
Gap and Kanye West team up to create line of Yeezy apparel

Gap and Kanye West team up to create line of Yeezy apparel

Gap和Kanye West聯手創建Yeezy服裝系列
路透社 ·  2020/06/26 20:29

By Melissa Fares
   NEW YORK, June 26 (Reuters) - Gap Inc has entered into a "multi-year partnership" with rapper and fashion designer Kanye West to create a Yeezy line of clothing, both parties said on Friday.
   Aimed at young shoppers, the Yeezy-Gap line, which will offer items such as hoodies, basics, T-shirts and joggers, is expected to appear in Gap stores and on in 2021, the two parties said. West will keep sole ownership of the Yeezy brand.
   Financial details were not disclosed, but Gap said Yeezy would receive royalties and potential equity based on sales results. Yeezy said the brand is valued at $2.9 billion.
   German sportswear company Adidas also partners with West, selling Yeezy footwear designed by West.
   As a teen, West, 43, worked at a Gap store in the Chicago area. "We are excited to welcome Kanye back to the Gap family," said Mark Breitbard, the Gap brand global head, describing West as "a creative visionary, building on the aesthetic and success of his Yeezy brand" with the new Gap line.
   A Gap spokeswoman said the deal "is an example of leveraging the brand power that Gap has and thinking in a new way about how we can introduce the brand to new customers, new audiences," she said.
   San Francisco-based Gap, which owns Banana Republic, Athleta and Old Navy, was among non-essential retailers forced to temporarily close stores to curb the spread of coronavirus. Gap, which operates nearly 2,800 stores in North America, recently withdrew its full-year targets, suspended its dividend, furloughed employees and drawn down its existing credit lines.

(Reporting by Melissa Fares in New York; Editing by Cynthia
((; (917) 881-9852;)

梅麗莎·法雷斯(Melissa Fares)著路透紐約6月26日電-Gap Inc(Gap Inc)和説唱歌手兼時尚設計師坎耶·韋斯特(Kanye West)週五都表示,雙方已與説唱歌手兼時尚設計師坎耶·韋斯特(Kanye West)建立了“多年合作伙伴關係”,以創建Yeezy系列服裝。雙方表示,針對年輕購物者,Yeezy-Gap系列將提供連帽衫、基本衣、T恤和慢跑鞋等商品,預計將於2021年出現在Gap門店和Gap.com上。韋斯特將保留Yeezy品牌的獨家所有權。財務細節沒有披露,但Gap表示,Yeezy將根據銷售業績獲得特許權使用費和潛在股權。Yeezy説,該品牌的估值為29億美元。德國運動服裝公司阿迪達斯(Adidas)也與韋斯特合作,銷售由韋斯特設計的Yeezy鞋。十幾歲時,43歲的韋斯特在芝加哥地區的一家Gap商店工作。Gap品牌全球負責人馬克·佈雷特巴德(Mark Breitbard)表示:“我們很高興歡迎坎耶重返Gap大家庭。”他將韋斯特描述為“一位富有創意的遠見卓識者,建立在他的Yeezy品牌美學和成功的基礎上”,推出了新的Gap系列。Gap的一位女發言人説,這筆交易“是利用Gap擁有的品牌影響力,並以一種新的方式思考如何將該品牌介紹給新客户、新觀眾的一個例子,”她説。總部位於舊金山的Gap擁有香蕉共和國(Banana Republic)、阿斯萊塔(Athleta)和老海軍(Old Naval),是被迫暫時關閉門店以遏制冠狀病毒傳播的非必需品零售商之一。在北美經營着近2800家門店的Gap最近撤回了全年目標,暫停了股息,解僱了員工,並動用了現有的信貸額度。(Melissa Fares在紐約報道;Cynthia編輯奧斯特曼)(;(917)881-9852;)

