
Press Release: Disruptive Private Equity Firm Buys 2nd Company Within Month

Press Release: Disruptive Private Equity Firm Buys 2nd Company Within Month

道琼斯 ·  2020/02/13 22:00

Press Release: Disruptive Private Equity Firm Buys 2nd Company Within Month


Disruptive Private Equity Firm Buys 2nd Company Within Month


Expanding from Land to Sea, Brand Velocity Partners Acquires Marine Industry Leader

品牌 Velocity 合作夥伴從陸地擴展到海洋產業的領導者

PR Newswire


NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2020


NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- For the second time within a month, Brand Velocity Partners (BVP), the private equity firm building its reputation on adding brand marketing muscle to support the growth of consumer-related companies, today announces it has acquired an industry leader.

紐約,2020 年 2 月 13 日 /PRNewswire/-一個月內第二次,這家私募股權公司品牌 Velocity 合作夥伴(BVP)在增加品牌營銷力量以支持消費者相關公司的成長方面建立聲譽,今天宣布已收購了行業領導者。

Magma Products, the leading manufacturer and marketer of high-quality cookware products designed for use in harsh marine and outdoor environments, joins Original Footwear Company as the first two companies benefitting from BVP's unique marketing proposition.

Magma Products 是專為在惡劣的海洋和戶外環境中使用而設計的高品質炊具產品的領先製造商和營銷商,加入原始鞋類公司,成為從 BVP 獨特的營銷主張中受益的前兩家公司。

BVP partners include private equity veterans Austin Ramos and Steve Lebowitz, and two esteemed marketing principals -- Drew Sheinman and Larry Rothstein -- who along with Rothstein's full-service ad/marketing firm, Source Communications, are nationally recognized for having designed and activated a broad spectrum of consumer-facing programs and ventures for companies such as Coca-Cola, MLB, and Subway. John Goldman, former leader of the sports practice at Herrick, Feinstein LLP, is also a BVP partner.

BVP 合作夥伴包括私募股權資深人士奧斯汀·拉莫斯和史蒂夫 Lebowitz,以及兩位備受尊敬的營銷負責人-德魯·希恩曼和拉里·羅斯坦-與羅斯坦的全方位服務廣泛的廣告/營銷公司 Source Communications,因為設計和激活了可口可樂,MLB 和地鐵等公司的廣泛面向消費者的計劃和企業而獲得全國認可。約翰·高德曼是范恩斯坦 LLP 赫里克體育實踐的前負責人,也是 BVP 合作夥伴。

About the acquisition of Magma, Sheinman said, "We are thrilled to be able to apply BVP's differential -- its marketing and merchandising expertise -- to this industry leader. The luxury market is often under-served by marketers, and we think there is extraordinary potential in marketing Magma's grills and cookware to a broader audience."

關於岩漿的收購,Sheinman 表示:「我們很高興能夠將 BVP 的差異化-其營銷和銷售專業知識應用到這個行業領導者。奢侈品市場通常受到營銷人員的服務不足,我們認為在向更廣泛的受眾營銷 Magma 的烤架和炊具方面具有非凡的潛力。」

Said Chris de Recat, Magma's recently appointed chief executive officer, "Magma's reputation for producing the highest quality products within our category will be enhanced by our relationship with Brand Velocity Partners. Leveraging BVP's brand marketing expertise, we will be introducing new products to new segments in the months ahead. Stay tuned."

Magma 最近任命的首席執行官 Chris de Recat 表示:「通過我們與品牌速度合作夥伴的關係,Magma 在生產我們類別中最高質量產品的聲譽將得到增強。利用 BVP 的品牌營銷專業知識,我們將在未來幾個月內將新產品引入新的細分市場。敬請期待。」

Merion Investment Partners, a leading investor in the lower-middle market, provided mezzanine debt and equity financing to facilitate the transaction. Pacific Mercantile Bank, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Mercantile Bancorp (NASDAQ: PMBC) and a trusted commercial bank headquartered in Southern California, provided a line of credit to support Magma's ongoing working capital needs.

Merion 投資夥伴是中下層市場的領先投資者,提供夾層債務和股票融資以促進交易。太平洋商業銀行是太平洋商業銀行(NASDAQ:PMBC)的全資子公司,總部位於南加州的值得信賴的商業銀行,提供信貸額度以支持 Magma 持續的營運資金需求。

For more information on Magma, please visit


About Brand Velocity Partners


Brand Velocity Partners is a private equity firm that acquires and grows lower-middle market consumer businesses through the application of its exceptional brand marketing resources.

Brand Velocity 合作夥伴是一家私募股權公司,通過應用其卓越的品牌營銷資源,收購和發展中低中市場的消費者業務。

In partnership with BVP, Source's full-service agency develops and executes marketing plans for BVP portfolio companies. Portfolio companies also leverage BVP's vast sports and entertainment networks to create accretive deals with athletes, teams, leagues, celebrities, and other businesses. In addition, BVP's collection of industry leaders (the "Accelerators") from different facets of marketing and innovation (e.g., digital, research, analytics, brand-building, influencer connectivity) augment best-in-class solutions for BVP portfolio companies.

Source 的全方位服務機構與 BVP 合作,為 BVP 投資組合公司開發和執行營銷計劃。投資組合公司還利用 BVP 龐大的體育和娛樂網絡,與運動員,團隊,聯賽,名人和其他企業創建增值交易。此外,BVP 的行業領導者(「加速器」)集合來自營銷和創新的不同方面(例如數字,研究,分析,品牌建立,影響者連接)為 BVP 投資組合公司提供了一流的解決方案。

Accelerators include Ian Schafer (co-founder & CEO of Kindred, founder and former CEO of award-winning global ad agency Deep Focus, and a world-recognized social media expert); Sanjay Sood (faculty chairman as well as professor of marketing and behavioral decision making at UCLA's Anderson School of Management); Edwin Wong (senior vice president at Vox Media, previous roles at Pinterest, Veoh, and Yahoo, and leading expert in digital consumer behavior); and Whitney Johnson (one of the 50 leading business thinkers in the world as named by Thinkers50).

加速者包括 Ian Schafer(親族的聯合創始人兼首席執行官,屢獲殊榮的全球廣告代理公司 Deep Focus 的創始人兼前首席執行官,以及世界認可的社交媒體專家 Sanjay Sood(教師主席以及加州洛杉磯分校安德森管理學院營銷和行為決策教授);Vox Media 高級副總裁,曾在雅虎安德森管理學院擔任營銷和行為決策教授);Vox Media 高級副總裁,以前在雅虎,Vooh 和 Pinterest 消費者行為方面的領導角色); 和惠特尼·約翰遜 (由思想家 50 命名的世界領先的商業思想家之一).

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SOURCE Brand Velocity Partners


/CONTACT: Jeff Graubard at or 212-966-9000

/聯繫方式:傑夫·格勞巴德電話 或 212-966-9000

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

(完) 道瓊斯通訊社

February 13, 2020 09:00 ET (14:00 GMT)

2020 年 2 月 13 日東部時間 09:00 (格林威治標準時間 14 點)

