
U.S. lawmakers urge USPS board to halt delivery vehicle contract

U.S. lawmakers urge USPS board to halt delivery vehicle contract

路透社 ·  2021/03/30 00:05

WASHINGTON, March 29 (Reuters) - Thirteen U.S. House Democratic lawmakers on Monday urged the U.S. Postal Service's governing board to halt implementation of a contract that could be worth $6 billion to build up to 165,000 next-generation delivery vehicles.
   In February, the USPS awarded a contract to Oshkosh Corp to build a mix of gasoline-powered and electric vehicles instead of choosing Workhorse Group Inc to build an all-electric fleet.
   The lawmakers, including Representative Gerald Connolly, who chairs a subcommittee that oversees USPS, Jared Huffman, Tim Ryan, Debbie Dingell and others, also suggested the decision was in defiance of an executive order issued by President Joe Biden to electrify the federal government's vehicle fleet. They urged a delay until a full review is completed and Biden's three nominees to the Postal Board of Governors are seated.

(Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Dan Grebler)
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路透华盛顿3月29日电-13名美国众议院民主党议员周一敦促美国邮政服务公司(U.S.Postal Service)董事会停止执行一份可能价值60亿美元的合同,该合同将建造多达16.5万辆下一代递送车辆.今年2月,USPS向Oshkosh Corp授予了一份合同,由Oshkosh Corp制造汽油动力和电动汽车的混合动力汽车,而不是选择主力集团(WormHorse Group Inc.)来建造一支全电动车队。包括众议员杰拉尔德·康诺利(Gerald Connolly)在内的议员还表示,这一决定是对拜登总统(Joe Biden)发布的一项行政命令的蔑视。康诺利是一个小组委员会的主席,该小组委员会负责监督USPS、贾里德·赫夫曼(Jared Huffman)、蒂姆·瑞安(Tim Ryan)、黛比·丁格尔(Debbie Dingell)和其他人。他们敦促推迟,直到全面审查完成,拜登提名的三名邮政理事会成员就座。(David Shepardson报道;Dan Grebler编辑)(;2028988324;)

