
MORNING BID-All I want for Xmas is a Brexit deal

MORNING BID-All I want for Xmas is a Brexit deal

路透社 ·  2020/12/24 16:02

(There will be no Morning Bid on Dec 25 and Dec 28 because of Christmas holidays)
   LONDON, Dec 24 (Reuters) - A look at the day ahead from Sujata Rao

Markets are looking past risks of a year-end U.S. government shutdown and focusing squarely on a Brexit deal which apparently is about to be clinched, ending 4-1/2 years of recriminations, market volatility and, of late, chaos at the Anglo-French border. The last may even have lent the talks extra impetus -- find an agreement or face more of the same after Dec. 31.
   World shares are up, European bourses (on what will be a shortened trading day) are opening higher. The pound is up half a percent and waiting for concrete news before making a move towards the 2-1/2-year highs hit last week against the dollar.
   Elsewhere, news isn't that positive. Alibaba's Hong Kong-listed shares slumped 8.13% after China said it would investigate the tech giant for suspected monopolistic behaviour.
   President Donald Trump, with less than a month to go in office, has threatened to veto a $2.3 trillion funding package, which includes a pandemic relief deal.
   A government shutdown -- a repeat of one Trump triggered two years ago -- would come at the worst possible time -- pandemic vaccinations are in full swing and this week's data underscored steady economic deterioration, with high unemployment as well as  weakening consumer spending, home sales and incomes.
   But the risk-on mood, confidence in a 2021 economic rebound and the prospect of more stimulus under a new White House administration are weighing on bonds, with U.S. 10-year yields scaling 0.94% and the 2-year/10-year yield gap to the widest since 2017. UK 10-year yields are poised to go higher too after Wednesday's 10 basis-point jump to 0.31%.
   On emerging markets, all eyes on Turkey where the central bank may deliver a 150 basis-point interest rate hike as the new governor attempts to restore credibility.  
Sterling since Brexit
(Edited by Karin Strohecker

(由于圣诞节假期,12月25日和12月28日将不会有上午的竞标)路透伦敦12月24日电-Sujata Rao展望未来一天市场正在摒弃美国政府年底关门的风险,直接关注英国退欧协议,该协议显然即将敲定,结束了长达4年半的相互指责、市场波动以及最近英法边境的混乱。最后一个问题甚至可能为谈判提供了额外的动力--要么达成协议,要么在12月31日之后面临更多同样的问题。全球股市上涨,欧洲股市(交易日将缩短)开盘走高。英镑兑美元上涨0.5%,等待具体消息,然后再向上周触及的两年半高位迈进.在其他地方,消息并不是那么积极。阿里巴巴-SW在香港上市的股票暴跌8.13%,此前中国表示将对这家科技巨头涉嫌垄断行为进行调查。距离就职还有不到一个月的时间,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统威胁要否决一项2.3万亿美元的一揽子资金计划,其中包括一项大流行救援协议。政府关门--重蹈两年前特朗普的覆辙--可能出现在最糟糕的时候--大流行疫苗接种正在如火如荼地进行,本周的数据突显了经济的稳步恶化,高失业率以及消费者支出、房屋销售和收入的疲软。但冒险情绪、对2021年经济反弹的信心以及白宫新政府出台更多刺激措施的前景正在拖累债券,美国10年期国债收益率攀升0.94%,2年期/10年期国债收益率差升至2017年以来的最大水平。在周三上涨10个基点至0.31%后,英国10年期公债收益率也有望走高。在新兴市场,所有人的目光都集中在土耳其,随着新任行长试图恢复信誉,土耳其央行可能会加息150个基点。/>英国退欧以来的英镑 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>(Karin Stroherker编辑)

