
Maven Partners With Jim Cramer’s Cramer Digital to Launch New TheStreet-branded Video Product; Will Host Free Global Video Conference May 14

Maven Partners With Jim Cramer’s Cramer Digital to Launch New TheStreet-branded Video Product; Will Host Free Global Video Conference May 14

Maven 與吉姆·克拉默的 Cramer 數字合作推出新的街頭品牌視頻產品街燈 .io; 將於 5 月 14 日舉辦免費全球視頻會議
Business Wire ·  2020/05/11 15:06

Videos focus on single subjects: stocks, sectors, and breaking financial news


Maven (MVEN) today announced it is teaming up with Jim Cramer’s Cramer Digital to create TheStreet-branded digital content for the new . This new channel is a free financial resource from TheStreet, offering viewers daily video clips by Cramer, his professional investment team, and other top journalists from TheStreet with quick-hit insights on today’s news, markets, and trends.

Maven(MVEN)今天宣布將與吉姆·克萊默的克拉默數字合作,為新的街燈 .io 創建街頭品牌的數字內容。這個新渠道是一個免費的財務資源 ,為觀眾提供 Cramer,他的專業投資團隊以及來自 TheStreet 的其他頂級記者的每日視頻片段,並提供有關當今新聞,市場和趨勢的快速見解。

Videos are limited to 90 seconds, are 100% free, and TheStreet/Action Alerts Plus members have the additional benefit to “ask Cramer” (and others Street editors) questions related to the “lightning” videos and other investment advice.

視頻限制為 90 秒,是 100% 免費的,街道/行動警報加會員有額外的好處「問克拉默」(和其他街頭編輯)與「閃電」視頻和其他投資建議有關的問題。

To kick off the launch, Cramer will provide a free, real-time video conference call and Q&A on May 14 at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time. Typically offered only to TheStreet’s paid subscribers, Cramer’s May 14 call will be broadcast free of charge on , to help investors navigate the COVID-19 financial crisis.

為揭開序幕,Cramer 將於 5 月 14 日美國東部時間上午 11 時 30 分提供免費的即時視訊電話會議和問答集。克拉默 5 月 14 日的電話通常僅提供給街道的付費用戶,將在街燈 .io 上免費播出,以幫助投資者應對 COVID-19 金融危機。

Interested investors can register to join the call on Street Lightning . Once registered, anyone has the opportunity to submit a question for Cramer, by visiting “Ask Cramer” on Street Lightning .

有興趣的投資者可以註冊加入街閃電的呼叫。一旦註冊, 任何人都有機會提交一個問題克拉默, 通過訪問「問克拉默」在街閃電.

“Jim Cramer is simply America’s most important financial voice, with his finger on the pulse of the economy and directly speaking to the decision makers that matter. At no time has it been more important to engage with such a valuable resource,” said Maven CEO James Heckman. “TheStreet’s Street Lightning gives everyone an opportunity to benefit from Jim’s market-changing advice, instantly -- and now for members, there’s a new opportunity to engage directly, as part of ‘Ask Cramer’.”

「吉姆·克拉默僅僅是美國最重要的財務聲音,他的手指掌握了經濟的脈搏,並直接與重要的決策者交談。Maven 首席執行官詹姆斯·赫克曼(James Heckman)說。「TheStreet 的街道閃電使每個人都有機會立即從 Jim 的市場變化建議中受益,而現在對於會員來說,作為 '問 Cramer' 的一部分,有一個直接參與的新機會。」

Street Lightning features high-impact, single-subject videos typically running about 90 seconds. Ten updates per day are planned, offering insights and advice on breaking news, individual stocks and industry sectors, and economic policy.

街頭閃電具有高影響力的單主題視頻,通常運行約 90 秒。計劃每天進行十次更新,提供有關突發新聞,個別股票和行業部門以及經濟政策的見解和建議。

“I am truly excited about Cramer Digital participating in Street Lightning,” Cramer said. “TheStreet’s business was transformed overnight when it moved to Maven. Teaming up with Maven allows Cramer Digital to continue to support TheStreet’s audience expansion.”

克萊默說:「我對 Cramer 數字參與街道閃電感到非常興奮。「當它搬到 Maven 的時候,街道的業務在一夜之間改變了。與 Maven 合作讓克雷默數位能夠繼續支援街道的觀眾擴張。」

Added Jill Marchisotto, who oversees consumer marketing for TheStreet and Maven, “From the moment we moved to Maven, TheStreet's distribution, engagement, registered users, subscriptions and revenue instantly spiked and continue to grow at an accelerated pace.”

加入 Jill Marchisotto,負責監督 TheStreet 和 Maven 的消費者營銷,「從我們搬到 Maven 的那一刻起,TheStreet 的分佈,參與度,註冊用戶,訂閱和收入立即飆升,並繼續以加速的速度增長。」

Founded more than 20 years ago, TheStreet was acquired by Maven in August 2019 and moved to the platform last December. Since the move, TheStreet has experienced a 34% increase in monthly visitors while nearly doubling new subscription sign-ups on a monthly basis. TheStreet is one of hundreds of independent, premium publishers invited to join Maven’s efficient tech, distribution, advertising and subscription platform since its launch in 2017. Maven reaches over 100 million users each month.

創立於 20 多年前,Maven 於 2019 年 8 月被 Maven 收購,並於去年 12 月搬到平台上。自此舉以來,TheStreet 每月訪客人數增加了 34%,同時每月新訂閱註冊量增加了幾乎翻倍。TheStreet 自 2017 年推出以來,被邀請加入 Maven 高效技術、分銷、廣告和訂閱平台的數百家獨立優質出版商之一。Maven 每個月接觸超過 1 億用戶。

About TheStreet


TheStreet , Inc. (NASDAQ: TST, ) is a leading financial news and information provider to investors and institutions worldwide. The company's flagship brand, TheStreet, has produced unbiased business news and market analysis for individual investors for more than 20 years.

TheStreet 股份有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:尖沙咀,是全球投資者和機構的領先財經新聞和信息提供商。該公司的旗艦品牌 TheStreet 為個人投資者製作了公正的商業新聞和市場分析已有 20 多年的歷史。

About Maven

關於 Maven

Maven ( is a coalition of Mavens , from individual thought leaders to world-leading independent publishers, operating on a shared digital publishing, monetization and distribution platform, unified under a single media brand. A maven is a professional, authentic authority, evangelist and recognized community leader for a specific topic, cause or organization. Sports Illustrated is operated by Maven as part of its coalition. Based in Seattle, Maven is publicly traded under the ticker symbol MVEN .

Maven(是 Mavens 的聯盟,從個人思想領袖到世界領先的獨立出版商,在共享的數字出版,貨幣化和分銷平台上運營,統一在單一媒體品牌下統一。Maven 是一個專業,真實的權威者,傳播者和公認的社區領導者,針對特定主題,事業或組織。體育畫報是由 Maven 作為其聯盟的一部分運營。Maven 總部位於西雅圖,以股票代碼 MVEN 公開交易。

