Eagle Point Credit Company Inc. to Participate in the ICR Conference 2021
Eagle Point Credit Company Inc. to Participate in the ICR Conference 2021
Eagle Point Credit Company Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE:ECC, ECCB, ECCX, ECCY) today announced that Chief Executive Officer Thomas P. Majewski and Chief Financial Officer Ken Onorio will present at the virtual ICR Conference 2021 on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time.
鷹點信貸有限公司(“本公司”)(紐約證券交易所:ECC,ECCB,ECCX,ECCY)今天宣佈,首席執行官Thomas P.Majewski和首席財務官Ken Onorio將出席2021年1月11日(星期一)上午9:30舉行的2021年虛擬ICR大會。東部時間。
A link to the live webcast will be available in the investor relations section of the Company’s website at www.eaglepointcreditcompany.com .
該公司網站的投資者關係欄目將提供網絡直播的鏈接,網址為www.aglepointCredit itcompany.com。
The Company is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Company’s primary investment objective is to generate high current income, with a secondary objective to generate capital appreciation, primarily through investment in equity and junior debt tranches of collateralized loan obligations. The Company is externally managed and advised by Eagle Point Credit Management LLC.
本公司是一家非多元化、封閉式管理投資公司。該公司的主要投資目標是產生較高的流動收入,次要目標是產生資本增值,主要是通過投資於抵押貸款債券的股本和次級債務部分。公司由Eagle Point Credit Management LLC進行外部管理和諮詢。
The Company makes certain unaudited portfolio information available each month on its website in addition to making certain other unaudited financial information available on its website (www.eaglepointcreditcompany.com). This information includes (1) an estimated range of the Company’s net investment income (“NII”) and realized capital gains or losses per share of common stock for each calendar quarter end, generally made available within the first fifteen days after the applicable calendar month end, (2) an estimated range of the Company’s net asset value (“NAV”) per share of common stock for the prior month end and certain additional portfolio-level information, generally made available within the first fifteen days after the applicable calendar month end, and (3) during the latter part of each month, an updated estimate of NAV, if applicable, and, with respect to each calendar quarter end, an updated estimate of the Company’s NII and realized capital gains or losses per share for the applicable quarter, if available.
除了在其網站上提供其他一些未經審計的財務信息外,該公司每月還在其網站上提供某些未經審計的投資組合信息(www.englepointCredit itcompany.com)。這些信息包括(1)公司每個日曆季度末的公司淨投資收入(“NII”)和每股普通股已實現資本損益的估計範圍,通常在適用日曆月末後的前15天內提供;(2)公司上個月末的公司普通股每股資產淨值(“NAV”)的估計範圍,以及某些額外的投資組合級別信息,通常在適用日曆月末後的前15天內提供;以及(3)在每個月的後半部分,更新公司普通股每股資產淨值(“NAV”)的估計範圍,以及(3)在每個月的後半部分,更新公司普通股每股資產淨值(NAV)的估計範圍,以及(3)在每個月的後半部分,更新公司普通股每股資產淨值(NAV)的估計範圍對於每個日曆季度末,公司的NII和已實現的每股資本收益或虧損(如果有的話)的最新估計。