
Partisan Divisions Hinder House Big Tech Report

Partisan Divisions Hinder House Big Tech Report

Dow Jones Newswires ·  2020/10/06 21:35

DJ Partisan Divisions Hinder House Big Tech Report

DJ黨派分歧Hinder House Big Tech報告

By Ryan Tracy

瑞安·特雷西(Ryan Tracy)

WASHINGTON -- Partisan divisions are emerging in the final stage of a congressional inquiry into U.S. technology giants, showing the uphill road ahead for legislation to rein in Big Tech despite widespread concern about the companies' power.


The disagreements between Democrats and Republicans on the House Antitrust Subcommittee are focused on policy recommendations growing out of the panel's 16-month-long probe into the market power of Apple Inc., Inc., Alphabet Inc.'s Google, and Facebook Inc., according to congressional aides.

據國會助手説,民主黨和共和黨在眾議院反壟斷小組委員會的分歧集中在政策建議上,該小組對蘋果、亞馬遜、字母表公司(Alphabet Inc.)的谷歌和Facebook的市場力量進行了長達16個月的調查。

The House panel is preparing a report detailing its conclusions. It had been expected to publish Monday, but hasn't yet been released.


Republicans are privately balking at some ideas in the draft report, which was penned primarily by Democratic staff. GOP lawmakers don't support a Democratic proposal to separate large online platforms from other lines of business, the aides said. Some Republicans are also disappointed the report doesn't discuss the companies' power to moderate online speech, a hot-button issue for conservatives, the aides said.


Other recommendations have bipartisan -- if not unanimous -- support, including boosting resources for U.S. antitrust enforcers and making legal changes that could make it harder for a large tech company to buy another firm, the aides said. One proposal aims to put a heavier burden on companies to prove a merger doesn't hurt competition. Another would require tech companies to report more mergers to U.S. antitrust authorities to review.


Lawmakers generally agree the issues posed by tech companies warrant congressional action. The disagreements are appearing as they begin to hammer out the details.


"It's very important that we proceed with a scalpel and not a chain saw, " said Rep. Ken Buck (R., Col.), a member of the House panel, last week. Mr. Buck has spent recent days seeking support from other Republicans to publish their own recommendations for reining in Big Tech. A draft of that document, first reported by Politico, outlines areas of agreement with Democrats but warns against unduly expanding the government's power.

上週,眾議院小組成員、科羅拉多州共和黨眾議員肯·巴克(Ken Buck)説:“我們使用手術刀而不是鏈鋸,這一點非常重要。”最近幾天,巴克一直在尋求其他共和黨人的支持,以公佈他們自己對遏制大型科技公司的建議。最先由Politico報道的這份文件草案概述了與民主黨達成一致的領域,但警告不要過度擴大政府的權力。

Democratic members of the House panel declined interviews in the days ahead of the report's release.


The House probe has been bipartisan from its inception in June 2019. That doesn't always happen in the lower chamber which, unlike the Senate, operates under rules that give members of the minority party little power.


Republican and Democratic staff coordinated on how to structure the inquiry, and when the committee demanded documents from Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook, the letters were signed by members from both sides of the aisle.


Some of that bipartisanship began to fray earlier this year when Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), one of the House's most conservative members, took over the top Republican job on the House Judiciary Committee, of which the antitrust subcommittee is a part. When the antitrust panel sent a bipartisan letter in May demanding testimony from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Mr. Jordan didn't sign it, instead issuing a statement questioning whether Democrats had already decided they wanted to break up the company.

今年早些時候,當眾議院最保守的議員之一、俄亥俄州共和黨眾議員吉姆·喬丹(Jim Jordan)接手眾議院司法委員會(House Judiciary Committee)的共和黨最高職位時,這種兩黨合作開始出現一些分歧。反壟斷小組委員會是該委員會的一部分。今年5月,當反壟斷小組發出一封兩黨聯署的信,要求亞馬遜首席執行長貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)作證時,喬丹沒有在信上簽字,而是發表了一份聲明,質疑民主黨人是否已經決定要拆分亞馬遜。

In July, the companies' CEOs testified at a videoconference hearing and received almost universally adversarial questions from both sides of the aisle. Some Republicans pressed the CEOs about allegedly unfair treatment of online speech by conservatives, an issue that Democrats dismissed as lacking in evidence.


After one round of Mr. Jordan's questions, Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D. Pa.) said to the witnesses: "I'd like to redirect your attention to antitrust law rather than fringe conspiracy theories." That prompted a shouting match as Mr. Jordan denied the charge.

在喬丹先生的一輪提問之後,民主黨眾議員瑪麗·蓋伊·斯坎隆(Mary Gay Scanlon)他對目擊者説:“我想把你們的注意力轉向反壟斷法,而不是邊緣陰謀論。”這引發了一場激烈的較量,喬丹否認了這一指控。

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires


October 06, 2020 09:35 ET (13:35 GMT)


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