
Illinois Tool Works Inc, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (ITW)

Illinois Tool Works Inc, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (ITW)

伊利諾伊州工具廠公司,研究所持有者,2019 年第四季度(ITW)
道琼斯 ·  2020/01/21 16:20

DJ Illinois Tool Works Inc, Inst Holders, 4Q 2019 (ITW)


The following table shows the largest shareholders in ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC COM (ITW) for the quarter ended December 31, 2019, listed by holding size. The list represents up to 50 of the largest holders in the company.


Note: Unless otherwise mentioned the reporting date is 12/31/2019


Institution Shares Shares % Last
Held Changed Held Report

The Vanguard Group Inc. 25,808,430 161,355 8.030 09/30
State Farm Investment Manageme 23,154,700 0 7.204 09/30
BlackRock Fund Advisors 14,429,337 (88,156) 4.489 09/30
Northern Trust Investments In 13,925,487 (57,400) 4.333 09/30
SSgA Funds Management Inc. 13,902,535 (214,392) 4.326 09/30
Massachusetts Financial Servic 9,153,591 (71,813) 2.848 09/30
Wells Fargo Clearing Services 6,407,974 (322,701) 1.994 09/30
Capital Research & Management 6,141,095 (2,695) 1.911 09/30
Geode Capital Management LLC 4,598,674 80,095 1.431 09/30
JPMorgan Investment Management 2,945,124 (191,139) 0.916 09/30
Capital Research & Management 2,744,000 660,000 0.854 09/30
T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. 2,613,788 (519,761) 0.813 09/30
Charles Schwab Investment Mana 2,392,965 (8,530) 0.745 12/31
BlackRock Investment Managemen 2,328,606 187,308 0.725 09/30
The Bank of New York Mellon Co 2,074,045 (39,875) 0.645 09/30
Managed Account Advisors LLC 1,939,513 70,446 0.603 09/30
Wellington Management Co. LLP 1,908,231 (24,714) 0.594 09/30
Charles Schwab Investment Advi 1,621,074 34,888 0.504 09/30
Mellon Investments Corp. 1,532,183 (211,798) 0.477 09/30
Bank of America NA (Private B 1,471,666 44,831 0.458 09/30
Legal & General Investment Man 1,360,125 64,935 0.423 09/30
Parametric Portfolio Associate 1,359,293 23,866 0.423 09/30
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA (Inves 1,352,167 (8,116) 0.421 09/30
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 1,298,773 (3,345) 0.404 09/30
Nikko Asset Management Co. Lt 1,260,647 492 0.392 09/30
Eaton Vance Management 1,190,804 (864) 0.370 09/30
Coho Partners Ltd. 1,160,826 (39,513) 0.361 09/30
Bahl & Gaynor Inc. 1,159,889 5,644 0.361 09/30
Franklin Advisers Inc. 1,117,124 9,542 0.348 09/30
Schweizerische Nationalbank (I 1,075,842 6,136 0.335 09/30
Columbia Management Investment 1,068,120 428,925 0.332 09/30
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 1,048,236 57,100 0.326 09/30
Goldman Sachs Asset Management 1,040,019 13,037 0.324 09/30
Cerity Partners LLC 866,343 146,566 0.270 09/30
Legal & General Investment Man 842,415 (44,709) 0.262 09/30
UBS Financial Services Inc. 825,115 (10,150) 0.257 09/30
Bessemer Investment Management 816,868 25,536 0.254 09/30
BlackRock Financial Management 805,107 4,938 0.250 09/30
New York State Common Retireme 797,505 (659) 0.248 09/30
Westfield Capital Management C 787,021 96,852 0.245 09/30
PNC Bank NA (Investment Manag 785,993 (10,635) 0.245 09/30
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LL 775,168 (44,357) 0.241 09/30
The California Public Employee 758,775 122,601 0.236 09/30
BlackRock Investment Managemen 706,322 (7,417) 0.220 09/30
First Trust Advisors LP 689,810 108,697 0.215 09/30
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC (Priva 676,499 67,112 0.210 09/30
Schroder Investment Management 667,376 170,623 0.208 09/30
Teachers Advisors LLC 660,693 8,969 0.206 09/30
ClearBridge Investments LLC 645,207 (42,832) 0.201 09/30
ProShare Advisors LLC 642,308 67,394 0.200 09/30

