
Verso, ViacomCBS, Potbelly, and Seven Other 13D Filings --

Verso, ViacomCBS, Potbelly, and Seven Other 13D Filings --

道琼斯 ·  2019/12/14 08:59

DJ Verso, ViacomCBS, Potbelly, and Seven Other 13D Filings --

DJ Verso,ViacomCBS,Potbelly和其他七個13D文件

13Ds are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission within 10 days of an entity's attaining a greater than 5% position in any class of a company's securities. Subsequent changes in holdings or intentions must be reported in amended filings. This material has been extracted from filings released by the SEC from Dec. 5 through Dec. 11, 2019. Source:

在一家實體在一家公司的任何一類證券中持有超過5%的頭寸後10天內,13D都會提交給美國證券交易委員會(Securities And Exchange Commission)。隨後持股或意圖的變化必須在修訂後的備案文件中報告。這些材料是從美國證券交易委員會(SEC)2019年12月5日至12月11日發佈的文件中摘錄的。來源

Activist Holdings


Verso (VRS)


SCW Capital Management and Hoak Fund Management reported the ownership of a respective 1,909,397 and 736,018 shares of the coated-paper manufacturer, a combined total of 2,645,415 shares, equal to 7.6% of the outstanding stock.

SCW Capital Management和Hoak Fund Management報告分別擁有這家銅版紙製造商1,909,397股和736,018股,合計2,645,415股,相當於流通股的7.6%。

On Dec. 10, SCW Capital Management, with the support of Hoak Fund Management, addressed a letter to Verso's board, referencing its previous letter from May that cited its concerned about the board's "lack of alignment with shareholders" and its "inability to articulate and execute on a consistent strategy with regards to capital allocation." As SCW believes that these concerns have not been resolved, it will vote its shares against the current board and "in favor of the Atlas Holdings and Blue Wolf Capital nominees."

12月10日,在Hoak Fund Management的支持下,SCW資本管理公司致信Verso董事會,提到其5月份的前一封信,信中提到了對董事會“與股東缺乏一致”的擔憂,以及對董事會“無法闡明和執行一致的資本配置戰略”的擔憂。由於SCW認為這些擔憂尚未解決,它將投票反對現任董事會,並“支持阿特拉斯控股公司(Atlas Holdings)和藍狼資本(Blue Wolf Capital)的提名人。”

SCW commended the pair's "industry credentials, including a track record of success in creating value within the manufacturing sector" and concluded that supporting the slate of nominees chosen by Atlas and Blue Wolf "better positions Verso to increase shareholder value in [its] view."

SCW讚揚了這兩家公司的“行業資歷,包括在製造業內創造價值的成功記錄”,並得出結論,支持Atlas和Blue Wolf選擇的被提名人名單“使Verso在增加股東價值方面處於更有利的地位”[它的]查看。“

Original Filings


Amtech Systems (ASYS)


Harbert Management revealed a new position in the electronics capital-equipment maker of 735,916 shares. That amount included the recent purchase of 67,964 shares at prices ranging from $5.72 to $6.02 apiece during the period of Nov. 21 through Dec. 9.

哈伯特管理公司(Harbert Management)披露了這家電子資本設備製造商735,916股票的新頭寸。這筆金額包括最近在11月21日至12月9日期間以每股5.72美元至6.02美元的價格購買了67,964股票。

Harbert Management has no plans or proposals at this time, but did reveal that it has, and will probably continue to have, discussions with Amtech and other interested parties covering a range of topics.


Increases in Holdings


ViacomCBS (VIAC)


Gamco Investors (GBL) disclosed an increased position in the newly merged media and entertainment company of 5,375,384 shares, equal to 10.3% of the tradable stock. The higher stake resulted from the net addition of 7,300 shares of CBS Class A shares (former CBS) during the span of Nov. 20 to Nov. 27 at prices of $43.54 to $44.15 apiece and the purchase of 1,083 shares of the combined ViacomCBS on Dec. 6 at prices ranging from $42.78 to $43.27 each.

Gamco Investors(GBL)披露,新合併的媒體和娛樂公司增持了5375,384股,相當於流通股的10.3%。增持股份的原因是,在11月20日至27日期間,以每股43.54美元至44.15美元的價格淨增持了7,300股CBS A類股(前CBS),以及12月6日以每股42.78美元至43.27美元的價格購買了合併後的維亞康姆CBS的1,083股。

CBS and Viacom officially closed their $12 billion merger on Dec. 5.


