
Trump, without evidence, says 'if you count the legal votes I easily win'

Trump, without evidence, says 'if you count the legal votes I easily win'

Reuters ·  2020/11/06 08:02

WASHINGTON, Nov 5 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said without evidence on Thursday that if "legal" votes are counted he would win the presidential election, in a signal he is in no mood to concede to Democrat Joe Biden.

華盛頓,11 月 5 日(路透社)-美國總統唐納德·特朗普周四在沒有證據的情況下表示,如果計算「合法」票,他將贏得總統大選,信號他沒有心情向民主黨人喬·拜登承認。

"If you count the legal votes I easily win," Trump said in an appearance in the White House briefing room, complaining that ballots still being counted suggest to him that the election is being rigged and stolen from him.

「如果你算上合法票 輕鬆獲勝。」特朗普在白宮簡報室出場時說,抱怨仍在計算的選票向他表明,選舉正在被操縱並從他那裡偷走。

