
Philip Morris International Wins 2020 BIG Innovation Award

Philip Morris International Wins 2020 BIG Innovation Award

菲利普·莫里斯國際榮獲 2020 年 BIG 創新獎
Business Wire ·  2020/01/22 15:05

Business Intelligence Group Recognizes Company for Consistently Delivering Innovative Solutions


Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) (NYSE: PM) today announced that it has won the 2020 BIG Innovation Award in the “Organization” category. The company was honored for placing innovation front and center as it continues its full-scale business transformation to deliver a smoke-free future and replace cigarettes with better alternatives for those adults who would otherwise continue to smoke.

菲利普莫里斯國際公司 (PMI) (紐約證交所:下午)今天宣布榮獲 2020 年「組織」類別大創新獎。該公司很榮幸將創新放在前沿和中心,因為它繼續進行全面業務轉型,以實現無煙的未來,並為那些會繼續吸煙的成年人取代香煙更好的替代品。

The BIG Innovation Awards, presented by the Business Intelligence Group, recognize organizations, products and people who bring new ideas to life. Organizations from across the globe submitted their recent innovations for consideration, and nominations were judged by a select group of business leaders and executives.

由商業智能組織頒發的 BIG 創新獎,旨在表彰將新想法帶入生活的組織,產品和人員。來自世界各地的組織提交了他們最近的創新技術供考慮,並且提名由一群精選的商業領袖和高管組成的評審。

“It is gratifying to continue to be recognized by the broader business community for the innovation that is fueling our progress toward a smoke-free future,” said Jacek Olczak, PMI’s chief operating officer. “As we are undergoing the largest transformation in our company’s history, with a clear vision of unsmoking the world, we are constantly reinventing ourselves, our product portfolio and our ways of working to deliver better alternatives for the millions of men and women who smoke.”

PMI 首席營運長 Jacek Olczak 表示:「能夠繼續獲得更廣泛的商業社群的認可,這是令人欣慰的是,這些創新推動了我們邁向無煙未來的進步。隨著我們正在經歷公司歷史上最大規模的轉型,對世界不吸煙的清晰願景,我們不斷重塑自己,我們的產品組合和努力為數百萬吸煙的男性和女性提供更好的替代方案的方式。」

“Innovation has become a major theme for organizations across virtually all industries, and this year’s winners are a testament to the creativity, passion and perseverance of individuals worldwide,” said Maria Jimenez, chief operating officer of the Business Intelligence Group. “We are thrilled to be honoring Philip Morris International as they are leading by example and making real progress delivering innovative solutions for their community and customers.”

商業智慧集團首席營運長 Maria Jimenez 表示:「創新已成為幾乎所有行業組織的主題,今年的獲獎者證明了全球個人的創造力,熱情和毅力。我們很高興能夠尊重菲利普·莫里斯國際,因為他們以榜樣領先,並為其社區和客戶提供創新解決方案取得了真正的進步。」

PMI has invested to date more than USD 6 billion in science, research, technology and manufacturing capacity for its smoke-free products, which are now available in 51 markets. Already, 8.8 million adult smokers around the world have switched to PMI’s most advanced heated tobacco products and abandoned cigarettes.

迄今為止,PMI 在無煙產品的科學、研究、技術和製造能力方面投資超過 60 億美元,包括: 現在 在 51 個市場可用。全球已有 880 萬成年吸煙者轉向 PMI 最先進的加熱煙草產品和廢棄香煙。

For more information about the innovation and science leading PMI’s transformation, visit .

如需更多有關引領 PMI 轉型的創新與科學資訊,請造訪。

Philip Morris International: Delivering a Smoke-Free Future


Philip Morris International (PMI) is leading a transformation in the tobacco industry to create a smoke-free future and ultimately replace cigarettes with smoke-free products to the benefit of adults who would otherwise continue to smoke, society, the company and its shareholders. PMI is a leading international tobacco company engaged in the manufacture and sale of cigarettes, as well as smoke-free products and associated electronic devices and accessories, and other nicotine-containing products in markets outside the United States. In addition, PMI ships a version of itsIQOSPlatform 1 device and its consumables authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to Altria Group, Inc. for sale in the United States under license. PMI is building a future on a new category of smoke-free products that, while not risk-free, are a much better choice than continuing to smoke. Through multidisciplinary capabilities in product development, state-of-the-art facilities and scientific substantiation, PMI aims to ensure that its smoke-free products meet adult consumer preferences and rigorous regulatory requirements. PMI’s smoke-freeIQOSproduct portfolio includes heat-not-burn and nicotine-containing vapor products. As of September 30, 2019, PMI estimates that approximately 8.8 million adult smokers around the world have already stopped smoking and switched to PMI’s heat-not-burn product, available for sale in 51 markets in key cities or nationwide under theIQOSbrand. For more information, please visit and .

Philip Morris 國際(PMI)正在引領煙草業的轉型,以創造無煙的未來,並最終以無煙產品取代香煙,以造福成年人,否則他們將繼續吸煙,社會,公司和其股東。PMI 是一家領先的國際煙草公司,從事香煙製造和銷售香煙,以及無煙產品和 相關聯的 美國境外市場的電子裝置和配件,以及其他含尼古丁的產品。此外,PMI 還將美國食品藥品監督管理局授權的 iTsiqOsplatForm 1 裝置及其耗材發送給 奧特利亞集團, Inc. 根據許可在美國銷售。PMI 正在建立一個新的無煙產品類別的未來,儘管並非無風險,但與繼續吸煙相比,它們是更好的選擇。透過產品開發、最先進的設施和科學證實的多學科能力,PMI 的目標是確保其無煙產品 見面 成人消費者偏好和嚴格的法規要求。PMI 的無煙霧產品組合包括加熱非燃燒和含尼古丁的蒸氣產品。截至 2019 年 9 月 30 日,PMI 估計,全球約有 880 萬成年吸煙者已經停止吸煙,並改用 PMI 的加熱非燃燒產品,該產品可在主要城市或全國 51 個市場銷售。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 和。

About Business Intelligence Group


The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, these programs are judged by business executives having experience and knowledge. The organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and then rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.


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