
VW bets on Porsche racecar engineer to help overtake Tesla

VW bets on Porsche racecar engineer to help overtake Tesla

路透社 ·  2020/12/01 21:14

* Hitzinger heading up Volkswagen's Project Artemis
   * Aims to be producing new electric car in 2024
   * Expects to have 200-250 staff on the project  
   By Edward Taylor, Jan Schwartz and Jörn Poltz
   FRANKFURT, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Alexander Hitzinger, a 49-year-old engineer who defected to Apple after helping to develop Porsche's winning 919 racecar, has been lured back to Volkswagen Group for perhaps his biggest challenge yet - building an electric car to take on Tesla.
   While Volkswagen, the world's largest automaker, has been rolling out electric vehicles from the ID.3 compact to the high end Porsche Taycan, analysts say it needs a more comprehensive system that integrates electric power with new self-driving and infotainment technologies if it hopes to overtake Tesla.
   It has turned to Hitzinger, whose ability to conceptualise clean-sheet designs and manage projects helped Porsche develop a racecar that won the Le Mans endurance race in 2015, 2016, 2017. 
   After a stint working on Apple's autonomous cars, Hitzinger now heads up Volkswagen's "Project Artemis", named after the Ancient Greek goddess of hunting, with the aim of chasing down electric car pioneer Tesla .
   "At Porsche, I always thought of a vehicle as a comprehensive system. This is a very important point. It is what Tesla does well," he explained in a video interview.
   The task of building a car has gotten more complex with the advent of electric and autonomous driving technologies, forcing new battery-driven powertrains to compete for electricity with camera, radar, and lidar sensors, plus infotainment systems.
   Rather than stitching together separately designed systems, Artemis wants to create something new and seamlessly integrated,  from the ground up, Hitzinger told Reuters.
   "The idea behind Artemis is to have a comprehensive understanding of the vehicle. When something is optimised, this has knock-on effects and these need to be understood."
   Allocating processing power between propulsion, automated driving and infotainment systems such as satellite navigation and music streaming is a key challenge, he said.
   But it's not the only one.
   "The human-machine interface, the interior design, the exterior design, aerodynamics and the range are all interconnected. If I modify something on the exterior, it will impact the aerodynamics and the efficiency," Hitzinger said.
   Volkswagen Group, whose brands range from budget Seats and Skodas to high-end Audis and Bentleys is now focussing on developing systems that can handle all these new demands.
   The car, which is due to be produced in 2024, will make use of components developed for Porsche and Audi's premium electric vehicle platform, PPE. The group's factory in Hanover, Germany,  is being retooled to build an electric sport-utility vehicle for Audi, Bentley and Porsche.
   Having a small team of highly qualified engineers, who are empowered to take decisions unencumbered by the corporate bureaucracy of the Volkswagen empire, should end up producing a better vehicle more quickly.
   Project Artemis will have between 200 and 250 staff once Hitzinger is done hiring, up from 10 at present.
   "I am putting the team together on a top down basis. The managers come first. Then I look for A-players, who will attract other A-players. I don't want managers, but people who love to develop technologies, who are prepared to take risks," he said.
   Artemis will seek to draw on existing skills within the Volkswagen Group, such as expertise in making vehicle bodies at Audi, but take the lead in developing new techniques which speed up production and improve the customer experience.
   "We want to set new standards for what a customer can do in a vehicle and how he interacts with the car," Hitzinger said.
   He declined to elaborate on what user experiences the new car would offer, citing the confidential nature of the project.
   He also declined to comment on a power struggle unfolding at Volkswagen, which has convened its executive committee to meet on Tuesday to decide whether to extend CEO Herbert Diess's contract.

