

Application for new shares of 8521.HK International Holdings Limited

長雄證券 ·  May 4, 2018 00:00  · Researches

Summary of duties

Jiyi is a Chinese functional fabric supplier, and its products are mainly sold directly to underwear and clothing brand buyers, customer agents, and clothing manufacturers. Through the design of functional weave fabrics through the new capability of its products, Jixi mainly uses raw materials composed of artificial weaving and thread, and employs third-party workers to carry out the production process of weaving, weaving and dyeing, in order to sell functional weave fabrics directly to customers. The functional fabric it provides can be divided into two categories: warm fabric and bulk fabric. In order to increase revenue and create cross-selling opportunities, we sell clothing made of functional fabric to customers who are the owners of underwear and clothing brands. The collection has established relationships with major underwear and clothing brands, such as Beijing Romu, Boni, an Lifang and Beijing Xiaoxi, and marketing agents such as Itochu, which sells underwear and clothing brands and garment manufacturers to customers.

Thank you very much.

The collection has established business relationships with owners of major and well-trusted underwear and clothing brands and customer agents.

Combine the new capabilities of strong products

Collect and use the fine business model, so that the cost can be managed effectively

Negative factor

Produce products in accordance with the third-party industry.

Centralize sales to customers and establish long-term sales agreements with major customers

The problem of product quantity may cause the loss of customers.

The purpose of the income

About 22.4% is used to strengthen the selling strength of the collection.

About 60.4% is used to improve innovation capacity and increase R & D product inspection resources.

About 9.6% is used to strengthen the infrastructure of information technology.

About 7.6% is used for general financial assistance.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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