
Amazon Wants to Train 29 Million People to Work in the Cloud

Amazon Wants to Train 29 Million People to Work in the Cloud

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2020/12/11 01:33

*DJ Amazon to Launch Effort to Help 29 Million People World-Wide Gain Cloud Skills by 2025


(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires


December 10, 2020 12:33 ET (17:33 GMT)


*DJ Amazon Will Build on Existing Training Programs, Work With Partners to Add New Ones

*DJ Amazon將在現有培訓計劃的基礎上,與合作伙伴合作添加新的培訓計劃

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires


December 10, 2020 12:33 ET (17:33 GMT)


*DJ Some 15,000 Amazon Employees Already Using Its Training Programs Since 2019 Upskilling Pledge

*DJ自2019年以來已有約15,000名亞馬遜員工使用其培訓計劃UPSkilling Pledge

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires


December 10, 2020 12:33 ET (17:33 GMT)


DJ Amazon Wants to Train 29 Million People to Work in the Cloud


By Chip Cutter

由切片機 Inc. plans to announce Thursday an effort to help 29 million people world-wide retrain by 2025, giving them new skills for cloud-computing roles as the pandemic upends many careers.

亞馬遜公司( Inc.)週四計劃在2025年之前幫助全球2,900萬人接受再培訓,這將使他們獲得雲計算角色的新技能,因為埃博拉疫情顛覆了許多職業。

The online giant committed $700 million last year to reskilling 100,000 of its own workers in the U.S. The new effort will build on existing programs and include new ones in partnership with nonprofits, schools and others.


Amazon's latest initiative is geared toward people who aren't already employed at the company. The idea, it says, is to equip people with the education necessary to work in cloud-computing at a number of employers that need to fill high-tech positions. While some participants might find jobs at Amazon, it is more likely they would get hired at other companies, including many that use Amazon Web Services, the online retailer's cloud division.

亞馬遜的最新舉措是針對那些尚未受僱於該公司的人。它説,這個想法是為了讓人們接受必要的教育,以便在一些需要填補高科技職位的僱主那裏從事雲計算工作。雖然一些參與者可能會在亞馬遜找到工作,但他們更有可能被其他公司聘用,包括許多使用亞馬遜雲部門亞馬遜網絡服務(Amazon Web Services)的公司。

The free training could support those looking to prepare for entry-level support positions or in helping existing engineers expand their expertise in areas like machine learning or cybersecurity, the company says.


Teresa Carlson, a vice president at Amazon Web Services, says the company hears almost daily from its clients that they can't find the right people to fill technical jobs as organizations move their applications and processes to the cloud.

亞馬遜網絡服務公司(Amazon Web Services)副總裁特蕾莎·卡爾森(Teresa Carlson)説,公司幾乎每天都會聽到客户説,隨着企業將應用程序和流程轉移到雲端,他們找不到合適的人來填補技術工作的空缺。

"We need our customers to have the right skills if they're going to go through a digital transformation," she said.


Write to Chip Cutter at


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December 10, 2020 12:33 ET (17:33 GMT)


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