Trinity Industries (TRN)


ValueAct Capital lifted its interest in the transportation and construction firm to 20.3%. ValueAct Capital bought a total of 678,300 shares on Nov. 11 through Dec. 6 at prices ranging from $21 to $21.63 each, bringing its total holding to 24,889,998 shares.

ValueAct Capital將其在這家運輸和建築公司的權益提高到20.3%。ValueAct Capital在11月11日至12月6日期間總共購買了678,300股票,價格從每股21美元到21.63美元不等,使其持有的股票總數達到24,889,998股。

Without providing other details, ValueAct Capital also disclosed that it has adopted a 10b5-1 trading plan on Dec. 6.

ValueAct Capital還披露,它已於12月6日採用了10b5-1交易計劃,但沒有提供其他細節。

Fang Holdings (SFUN)

方氏控股(Fang Holdings)

General Atlantic Partners disclosed a higher stake in the China-based online real estate services provider of 11,106,442 American depositary receipts, which is equivalent to an equal number of ordinary shares.

General Atlantic Partners披露,這家總部位於中國的在線房地產服務提供商持有11106442張美國存託憑證(ADR)的更高股份,相當於同等數量的普通股。

General Atlantic Partners bought 920,000 shares from Nov. 21 through Dec. 6 at per share prices of $1.92 to $2, capping its earlier purchase of slightly more than 700,000 shares, which was disclosed last month.

通用大西洋合夥公司(General Atlantic Partners)在11月21日至12月6日期間以每股1.92美元至2美元的價格購買了92萬股票,為上月披露的稍早購買的略高於70萬股的股票畫上了句號。

General Atlantic Partners is the largest shareholder of Fang Holdings and now holds a 17% interest in the company.

General Atlantic Partners是方控股的最大股東,目前持有該公司17%的權益。

GTT Communications (GTT)


Spruce House Investments raised its position in the network and communication services firm to 15,086,167 shares, or 26.6% of the tradable stock.

雲杉屋投資公司(Screce House Investments)將其在這家網絡和通信服務公司的頭寸提高到15086,167股,佔流通股的26.6%。

The holding includes 11,167 shares of restricted stock held by Spruce House Investments co-founder Benjamin Stein, who serves on GTT Communications's board. Citing only that it acquired additional shares "for investment purposes," Spruce House bought 1,130,000 shares during the three days of Dec. 3 through Dec. 5 at prices ranging from $8.38 to $10.06 each.

這些股份包括雲杉屋投資公司(Spruce House Investments)聯合創始人、GTT Communications董事會成員本傑明·斯坦(Benjamin Stein)持有的11,167股限制性股票。Spruce House在12月3日至5日的三天內以每股8.38美元至10.06美元的價格買入了113萬股股票,理由只是出於投資目的而增持了這些股票。在12月3日至5日的三天裏,Spruce House以每股8.38美元至10.06美元的價格購買了113萬股票。

CBL & Associates Properties (CBL)

CBL&Associates Properties(CBL)

Exeter Capital Investors revealed that it held 11,350,000 shares of the commercial property REIT. That amount accounts for 1,000,000 shares purchased on Dec. 4 at a cost of $1.04 per share.

埃克塞特資本投資者(Exeter Capital Investors)透露,它持有商業地產REIT的1135萬股。這筆錢相當於12月4日以每股1.04美元的價格購買的100萬股票。

No reason was provided for the investment, which now gives Exeter Capital an approximate 6.5% interest in CBL & Associates.


Molecular Templates (MTEM)


Longitude Capital Partners reported a greater stake in the clinical-stage biotech of 5,647,302 shares, after it bought 937,500 shares on Nov. 25. Those shares were bought through Molecular Templates' public offering at $8 apiece and gives Longitude a 12.5% stake in the company.

