
Albemarle mulls bid for Tianqi's stake in world's largest lithium mine

Albemarle mulls bid for Tianqi's stake in world's largest lithium mine

Seeking Alpha ·  2020/05/07 18:23

Albemarle (ALB+4.5%) says it is interested in buying all or part of Tianqi Lithium's controlling stake in Australia's Greenbushes, the world's largest lithium mine.

阿爾伯馬爾 ALB +4.5%)表示,有興趣購買天氣鋰業在澳大利亞 Greenushes(世界上最大的鋰礦)的全部或部分控股權。

China-based Tianqi, which owns 51% of Greenbushes to Albemarle's 49%, said last month it was exploring selling equity and assets, including Greenbushes, to lower debt.

上個月,總部位於中國的天氣,該公司擁有 51% 的綠叢佔阿爾伯馬爾的 49%,該公司正在探索出售包括綠叢在內的股權和資產以降低債務。

"We're interested in it... but we're also mindful of the current market environment," Albemarle CEO Kent Masters said during the company's earnings conference call.

「我們對此感興趣... 但我們也注意當前的市場環境,」Albemarle 首席執行官肯特大師在公司的收益電話會議期間說。

Also, CFO Scott Tozier said the company expects demand growth for lithium from the electric vehicle market will be pushed out by at least a year as consumer spending is hurt by the coronavirus.

此外,首席財務官斯科特·托齊爾(Scott Tozier)表示,該公司預計,隨著消費者支出受到冠狀病毒的傷害,電動汽車市場對鋰的需求將至少推動一年。

Albemarle also is slowing work on lithium expansion projects to conserve cash and to reassess the demand requirement when the battery industry recovers, but it expects to stay reasonably close to previous timelines.

Albemarle 也正在減緩鋰電池擴張項目的工作,以節省現金並在電池行業復甦時重新評估需求,但預計將保持合理地接近以前的時間表。

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