
Simon Expands 'Happy Returns' Service to With 52 Locations >SPG

Simon Expands 'Happy Returns' Service to With 52 Locations >SPG

Simon將“Happy Return”服務擴展到52個地點>SPG
道琼斯 ·  2020/01/16 19:58

Press Release: Simon Expands 'Happy Returns' with 52 Centers Now Accepting Online Returns


Simon Expands 'Happy Returns' with 52 Centers Now Accepting Online Returns


PR Newswire


INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 16, 2020


INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Simon(R), a global leader in premier shopping, dining, entertainment and mixed-use destinations, announced the expansion of the Happy Returns service to additional participating centers to enable more shoppers to return online purchases at Simon Guest Services locations for immediate refunds.

印第安納波利斯,2020年1月16日/美通社/--主要購物、餐飲、娛樂和綜合用途目的地的全球領先企業Simon(R)宣佈將Happy Returns服務擴展到更多的參與中心,使更多的購物者能夠在Simon Guest Services地點退貨並立即退款。

"Simon is excited to expand Happy Returns at our centers as we continue to meet and exceed our consumers expectations," said Andy Hutcherson, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Customer Experience, Simon. "This popular service makes it easy and convenient for our guests to return and exchange merchandise, while also enjoying the latest offerings from Simon's retail, dining, and entertainment tenants -- all in the same trip."


The pilot program began in 2017 at five Simon shopping destinations around the country, and with the recent expansion are now in 52 locations, giving Simon the largest network of Return Bar location in the shopping center industry.

試點計劃於2017年在全國五個Simon購物目的地開始,最近擴大到52個地點,使Simon成為購物中心行業最大的Return Bar位置網絡。

"We are thrilled to expand with Simon, given the high-quality service experience shoppers receive from the concierge at these properties," said David Sobie, Co-Founder of Happy Returns. "Simon is our largest shopping mall relationship, and together we are demonstrating that online returns are an opportunity to delight shoppers and enable sustainable reverse logistics."

Happy Returns的聯合創始人大衞·索比表示:“考慮到購物者從這些酒店的禮賓那裏獲得的高質量服務體驗,我們很高興能與西蒙一起擴張。”西蒙是我們最大的購物中心合作伙伴,我們共同證明,在線退貨是取悦購物者並實現可持續逆向物流的機會。“

Shoppers can return or exchange items from select online retailers at Simon Guest Services at participating centers, for an immediate credit. Items are accepted without packaging or labels, so shoppers don't need to pack, ship, and wait for refunds. This is another example of how shoppers can combine their mall visits with other activities as part of their trip chain, which lowers greenhouse gas emissions associated with shopping. As shown in Simon's recent study conducted with Deloitte, mall shopping can be up to sixty percent more environmentally sustainable than online shopping.

購物者可以在Simon Guest Services的參與中心從選定的在線零售商那裏退貨或交換商品,以獲得即時積分。商品不需要包裝或標籤就可以接受,所以購物者不需要包裝、運輸和等待退款。這是購物者如何將逛商場與其他活動結合起來,作為他們旅行鏈的一部分,從而降低與購物相關的温室氣體排放的又一個例子。西蒙最近與德勤進行的一項研究表明,購物中心的環境可持續性比網上購物高出60%。

To find the full list of Simon locations that offers the Happy Returns service, click here.

要查找提供Happy Returns服務的Simon門店的完整列表,請單擊此處。

About Simon


Simon is a global leader in the ownership of premier shopping, dining, entertainment and mixed-use destinations and an S&P 100 company (Simon Property Group, NYSE:SPG). Our properties across North America, Europe, and Asia provide community gathering places for millions of people every day and generate billions in annual sales. For more information, visit

Simon是頂級購物、餐飲、娛樂和綜合用途目的地的全球領導者,也是標準普爾100指數成份股公司(Simon Property Group,NYSE:SPG)的所有者。我們遍佈北美、歐洲和亞洲的物業每天為數百萬人提供社區聚會場所,年銷售額高達數十億美元。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問。

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January 16, 2020 06:58 ET (11:58 GMT)


*DJ Simon Expands 'Happy Returns' Service to With 52 Locations >SPG

*DJ Simon將“Happy Returns”服務擴展至52個地點>SPG

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January 16, 2020 06:58 ET (11:58 GMT)


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