13F data provided by: Factset Research Systems Inc.;
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先鋒集團25,808,430 161,355 8.030 09/30
國有農場投資管理公司23,154,700 0 7.204 09/30
貝萊德基金顧問14,429,337(88,156)4.489 09/30
北方信託投資13,925,487(57,400)4.333 09/30
SSGA基金管理公司13,902,535(214,392)4.326 09/30
馬薩諸塞州金融服務業9,153,591(71,813)2.848 09/30
富國銀行結算服務6,407,974(322,701)1.994 09/30
凱投研究與管理6141,095(2,695)1.911 09/30
Geode Capital Management LLC 4,598,674 80,095 1.431 09/30
摩根大通投資管理公司2,945,124(191,139)0.916 09/30
資本研究與管理2,744,000 660,000 0.854 09/30
普萊斯公司2,613,788(519,761)0.813 09/30
嘉信理財2,392,965(8,530)0.745 12/31
貝萊德投資經理2,328,606 187,308 0.725 09/30
紐約梅隆銀行2,074,045(39,875)0.645 09/30
託管客户顧問有限責任公司1,939,513 70,446 0.603 09/30
惠靈頓管理有限公司1,908,231(24,714)0.594 09/30
嘉信理財投資先期1,621,074 34,888 0.504 09/30
梅隆投資公司1,532,183(211,798)0.477 09/30
美國銀行NA(私人B 1,471,666 44,831 0.458 09/30
法律及一般投資人1,360,125 64,935 0.423 09/30
參數投資組合助理1,359,293 23,866 0.423 09/30
摩根大通銀行NA(Inves 1,352,167(8,116)0.421 09/30
貝萊德顧問(英國)有限公司1,298,773(3,345)0.404 09/30
日興資產管理有限公司1,260,647 492 0.392 09/30
伊頓萬斯管理公司1,190,804 0.370 09/30
Coho Partners Ltd.1,160,826(39,513)0.361 09/30
巴爾和蓋納公司1,159,889 5,644 0.361 09/30
富蘭克林顧問公司1,117,124 9,542 0.348 09/30
瑞士國家銀行(I 1,075,842 6,136 0.335 09/30
哥倫比亞管理投資1,068,120 428,925 0.332 09/30
維基基金顧問公司1,048,236 57,100 0.326 09/30
高盛資產管理公司1,040,019 13,037 0.324 09/30
Cerity Partners LLC 866,343 146,566 0.270 09/30
法律及一般投資主任842,415(44,709)0.262 09/30
瑞銀金融服務公司825,115(10,150)0.257 09/30
貝塞默投資管理公司816,868 25,536 0.254 09/30
貝萊德理財805,107 4,938 0.250 09/30
紐約州普通股797,505(659)0.248 09/30
西田資本管理公司C 787,021 96,852 0.245 09/30
PNC Bank NA(投資管理785,993(10,635)0.245 09/30
摩根士丹利美邦LL 775,168(44,357)0.241 09/30
加州公職人員758,775 122,601 0.236 09/30
貝萊德投資經理706,322(7,417)0.220 09/30
First Trust Advisors LP 689,810 108,697 0.215 09/30
高盛公司(Priva 676,499 67,112 0.210 09/30)
施羅德投資管理公司667,376 170,623 0.208 09/30
教師顧問有限責任公司660,693 8,969 0.206 09/30
ClearBridge Investments LLC 645,207(42,832)0.201 09/30
ProShare Advisors LLC 642,308 67,394 0.200 09/30

13F數據由:FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供;
版權所有,FactSet Research Systems,2020。版權所有。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


January 21, 2020 03:20 ET (08:20 GMT)


