
This Day In Market History: US Treasury Introduces TIPS

This Day In Market History: US Treasury Introduces TIPS

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2021/01/29 22:04

Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that happened on this date.

每一天,Beninga 回顧在這個日期發生的一個值得注意的與市場相關的時刻。

What Happened? On this day in 1997, the U.S. Treasury introduced the first Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).

發生了什麼事?在 1997 年的這一天,美國財政部推出了第一個保護國庫通脹的證券(TIPS)。

Where Was The Market? The S&P 500 was trading at 772.50 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 6740.74.

市場在哪裡?標普 500 指數的交易價格為 772.50,道瓊斯工業平均指數為 6740.74。

What Else Was Going On In The World? In 1997, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) co-founder Steve Jobs returned to the company, and the Mars Pathfinder successfully landed on the surface of Mars. A pound of hamburger meat cost $1.38.

世界上還發生了什麼?在一九九七年, 蘋果公司 (納斯達克:AAPL)聯合創始人史蒂夫·喬布斯回到了公司,火星探路者成功降落在火星表面上。一磅漢堡肉的價格為 1.38 美元。

Bond Investors Get Inflation Hedge: After years of having to battle inflation when buying Treasury bonds, investors got their first crack at TIPS investing in 1997. While the coupon rates of TIPS are constant, the principals are adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index, a commonly used metric for measuring inflation.

債券投資者對沖通脹: 在購買國債時不得不與通貨膨脹作鬥爭多年後,投資者在 1997 年的 TIPS 投資中獲得了首次破解。雖然 TIPS 的票面利率不變,但基金會根據消費物價指數(一種衡量通脹的常用指標)進行調整。

Treasury bonds are considered some of the lowest-risk investments out there due to their backing by the U.S. government. TIPS eliminate even more of the risk involved in Treasury bond investing. This lower risk comes at a price, however, as TIPS typically carry interest rates that are lower than other government or corporate bonds.

國債被認為是一些 風險最低的投資 在那裡,由於他們得到了美國政府的支持。TIPS 消除了更多國庫債投資所涉及的風險。然而,這種較低的風險是有價格的,因為 TIPS 通常帶有比其他政府或公司債券低的利率。

Investors can buy TIPS for as little as $100 using the TreasuryDirect system. TIPS pay interest semiannually and are currently offered with maturities of five years, 10 years and 30 years.

投資者可以使用國庫直通系統以低至 100 美元的價格購買 TIPS。TIPS 每半年支付利息,目前提供五年,10 年和 30 年到期。

For investors who would prefer to buy TIPS ETFs, popular choices include the iShares Barclays TIPS Bond Fund (ETF) (NYSE:TIP), the Vanguard Asset Allocation Fund (NASDAQ:VTIP) and the Schwab Strategic Trust (NYSE:SCHP).

對於希望購買 TIPS ETF 的投資者,受歡迎的選擇包括 安碩巴克萊小貼士債券基金 (ETF) (紐約證券交易所:提示),該 領航資產配置基金 (納斯達克:VTIP) 和 嘉信策略信託 (紐約證券交易所:烈酒).

