
What Does L Brands's Debt Look Like?

What Does L Brands's Debt Look Like?

L Brands的債務是什麼樣子的?
Benzinga Staff Writer ·  2020/11/19 07:04

Shares of L Brands (NYSE: LB) moved higher by 27.37% in the past three months. Before we understand the importance of debt, let us look at how much debt L Brands has. L Brands's Debt

的股份 L品牌 (紐約證券交易所代碼:PB)在過去三個月裏上漲了27.37%。在我們理解債務的重要性之前,讓我們先看看L Brands有多少債務。L Brands的債務

According to the L Brands’s most recent balance sheet as reported on September 3, 2020, total debt is at $6.73 billion, with $6.27 billion in long-term debt and $460.00 million in current debt. Adjusting for $2.61 billion in cash-equivalents, the company has a net debt of $4.12 billion.

根據L Brands於2020年9月3日公佈的最新資產負債表,總債務為67.3億美元,其中長期債務為62.7億美元,本期債務為4.6億美元。經26.1億美元的現金等價物調整後,該公司的淨債務為41.2億美元。

Let's define some of the terms we used in the paragraph above. Current debt is the portion of a company's debt which is due within 1 year, while long-term debt is the portion due in more than 1 year. Cash equivalents include cash and any liquid securities with maturity periods of 90 days or less. Total debt equals current debt plus long-term debt minus cash equivalents.


To understand the degree of financial leverage a company has, investors look at the debt ratio. Considering L Brands’s $10.88 billion in total assets, the debt-ratio is at 0.62. Generally speaking, a debt-ratio more than one means that a large portion of debt is funded by assets. As the debt-ratio increases, so the does the risk of defaulting on loans, if interest rates were to increase. Different industries have different thresholds of tolerance for debt-ratios. A debt ratio of 35% might be higher for one industry and average for another. Why Debt Is Important

為了瞭解一家公司的財務槓桿程度,投資者關注的是負債率。考慮到L Brands的總資產為108.8億美元,負債率為0.62。一般來説,負債率超過這意味着很大一部分債務是由資產提供資金的。隨着債務比率的增加,如果利率上升,貸款違約的風險也會增加。不同行業對負債率的容忍度門檻不同。35%的負債率對於一個行業來説可能更高,而對另一個行業來説則是平均水平。為什麼債務很重要

Besides equity, debt is an important factor in the capital structure of a company, and contributes to its growth. Due to its lower financing cost compared to equity, it becomes an attractive option for executives trying to raise capital.


However, interest-payment obligations can have an adverse impact on the cash-flow of the company. Having financial leverage also allows companies to use additional capital for business operations, allowing equity owners to retain excess profit, generated by the debt capital.


Looking for stocks with low debt-to-equity ratios? Check out Benzinga Pro, a market research platform which provides investors with near-instantaneous access to dozens of stock metrics - including debt-to-equity ratio. Click here to learn more.

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