經度資本合夥公司(Longax Capital Partners)報告稱,在11月25日購買了937,500股票後,該公司在臨牀階段的生物技術公司持有更多股份,為5,647,302股。這些股票是通過分子模板公司的公開募股以每股8美元的價格購買的,從而使經度公司獲得了該公司12.5%的股份。

Decreases in Holdings


Potbelly (PBPB)


Privet Fund lowered its exposure to the casual sandwich shop operator to 1,116,905 shares. Without disclosing a reason, Privet sold 347,441 shares during the period of Nov. 5 through Dec. 6 at per share prices of $4.38 to $5.04, leaving Privet with a 4.7% interest in Potbelly's outstanding stock.


Dicerna Pharmaceuticals (DRNA)

狄氏菌(Dicerna PharmPharmticals)

Bain Capital Life Sciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bain Capital, slashed its holding of the RNA-focused biopharmaceutical company through a Rule 144 sale of 1,500,000 shares on Dec. 4 at $24.68 each.

貝恩資本(Bain Capital)的全資子公司貝恩資本生命科學(Bain Capital Life Sciences)於12月4日通過第144條以每股24.68美元的價格出售了150萬股票,從而大幅削減了對這家專注於RNA的生物製藥公司的持股。

The transaction cut slightly more than a quarter of Life Science's stake in the pharmaceutical firm and leaves it retaining 4,080,237 shares, equal to 6% of the outstanding stock.


The Activist Spotlight


Instructure (ticker: INST)


Business: provides software applications for learning, assessment, and performance


Investor's Average Cost: $43.98/share


Stock Market Value: $1.8 billion ($48.28/share)


What's Happening: Rivulet Capital is opposing the recently announced deal to sell the company to private equity firm Thoma Bravo.

事件:Riveret Capital反對最近宣佈的將公司出售給私募股權公司Thoma Bravo的交易。

Key Numbers:


$47.60: the per share value for which the Instructure board agreed to sell the company to Thoma Bravo

47.60美元:Instructure董事會同意將公司出售給Thoma Bravo的每股價值

$52.96: the closing price of Instructure's stock on the day before the deal was announced


$230 million: The Canvas unit's estimated 2019 revenue, versus $16 million estimated for the Bridge unit


$50 to $55 million: Canvas' estimated 2019 Ebitda, versus a loss of $60 million to $65 million for Bridge


Behind the Scenes: Rivulet is not an activist investor, and this is its first 13D filing. Rivulet takes issue with the board's three-week strategic-alternatives process and 35-day go-shop, which it believes are rushed and designed by management to result in a sale to a chosen buyer at a low price in order to save their jobs and enrich themselves. Rivulet says the board has a fiduciary duty to shareholders that requires a fair, open, and comprehensive sale process. Praesidium Investment Management (7.5%) also opposes the Thoma Bravo acquisition and has urged the board to separate the profitable Canvas educational software business from the unprofitable Bridge corporate software unit. Instructure has responded that, after engaging 19 companies, the board, including independent directors, believes that the acquisition is in the stockholders' best interest, and it will continue to solicit better offers during the go-shop period.

幕後:Rivelet不是維權投資者,這是它第一次提交13D申請。Rivelet對董事會為期三週的戰略選擇流程和35天的Go-shop提出異議,它認為這是管理層倉促設計的,目的是將其以低價出售給選定的買家,以保住他們的工作並讓自己致富。Rivelet表示,董事會對股東負有受託責任,這需要一個公平、公開和全面的出售過程。Praesidium Investment Management(7.5%)也反對對Thoma Bravo的收購,並敦促董事會將盈利的Canvas教育軟件業務與無利可圖的Bridge公司軟件部門分開。InStructure迴應稱,在與19家公司接洽後,董事會(包括獨立董事)認為此次收購符合股東的最佳利益,並將在Go-shop期間繼續徵求更好的報價。

--Kenneth Squire


The 13D Activist Fund, a mutual fund run by an affiliate of the author and not connected to Barron's, has a long position in Infrastructure's stock. In addition, the author publishes and sells 13D research reports, whose buyers may include representatives of participants in, and targets of, shareholder activism.

13D維權基金(13D Actiist Fund)是一家共同基金,由作者的一家附屬公司運營,與Barron‘s沒有關聯,在Infrastructure的股票中持有多頭頭寸。此外,作者還出版和銷售13D研究報告,這些報告的買家可能包括股東維權運動參與者和目標的代表。



(END) Dow Jones Newswires


December 13, 2019 19:59 ET (00:59 GMT)


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