
Maryland Doctors Go Digital with Practice Fusion and Wavelength Information Services

Maryland Doctors Go Digital with Practice Fusion and Wavelength Information Services

馬里蘭州醫生通過Practice Fusion和波長信息服務實現數字化
cnbc ·  2019/12/21 11:12

BERLIN, Md., Oct. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Practice Fusion, the nation's largest doctor-patient community, and Wavelength Information Services, a nationally accredited Maryland-based healthcare IT firm and one of a limited number of organizations working directly with the Maryland Regional Extension Center (REC), are partnering to provide a free Electronic Medical Record (EMR) solution for medical professionals hoping to attest to Meaningful Use.

馬里蘭州柏林,2012年10月24日/美通社/--美國最大的醫患社區Practice Fusion和總部位於馬里蘭州的國家認可的醫療保健IT公司--波長信息服務公司,以及與馬里蘭州地區推廣中心(REC)直接合作的為數不多的組織之一,正在合作為希望證明有意義的用途的醫療專業人員提供免費的電子醫療記錄(EMR)解決方案。



Wavelength Information Services is focused on providing quality professional service, ongoing education and accessible information technology solutions to help providers improve individual and community health. Through services like these, Wavelength has established itself as the leading organization getting Maryland providers started with Meaningful Use and helping them to get their incentive checks.


"Leveraging our unique understanding of both healthcare and technology, we enable providers to see first-hand the positive impact EMRs have on the medical care provided to the patients while at the same time moving the practice quickly along the path to Meaningful Use," said Murray Oltman, President at Wavelength Information Services. "Practice Fusion has only made it easier. Our providers are thrilled with the Practice Fusion Meaningful Use Dashboard, which makes it easy to understand what is required and empowers the doctors as they work towards their incentives."

波長信息服務公司總裁默裏·奧爾特曼説:“利用我們對醫療保健和技術的獨特理解,我們使供應商能夠親眼看到急救醫療對提供給患者的醫療護理產生的積極影響,同時迅速將這一實踐推向有意義的用途。”Practice Fusion只會讓這件事變得更容易。我們的供應商對Practice Fusion有意義的使用儀表板感到興奮,它使我們很容易理解需要什麼,並在醫生努力實現他們的激勵措施時賦予他們權力。

Key Facts: Practice Fusion offers a free, web-based EMR solution for medical professionals in Maryland and nationwideWavelength has helped Maryland physicians and practices receive more than $2 million in Meaningful Use incentivesWavelength's clients account for 50 percent of the physicians that have successfully attested to Meaningful Use through Maryland's REC programMaryland's REC has provided EMR guidance and resources to over 1,100 primary care providers using $32 million in funding from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

主要事實:Practice Fusion為馬里蘭州和全國的醫療專業人員提供免費的基於Web的EMR解決方案Wvelength幫助馬里蘭州的醫生和診所獲得了200多萬美元的有意義的使用獎勵Wavelength的客户佔通過馬里蘭州的REC計劃成功證明有意義的使用的醫生的50%馬里蘭的REC已經利用醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心(CMS)的3200萬美元資金向1,100多名初級保健提供者提供了EMR指導和資源

"Wavelength Information Services has been a huge help for many Maryland doctors attesting to Meaningful Use," said Todd Martin, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Practice Fusion. "By working with the Wavelength team, we're aiming to make sure every doctor in that state has an EMR solution that is right for them, regardless of their budget. Our free, unlimited Meaningful Use support and daily Meaningful Use Dashboard reports make the whole process easier."

Practice Fusion負責業務發展的高級副總裁託德·馬丁(Todd Martin)説:“波長信息服務對許多證明有意義的用途的馬里蘭州醫生來説是一個巨大的幫助。”“通過使用波長團隊我們的目標是確保該州的每一位醫生都有適合他們的EMR解決方案,無論他們的預算如何。我們免費、無限的有意義使用支持和每日有意義使用儀表板報告使整個過程變得更容易。“

To learn more about Practice Fusion or this partnership, please visit

要了解更多有關Practice Fusion或此合作伙伴關係的信息,請訪問

About Practice Fusion


Practice Fusion provides a free, web-based EMR system to physicians. With medical charting, scheduling, e-prescribing (eRx), lab integrations, referral letters, Meaningful Use certification, unlimited support and a Personal Health Record for patients, Practice Fusion's EMR software addresses the complex needs of today's healthcare providers and disrupts the health IT status quo. Practice Fusion is the fastest growing electronic medical record community in the country with more than 150,000 users serving 50 million patients. The company announced a $34 million Series C financing led by Artis Ventures in June. For more information about Practice Fusion, please visit

Practice Fusion為醫生提供免費的基於網絡的電子病歷系統。Practice Fusion的EMR軟件通過醫療圖表、日程安排、電子處方(ERX)、實驗室集成、推薦信、有意義的使用認證、無限支持和患者的個人健康記錄,滿足了當今醫療保健提供者的複雜需求,並顛覆了醫療IT現狀。Practice Fusion是美國增長最快的電子病歷社區,擁有超過15萬用户,為5000萬患者提供服務。該公司在6月份宣佈了一筆3400萬美元的C系列融資,由Artis Ventures牽頭。欲瞭解更多有關Practice Fusion的信息,請訪問。

About Wavelength


Wavelength has received national accreditation for its implementation and security practices; ensuring successful transitions to EMRs while implementing security protocols within their clients' offices. The Wavelength team specializes in healthcare IT challenges within hospitals and physician practices within the Mid-Atlantic region. For more information, please visit


Press Contact


Stephanie Schlegel




Location: San Francisco


Phone: 415.692.7186


SOURCE Practice Fusion


