
Pennsylvania Real Estate Inves, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (PEI)

Pennsylvania Real Estate Inves, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (PEI)

賓夕法尼亞州房地產投資,研究所持有人,2019 年第四季度(PEI)
道琼斯 ·  2020/01/23 17:07

DJ Pennsylvania Real Estate Inves, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (PEI)

DJ賓夕法尼亞州房地產公司,Inst Holders,2019年第四季度(PEI)

The following table shows the largest shareholders in PENNSYLVANIA REIT SBI (PEI) for the quarter ended December 31, 2019, listed by holding size. The list represents up to 50 of the largest holders in the company.

下表顯示了截至2019年12月31日的季度,賓夕法尼亞州REIT SBI(PEI)的最大股東,按持股規模列出。這份名單代表了該公司最大的50名股東。

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned the reporting date is 12/31/2019


Institution Shares Shares % Last
Held Changed Held Report

The Vanguard Group Inc. 10,410,073 (635,107) 13.416 09/30
BlackRock Fund Advisors 9,333,440 (344,953) 12.029 09/30
Invesco Capital Management LLC 4,576,199 1,147,000 5.898 09/30
SSgA Funds Management Inc. 2,746,324 (965,943) 3.539 09/30
Global X Management Co. LLC 1,897,276 1,897,276 2.445 09/30
Victory Capital Management In 1,888,629 3,575 2.434 09/30
Presima Inc. 1,412,700 0 1.821 09/30
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 1,084,021 24,938 1.397 09/30
Psagot Mutual Funds Ltd. 1,073,729 1,073,729 1.384 09/30
Geode Capital Management LLC 1,060,659 23,541 1.367 09/30
Northern Trust Investments In 990,916 (137,803) 1.277 09/30
Zweig-DiMenna Associates LLC 982,844 0 1.267 09/30
Charles Schwab Investment Mana 868,550 21,412 1.119 12/31
QMA LLC 849,951 (6,298) 1.095 09/30
Kranot Hishtalmut Le Morim Ve 670,822 670,822 0.865 09/30
Mellon Investments Corp. 637,953 (1,382) 0.822 09/30
UBS Securities LLC 505,493 123,432 0.651 09/30
Principal Global Investors LLC 470,973 (6,915) 0.607 09/30
Veritable LP 394,078 76,500 0.508 09/30
Millennium Management LLC 353,966 281,303 0.456 09/30
Columbia Management Investment 317,499 (33,420) 0.409 09/30
Lido Advisors LLC 310,000 230,000 0.400 09/30
BlackRock Investment Managemen 306,096 8,733 0.394 09/30
Susquehanna Financial Group LL 245,418 198,156 0.316 09/30
Kranot Hishtalmut Le Morim Tic 241,058 241,058 0.311 09/30
Wolverine Asset Management LLC 235,129 180,077 0.303 09/30
The Bank of New York Mellon Co 234,339 (15,595) 0.302 09/30
NISA Investment Advisors LLC 218,352 92,959 0.281 12/31
RhumbLine Advisers LP 215,027 9,798 0.277 09/30
Parametric Portfolio Associate 214,182 (223,888) 0.276 09/30
BNY Mellon Investment Adviser 206,504 (1,920) 0.266 09/30
RMR Advisors LLC 203,491 0 0.262 09/30
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 198,653 (59,583) 0.256 09/30
Kalos Management Inc. 188,650 80,433 0.243 09/30
New York State Teachers Retire 176,351 (1,500) 0.227 09/30
SEB Investment Management AB 175,000 (7,000) 0.226 09/30
KBC Fund Management Ltd. 174,302 (29,037) 0.225 09/30
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (Priva 165,969 9,575 0.214 09/30
Thrivent Investment Management 165,867 1,110 0.214 09/30
Barclays Bank Plc (Private Ban 164,525 38,157 0.212 09/30
Teachers Advisors LLC 159,637 14,802 0.206 09/30
The Public Sector Pension Inve 152,211 27,176 0.196 09/30
JPMorgan Securities LLC (Inves 149,500 11,957 0.193 09/30
PVG Asset Management Corp. 149,475 149,475 0.193 09/30
TIAA-CREF Investment Managemen 148,703 (4,495) 0.192 09/30
ExodusPoint Capital Management 144,392 144,392 0.186 09/30
The California Public Employee 140,938 14,762 0.182 09/30
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. 140,452 15,891 0.181 09/30
Legal & General Investment Man 139,879 (2,323) 0.180 09/30
Schweizerische Nationalbank (I 138,100 12,500 0.178 09/30

