


長雄證券 ·  Apr 2, 2018 00:00  · Researches

Summary of duties

HKE Holdings is a Singapore-based professional contractor of the medical and health care industry, equipped with professional knowledge to carry out radiation protection projects, mainly providing integrated design and construction services to hospitals and institutes in Singapore, as well as maintenance and other services, as well as the sale of tools and materials, while the clientele mainly includes cross-border equipment suppliers and Singapore medical service providers. These include hospitals and clinics, and contractors employed by project contractors including the Singapore government or private service providers.

Thank you very much.

Gather the professional knowledge of the equipment to undertake the overall solution projects of hospitals and hospitals.

Jiyang has established a good medical practice in Singapore.

Okay, past records.

Integrated quantity control, high safety standard and environmental impact control.

Negative factor

The revenue of the collection mainly comes from the collaborative design and construction services, and the appointment of the collection and customer is not routine, so there is no guarantee that new projects will be acquired.

The reduction in the level of expenditure imposed by the Singapore government on the construction of medical services or facilities may have a significant adverse impact on services.

Failure to renew or suspend or subscribe to any existing licenses and failures may have a significant impact on performance.

The purpose of the income

About 45.9% are used as workplaces and offices.

The external property industry of

About 29.1% is used to recruit more staff to fill the workforce.

About 6.5% of the deposit used to increase the funds provided by the performance guarantee

About 6.9% is used for the purchase of external automobiles and machinery

About 3.1% is used to increase market promotion.

About 8.5% is used for general financial assistance.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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