(Reporting by Edward Taylor Jan Schwartz and Joern Poltz;
Editing by Mark Potter)
((; +49 69 7565 1187;)

*希辛格負責大眾的Artemis項目*目標是在2024年生產新的電動汽車*預計該項目將有200-250名員工作者:愛德華·泰勒(Edward Taylor)、簡·施瓦茨(Jan Schwartz)和約恩·波爾茨路透法蘭克福12月1日電-49歲的工程師亞歷山大·希辛格(Alexander Hitzinger)在幫助開發保時捷(Porsche)贏得的919賽車後叛逃到蘋果公司(Apple),他被引誘回大眾集團(Volkswagen Group),這可能是他迄今面臨的最大挑戰-製造一款電動汽車來挑戰特斯拉(Tesla)。儘管全球最大的汽車製造商大眾(Volkswagen)一直在推出從ID.3緊湊型到高端保時捷泰康(Porsche Taycan)的電動汽車,但分析師表示,如果大眾希望超越特斯拉,它需要一個更全面的系統,將電力與新的自動駕駛和信息娛樂技術相結合。它求助於希辛格,他概念化乾淨的設計和管理項目的能力幫助保時捷開發了一款賽車,贏得了2015年、2016年和2017年的勒芒耐力賽。在研究了一段時間的蘋果自動駕駛汽車之後,希辛格現在領導着大眾的“阿耳特彌斯計劃”(Project Artemis),該計劃以古希臘狩獵女神的名字命名,目的是追查電動汽車先驅特斯拉(Tesla)。他在視頻採訪中解釋道:“在保時捷,我一直認為車輛是一個綜合系統。這是非常重要的一點。這也是特斯拉做得很好的地方。”隨着電動和自動駕駛技術的出現,製造汽車的任務變得更加複雜,迫使新的電池驅動的動力總成與相機、雷達和激光雷達傳感器以及信息娛樂系統爭奪電力。希辛格告訴路透社,阿爾特米斯希望從頭開始創造一些新的、無縫集成的東西,而不是把單獨設計的系統縫合在一起。“Artemis背後的想法是對車輛有一個全面的瞭解。當一些東西被優化時,這會產生連鎖反應,這些都需要被理解。”他説,在推進、自動駕駛和衞星導航和音樂流媒體等信息娛樂系統之間分配處理能力是一個關鍵挑戰。但這並不是唯一的一個。希辛格説:“人機界面、內部設計、外部設計、空氣動力學和射程都是相互關聯的。如果我在外部修改一些東西,就會影響空氣動力學和效率。”大眾汽車集團(Volkswagen Group)旗下品牌從經濟型座椅和斯柯達(Skodas)到高端奧迪(Audi)和賓利(Bentley),現在正專注於開發能夠滿足所有這些新需求的系統。這款車定於2024年生產,將使用為保時捷和奧迪高端電動汽車平台PPE開發的零部件。該集團在德國漢諾威的工廠正在進行改造,為奧迪(Audi)、賓利(Bentley)和保時捷(Porsche)生產電動運動型多功能車(SUV)。擁有一個由高素質工程師組成的小團隊,他們有權在不受大眾帝國企業官僚機構束縛的情況下做出決定,最終應該會更快地生產出更好的汽車。一旦Hitzinger完成招聘,Project Artemis將擁有200至250名員工,目前為10名。他説:“我是在自上而下的基礎上組建團隊的。經理人是第一位的。然後我尋找一線球員,他們將吸引其他一線球員。我不想要經理人,而是那些熱愛開發技術、準備承擔風險的人。”Artemis將尋求利用大眾集團內部的現有技能,例如奧迪在製造車身方面的專業知識,但在開發加快生產和改善客户體驗的新技術方面處於領先地位。希辛格説:“我們希望為顧客在汽車裏能做什麼,以及他如何與汽車互動設定新的標準。”他拒絕詳細説明新車將提供什麼樣的用户體驗,理由是該項目的機密性。他還拒絕對大眾汽車(Volkswagen)正在展開的權力鬥爭發表評論,該公司已於週二召開執行委員會會議,決定是否延長首席執行官赫伯特·戴斯(Herbert Diess)的合同。(Edward Taylor Jan Schwartz和Joern Poltz報道;編輯:Mark Potter)(;+49 69 7565 1187;)