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先鋒集團10,410,073(635,107)13.416 09/30
貝萊德基金顧問9,333,440(344,953)12.029 09/30
景順資本管理有限公司4,576,199 1,147,000 5.898 09/30
SSGA基金管理公司2,746,324(965,943)3.539 09/30
環球X管理有限公司1,897,276 1,897,276 2.445 09/30
勝利資本管理公司1,888,629 3,575 2.434 09/30
Presima Inc.1,412,700 0 1.821 09/30
維基基金顧問公司LP 1,084,021 24,938 1.397 09/30
Psagot互惠基金有限公司1,073,729 1,073,729 1.384 09/30
Geode Capital Management LLC 1,060,659 23,541 1.367 09/30
北方信託投資990,916(137,803)1.277 09/30
茨威格-迪門納聯合公司982,844 0 1.267 09/30
嘉信理財868,550 21,412 1.119 12/31
QMA LLC 849,951(6,298)1.095 09/30
Kranot Hishtalmut Le Morim ve 670,822 670,822 0.865 09/30
梅隆投資公司637,953(1,382)0.822 09/30
瑞銀證券有限責任公司505,493 123,432 0.651 09/30
信安環球投資者有限責任公司470,973(6,915)0.607 09/30
名副其實的LP 394,078 76,500 0.508 09/30
千禧管理有限公司353,966 281,303 0.456 09/30
哥倫比亞管理投資317,499(33,420)0.409 09/30
麗都顧問公司310,000 230,000 0.400 09/30
貝萊德投資經理306,096 8,733 0.394 09/30
蘇斯奎哈納金融集團L245,418 198,156 0.316 09/30
Kranot Hishtalmut Le Morim Tic 241 1,058 241,058 0.311 09/30
金剛狼資產管理有限責任公司235,129 180,077 0.303 09/30
紐約梅隆銀行234,339(15,595)0.302 09/30
NISA投資顧問公司218,352 92,959 0.281 12/31
Rhumbline Advisers LP 215,027 9,798 0.277 09/30
參數投資組合助理214,182(223,888)0.276 09/30
紐約梅隆銀行投資顧問206,504(1,920)0.266 09/30
RMR Advisors LLC 203,491 0 0.262 09/30
摩根士丹利有限責任公司198,653(59,583)0.256 09/30
卡洛斯管理公司188,650 80,433 0.243 09/30
紐約州教師退休176,351(1,500)0.227 09/30
SEB投資管理公司175,000(7,000)0.226 09/30
KBC基金管理有限公司174,302(29,037)0.225 09/30
高盛公司(Priva 165,969 9,575 0.214 09/30)
儲蓄投資管理165,867 1,110 0.214 09/30
巴克萊銀行(私人禁令164,525 38,157 0.212 09/30
教師顧問有限公司159,637 14,802 0.206 09/30
公共部門退休金INVE 152,211 27,176 0.196 09/30
摩根大通證券公司(Inves 149,500 11,957 0.193 09/30
PVG資產管理公司149,475 149,475 0.193 09/30
TIAA-CREF投資經理148,703(4,495)0.192 09/30
ExodusPoint資本管理144,392 144,392 0.186 09/30
加州公職人員140,938 14,762 0.182 09/30
T.Rowe Price Associates Inc.140,452 15,891 0.181 09/30
法律及一般投資主任139,879(2,323)0.180 09/30
瑞士國家銀行(I 138,100 12,500 0.178 09/30

13F數據由:FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供;
版權所有,FactSet Research Systems,2020。版權所有。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


January 23, 2020 04:07 ET (09:07 GMT)


