
U.S. coffee roasters weigh price increases, cite shipping inflation

U.S. coffee roasters weigh price increases, cite shipping inflation

路透社 ·  2021/03/03 14:00

By Nivedita Balu and Marcelo Teixeira
   March 3 (Reuters) - Coffee processors in the United States, the world's largest consumer of the beverage, are reporting significant cost increases in their operations, mostly related to transportation, and expect to raise retail prices soon.
   Mid-sized and smaller roasters, particularly specialty coffee companies, have been hit hardest, company executives said, but even larger companies such as Peet's and JM Smucker Co  say they are coping with higher costs.
   Other U.S. business sectors also face shipping inflation. Market intelligence provider S&P Global Platts reported that freight may have added nearly $10 billion to corporate costs on U.S. inbound routes in the fourth quarter of 2020, a bill that could grow.
   Last week, transportation backlogs helped push coffee prices to their highest in more than a year.
   "We're currently signing contracts for delivery in the summer and fall, and those prices have gone up quite a bit, about 15% increases on everything," said Oliver Stormshak, chief executive at Olympia Coffee Roasting, based in Olympia, Washington.
   "I'm trying to decide right now whether we eat the costs or restructure our pricing and raise it", he added.
   Coffee executives said higher demand for shipping services as more consumers shop online and extra safety procedures during the pandemic are increasing costs in the United States.
   "There are supply constraints, not because of production, but simply hurdles brought upon us by COVID-19 and safety guidelines. It is a systemic issue," said Jorge Cuevas, an executive at Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers in Portland, Oregon.
   "It is now more expensive than in the last five to 10 years to bring coffee to the consumer," Cuevas said.
   Coffee companies also said costs on transoceanic shipping are rising due to imbalances in the flow of containers caused by the pandemic. On some routes, demand for containers is increasing, while others are less-traveled, causing an uneven flow and raising costs.
   "The container cost is a major issue in the coffee market," said Rabobank's analyst Carlos Mera, adding that routes from Southeast Asia to Europe and the United States are seeing higher prices due to container shortages. "Even if you are willing to pay, you may not find availability."
   Commodities including coffee, cocoa, cotton and refined sugar are usually transported in containers, while others such as soybeans, corn and raw sugar use bulk carriers.
   Roasters reported delays for receiving coffees from Africa and some South American nations.
   Lee Harrison, a senior director at New York-based Joe Coffee Company, said one coffee cargo from Burundi scheduled to arrive at the beginning of the year has been pushed back to March. He said he would likely substitute that origin.
   JM Smucker, owner of brands such as Folgers and Dunkin, said in a statement: "Like others in the industry, we have experienced some recent coffee supply chain challenges."
   Smucker added: "While we regularly evaluate costs to determine appropriate actions, we do not have any imminent planning to share at this time."
   Large coffee companies boosted stocks last year as a precaution during the pandemic.
   "We are not worried about supplies, as we have good inventory positions," said Eric Lauterbach, president & chief operating officer at Peet's, who said the company had encountered shipping issues in the United States and Asia.
   Starbucks , the largest U.S. coffee retailer, did not respond to a request for comment.

(Reporting by Nivedita Balu and Marcelo Teixeira; additional
reporting by Praveen Paramasivam and Lisa Baertlein; Editing by
David Gregorio)
((; +1 332 220 8062; Reuters Messaging: - )

作者:Nivedita Balu和Marcelo Teixeira路透3月3日-全球最大的咖啡消費國--美國的咖啡加工商報告稱,其運營成本大幅增加,多數與運輸相關,預計很快將上調零售價格。公司高管表示,中型和較小的烘焙商,特別是專業咖啡公司受到的打擊最大,但即使是皮特(Peet‘s)和JM Smacker Co等較大的公司也表示,他們正在應對成本上升的問題。美國其他商業部門也面臨航運通脹。市場情報提供商標普全球普氏(S&P Global Platts)報告稱,2020年第四季度,運費可能使美國入境航線的企業成本增加了近100億美元,這一費用可能會增加。上週,運輸積壓推動咖啡價格升至一年多來的最高水平。總部位於華盛頓州奧林匹亞的奧林匹亞咖啡烘焙公司的首席執行官奧利弗·斯托姆沙克(Oliver Stormshak)説:“我們目前正在簽訂夏季和秋季交貨的合同,價格已經上漲了相當多,每樣東西都上漲了約15%。”他補充説:“我現在正在努力決定是消化成本,還是調整定價並提高價格。”咖啡高管表示,隨着越來越多的消費者在網上購物,以及疫情期間額外的安全程序,對運輸服務的更高需求正在增加美國的成本。俄勒岡州波特蘭可持續收穫咖啡進口商的高管豪爾赫·奎瓦斯(Jorge Cuevas)表示:“供應受到限制,不是因為產量,而只是新冠肺炎和安全準則給我們帶來的障礙。這是一個系統性問題。”Cuevas説:“現在給消費者送咖啡的成本比過去五到十年都要高。”咖啡公司還表示,由於疫情造成的集裝箱流動不平衡,跨洋運輸的成本正在上升。在一些航線上,對集裝箱的需求正在增加,而另一些航線的客流量較少,導致流量不均勻,提高了成本。荷蘭合作銀行(Rabobank)分析師卡洛斯·梅拉(Carlos Mera)表示:“集裝箱成本是咖啡市場的一個主要問題。”他補充説,由於集裝箱短缺,從東南亞到歐洲和美國的航線價格正在上漲。即使你願意付錢,你也可能找不到房源。包括咖啡、可可、棉花和精製糖在內的大宗商品通常用集裝箱運輸,而大豆、玉米和原糖等其他商品則使用散裝貨船。烘焙師報告説,收到來自非洲和一些南美國家的咖啡出現了延誤。總部位於紐約的喬咖啡公司(Joe Coffee Company)高級董事李·哈里森(Lee Harrison)表示,一批來自布隆迪的咖啡貨物原定於今年年初運抵,但已被推遲到3月份。他説,他很可能會用這個原產地來代替。福爾傑斯(Folgers)和鄧肯(Dunkin)等品牌的所有者JM·斯莫克(JM Smacker)在一份聲明中表示:“與業內其他公司一樣,我們最近經歷了一些咖啡供應鏈挑戰。”斯莫克補充説:“雖然我們定期評估成本以確定適當的行動,但目前我們沒有任何迫在眉睫的計劃要分擔。”大型咖啡公司去年增加了庫存,作為大流行期間的預防措施。Peet‘s總裁兼首席運營官Eric Lauterbach表示,“我們不擔心供應問題,因為我們有良好的庫存狀況.”他表示,該公司在美國和亞洲遇到了船運問題.美國最大的咖啡零售商星巴克沒有回覆記者的置評請求。(Nivedita Balu和Marcelo Teixeira報道;補充Praveen Paramasivam和Lisa Baertlein報道;編輯者David Gregorio)(;+1 332 220 8062;路透社消息

