
I.AM+ Aims to Accelerate Ethical AI Adoption with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Public Cloud

I.AM+ Aims to Accelerate Ethical AI Adoption with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Public Cloud

I.AM+ 旨在通過 IBM 公共雲上與紅帽 OpenShift 加快道德人工智能的採用
PR Newswire ·  2020/01/22 08:00

I.AM+ Aims to Accelerate Ethical AI Adoption with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Public Cloud

.AM+ 旨在通過以下方式加速道德人工智能採用 紅帽 開啟轉移 IBM 公共雲

I.AM+ Aims to Accelerate Ethical AI Adoption with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Public Cloud

I.AM+ 旨在通過 IBM 公共雲上與紅帽 OpenShift 加快道德人工智能的採用

Global collaboration with IBM built on shared values around the importance of protecting client data, as well the responsible and transparent deployment of AI

與 IBM 的全球合作建立在保護客戶資料重要性的共同價值之上,以及負責任且透明的 AI 部署

PR Newswire


ARMONK, N.Y., Jan. 22, 2020

阿蒙克, 紐約州, 一月 22 日, 2020 年 1 月 22 日

ARMONK, N.Y., Jan. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- I.AM+, the technology company founded by global music artist and entrepreneur, and IBM (NYSE:IBM) have joined forces aiming to accelerate the adoption of AI and responsibly manage customer data as AI goes mainstream.

紐約州阿蒙克,2020 年 1 月 22 日 /PRNewswire/-I.AM+,由全球音樂藝術家和企業家 創立的科技公司,IBM(紐約證券交易所代碼:IBM)攜手合作,旨在加速 AI 的採用並負責任地管理客戶數據,隨著人工智能成為主流。


I.AM+'s Omega AI platform provides businesses across industries with tools to develop human-like conversational experiences. As part of this global collaboration I.AM+ will deploy Omega using Red Hat OpenShift, the industry's most comprehensive enterprise Kubernetes platform, running on IBM public cloud, designed to provide I.AM+ customers the technology to get started with the platform faster and operate more efficiently, while taking advantage of enterprise-level data security that comes with IBM public cloud. The company will also tap IBM Services for its industry expertise in developing and implementing cloud and cognitive solutions that can create the personalized and innovative experiences today's companies demand.

I.AM+ 的 Omega AI 平台為各行各業的企業提供開發類似人類對話體驗的工具。作為這項全球合作的一部分,I.AM+ 將使用 Red Hat OpenShift 來部署 Omega,這是業界最全面的企業 Kubernetes 平台,在 IBM 公有雲上執行,旨在為 I.AM+ 客戶提供技術,以更快速地開始使用平台並更有效率地運作,同時利用 IBM 公有雲附帶的企業級資料安全性。該公司還將利用 IBM Services 以其在開發和實施雲端和認知解決方案方面的行業專業知識,這些解決方案可以創建當今公司所需的個人化和創新體驗。

"Delivering AI solutions to industries like retail and entertainment, where personal data is everywhere, it was a top priority to find a cloud provider with deep roots in security, trust and transparency; we got that with IBM public cloud," said, founder of I.AM+. "Combined with Red Hat OpenShift, we have the right partners to help us scale the use of AI in a responsible and transparent way."

I.AM+ 創辦人 表示:「為零售和娛樂等產業提供人工智慧解決方案,找到在安全性、信任和透明度方面具有深厚根源的雲端供應商是首要任務;我們透過 IBM 公有雲獲得了這一點。「結合 Red Hat OpenShift,我們擁有合適的合作夥伴,協助我們以負責任且透明的方式擴展人工智慧的使用。」

IBM will benefit from offering I.AM+ technology to its customer base who are looking to build conversational experiences that are contextual and proactive. I.AM+ has created domain-specific applications using machine learning technologies built in-house, fusing voice and U.I. for an enhanced customer journey.

IBM 將受益於向其客戶群提供 I.AM+ 技術,他們希望建立情境式和主動式對話體驗。I.AM+ 使用內部構建的機器學習技術,融合語音和 UI.,創建了特定領域的應用程序,以增強客戶旅程。

"Enterprises across industries, including the most highly regulated ones, have turned to IBM public cloud as their preferred destination to host mission-critical workloads and keep data secure," said Jesus Mantas, Chief Strategy and Innovation officer, IBM Global Business Services. "The combination of Omega with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM public cloud, is designed to provide I.AM+ clients a faster way to add intuitive, context aware AI use cases to their business platforms, resulting in faster adoption and better experiences for customers."

IBM 全球商業服務部門首席策略與創新長 Jesus Mantas 表示:「各行各業的企業,包括最受監管的企業,已轉向 IBM 公有雲作為其首選目的地,以託管關鍵任務工作負載並保護資料安全。「歐米茄與紅帽 OpenShift 在 IBM 公共雲上的結合,旨在為 I.AM+ 客戶提供更快的添加方式 直觀的,上下文 知道 AI 使用案例適用於他們的業務平台,從而為客戶帶來更快的採用速度和更好的體驗。」

Businesses like I.AM+ need to seamlessly and securely connect data and workloads across hybrid IT environments. With Red Hat OpenShift, I.AM+ is able run its platform across multiple public cloud, private cloud and on-premises infrastructures, and can manage, maintain and scale its AI cloud with ease. By selecting IBM public cloud as its preferred cloud platform, I.AM+ clients can benefit from the industry's most secure and open public cloud for business. IBM public cloud delivers enterprise-grade workload capabilities, data and app protection, and open source innovations that some of the world's largest and most complex enterprises demand in order to protect sensitive data.

I.AM+ 等企業需要在混合式 IT 環境中順暢且安全地連接資料和工作負載。有了 Red Hat OpenShift,I.AM+ 就能在多個公有雲、私有雲和內部部署基礎架構上執行其平台,並且可以輕鬆地管理、維護及擴充其人工智慧雲端。通過選擇 IBM 公共雲作為其首選的雲平台,I.AM+ 客戶可以從業界最安全和開放的企業公共雲中受益。IBM 公有雲提供企業級工作負載功能、資料和應用程式保護,以及開放原始碼創新,這是全球一些最大、最複雜的企業所需要的,以保護機密資料。

The collaboration between I.AM+ and IBM is built on shared values around the importance of protecting client data, as well as ensuring the responsible and transparent deployment of AI. For decades IBM has followed core principles, grounded in commitments to trust and transparency that guide its handling of client data and insights, and also its responsible development and deployment of new technologies, including AI.

I.AM+ 和 IBM 之間的合作建立在圍繞保護客戶資料重要性的共同價值觀上,以及確保 AI 的負責任和透明的部署。數十年來,IBM 一直遵循核心原則,以信任和透明度的承諾為基礎,指導其處理客戶資料和洞察,以及負責任地開發和部署包括 AI 在內的新技術。

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