
Why a former Visa CEO invested in a small sports marketing agency with big plans

Why a former Visa CEO invested in a small sports marketing agency with big plans

American City Business Journals ·  2020/01/27 20:54

With a fresh lineup of investors — including a former top executive at credit card and financial services giant Visa Inc. — sports marketing firm Pivot Agency is playing the long game. The agency, with offices in Walnut Creek and San Francisco, didn't disclose how much money former Visa Executive Chairman and CEO Joe Saunders and the Bank of San Francisco committed in its seed round.

隨着新的投資者陣容-包括信用卡和金融服務巨頭Visa Inc.的一名前高管-體育營銷公司Pivot Agency正在進行長期的投資。該機構在核桃溪和舊金山設有辦事處,但沒有透露之前有多少資金簽證執行主席兼首席執行官喬·桑德斯(Joe Saunders)和舊金山銀行(Bank Of San Francisco)承諾進行種子期融資。

