of the music industry by providing fans with engaging music and entertainment experiences while enhancing the connections between fans and content.

展望未來,TME 計劃與 CWF 和其他合作夥伴合作,建立一個全球多元文化的數字音樂和娛樂生態系統,並創建一個音樂合作夥伴友好的環境,因為他們共同創造了每種可以想像的音樂類型的內容。TME 將繼續追求提高音樂內容價值的願景,並進一步探索音樂行業的潛力,為粉絲提供引人入勝的音樂和娛樂體驗,同時加強粉絲與內容之間的聯繫。

About Tencent Music Entertainment

關於 騰訊 音樂娛樂

Tencent Music Entertainment Group (NYSE: TME) is the leading online music entertainment platform in China, operating the country's highly popular and innovative music apps: QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music and WeSing. TME's mission is to use technology to elevate the role of music in people's lives by enabling them to create, enjoy, share and interact with music. TME's platform comprises online music, online karaoke and music-centric live streaming services, enabling music fans to discover, listen, sing, watch, perform and socialize around music.

騰訊 音樂娛樂集團(紐約證交所代碼:TME)是中國領先的在線音樂娛樂平台 中國,經營全國廣受歡迎和創新的音樂應用程序:QQ 音樂,酷狗音樂,酷窩音樂和 WeSing。TME 的使命是利用科技來提升音樂在人們生活中的作用,使他們能夠創作,享受,分享和與音樂互動。TME 的平台包括在線音樂,在線卡拉 OK 和以音樂為中心的直播服務,使音樂愛好者可以在音樂中發現,聽,唱歌,觀看,表演和社交。

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Media Contact:
Edmond Lococo, ICR Inc.

艾德蒙·洛可可, ICR 股份有限公司



