
Elon Musk Confirms New Model S Software Update Will Make Interior Even Quieter

Elon Musk Confirms New Model S Software Update Will Make Interior Even Quieter

埃隆·馬斯克確認新的Model S軟件更新將使室內更加安靜
Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/06/17 00:08

One critique of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) vehicles is that although there is reduced noise due to the lack of an internal combustion engine, a lower build quality leads to more road and wind noise entering the cabin at high speeds, leading to a less luxurious feel when compared with similarly priced vehicles.


But with Tesla's new Plaid Model S, Tesla hopes to change this reputation.


Along with a higher quality build, Tesla has added noise cancelation technology. Microphones near the driver's and passenger's heads will detect road noise and then speakers in the same area will play a noise-canceling background sound to drown it out.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Twitter that a software update is coming to the new Model S to upgrade the HVAC system. This improvement will make the interior even quieter. He was responding to a video demonstrating the cabin of the Model S is already incredibly quiet.

特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克推特上説,新的Model S即將進行軟件更新,以升級暖通空調系統。這一改進將使室內更加安靜。他是在迴應一段視頻,視頻顯示Model S的機艙已經安靜得令人難以置信。

New HVAC firmware coming soon that will make it quieter

— Elon Musk, the 2nd (@elonmusk) June 16, 2021




In recent videos posted by owners, it seems Tesla's Model S refresh is a hit. People seem to be happy with the redesign choices and performance of the new car.

在車主最近發佈的視頻中,特斯拉的Model S更新似乎很受歡迎。人們似乎對新車的重新設計選擇和性能感到滿意。

The Plaid Model S can be ordered on Tesla's website for $129,990. It has a 0-60 time of 1.99s, and an all electric range of 390 miles. 


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(Photo of Tesla Model S courtesy of Tesla.)

(特斯拉Model S由特斯拉提供)

