

The most chaotic presidential election debate in history? Record of the big “fight” between Trump and Biden

富途资讯 ·  Sep 30, 2020 09:11  · Exclusive

At 9 a.m. Beijing time, the first presidential debate between US President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden was held in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the first of three debates, held face-to-face, around the Supreme Court, the health care law, the epidemic, the economy, taxation, racism, climate change and integrity elections.

Poke: watchYoutube video playbackThe following is the live broadcast of pictures and text provided by Futu Information.

Tracking the content of the debate

Topic: first of all, about the Supreme Court

Biden looked a little tight and his mouth was a little hot.


The war of words has begun!

Trump interrupted Biden crazily, and Wallace stressed open discussion.


The topic began to deviate. Biden has been talking about COVID-19, but now the topic is the Supreme Court.


Topic:Health insurance act

Biden said Trump abandoned Obamacare, risking the lives of many people.

Trump retorted that Obamacare is too expensive and bad, and that we have a better plan for Medicare.

Biden retorted again that Trump had no plan at all.


Topic: epidemic situation

Now when it comes to COVID-19, Biden is fighting back like crazy-- Biden: He still doesn't have a plan

Biden starts the mockery mode.

Trump: Fake news

Trump says Biden behaved badly in H1N1



Trump: I did a very good job in fighting COVID-19, even a lot of Democrats say so!

Biden responded: hehe (sneer) 14000 people have died because of your incompetence

Biden: Trump didn't do anything about the epidemic. He said he was afraid to warn people for fear of causing panic, but he was scared. He panicked!

Trump: I'm a good thief! Even you Democratic officials praise me as awesome!

Trump began to interrupt crazily.


Biden mentioned Smart.

Trump: don't mention the word smart to me. You, a penultimate graduate, haven't done anything for 47 years. Talk to me about being smart.

When will the vaccine be available? Is Trump lying?

Biden: Trump is crazy. He has always said that the vaccine is about to be developed, but in fact, vaccine distribution will not begin until the middle of next year.
Trump: I've talked to a lot of scientists, and the vaccine will be available soon!

Biden: yes, President Trump is so smart. Many people have paid for his cleverness with his life, and there will only be more in the future.

Trump: you said "smart" to me?! You went back to your university, but you forgot the name of your college. You mentioned "smart" to me?


During the debate, Trump kept interrupting Biden, and Biden squirted back angrily: Would you shut up, man! You shut up!

Little Wallace, the host, is going crazy because Trump won't let him finish his speech.


Host: even if COVID-19 is rampant, Trump chooses to hold a large event during the campaign, and Biden chooses to hold a small event. Why?

Trump: because no one came to Biden's event.

Biden: yeah, voters are going to the airport to support Trump. But Trump saw voters take a few steps back: "wait, back, don't come over." Trump is only worried about his own life.

Biden: Trump basically told everyone not to wear masks, and then asked people to stand away and put on masks when they were interviewed, and asked if they had been tested.

Topic: economy

During the quarrel period. ]

Trump: Biden will only close the whole of America, and then America will perish.

Biden: during the epidemic, only those millionaires liked Trump because they became richer. But the American people are the ones who fight on the front lines.

Biden: why isn't the school open yet? Because the Trump administration thinks the cost of reopening is too high.

Biden: billionaires are doing well in this disaster, and how are you doing at home? He only cares about the rich, not the ordinary people.

Trump: but I brought back ten major league football, and people in Ohio are always happy!

Finally: Trump's annual tax is only $750?

Trump: I have paid millions of dollars in taxes.

Biden: show us your tax form!

Biden: Trump is the worst president of the United States!

Trump: I've done more in 47 months than you did in 47 years!

Trump: tax increases will only hurt the economy

Biden: the tax rate will be raised to 28%. The rich earn hundreds of billions of dollars a year and pay pitifully little taxes.

Trump mocked: you used to be vice president, why didn't you do that then?

Both candidates took turns bragging about their achievements in power.

Trump highlighted his corporate-friendly tax cuts and stock market gainsThe rise of the stock market means employment!

10.pngTrump chimed in madly, and Biden stopped many times and then closed his eyes helplessly.

Trump: your son took $3.5 million from Moscow. Why should he? What did he do? Does he deserve it?

Biden: what he said is not true

(Trump's eccentric level looks like an old hermaphrodite)


Entering what was supposed to be a non-stop speaking session, host Wallace was not allowed to interrupt Trump to explain the debate process to Trump.

Topic: racism

Host: how can people trust you and not your opponents when it comes to race?


The host asked Biden: you asked for racial sensitivity training to be stopped. Why?

Biden: this training is too radical.

Host: what's so radical about this training?

Trump: he only teaches Americans to hate each other and hate our country.

(Trump: balabalabala... )

Biden: ignore him. He's a racist.

The most common sentence Wallace said in this debate is:Let him finish!

Trump spoke like a machine gun, and the host shouted several times: "Mr. President!" Mr. President! Mr. President. "

Trump: there is no law enforcement agency supporting him at all!

Biden: yes! Why not!

Trump: Oh? Oh yeah? Come on, tell me one. Which law enforcement agency supports you? Tell me one, we have plenty of time!

Biden: no, we don't have time for this.


Topic: why should voters vote for you?

Trump: no president has ever done as well as I do! The best economy in history, reshaping the army... Under Biden, 380000 retired officers died because they had no insurance!

Biden: under Trump, we have only become poorer, weaker and divided.

Biden: when I was vice president, we had an economic crisis, and through our efforts, we left Trump a booming economic market. And then what did Trump do? He brought us back to the economic crisis!

Biden: my son, like many of you, used to have a drug abuse problem, but he's correcting and getting clean, and I'm proud of him!

Trump: then why did the mayor of Moscow give him $3.5 million?

Biden: Trump is making something out of nothing!

(according to Politifact, there is no evidence that Hunter Biden is related to the above-mentioned partnership. )

Biden: do you want to talk about family and morality? I don't want to do that. His (Trump) family, we can discuss it all night.

Trump hit back: my family lost luck and was unable to help the government.

Biden: this has nothing to do with my family. It has nothing to do with your family. This has something to do with the American people.

Then Wallace changed the subject.

Topic: climate change

Host: what do you think of climate change?

Trump: we have to plant more trees! Plant trees! We already have a plan to plant trees!

Trump: of course I support electric cars! As for California wildfires, we just need more forest management.

Biden: Trump is so wrong. If I am elected, I will vigorously promote new energy sources and build 5,000 new charging stations. If this happens, it will create millions of higher-paying jobs in the United States!

During the debate, in order to maintain order, the host shouted again: Stop,Stop … Mr.President! Then the host let Biden finish.


Topic: good faith election

Biden: Trump just doesn't want you to vote. He does everything he can to stop you, so you have to vote! vote! vote! vote! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! As long as we can get enough votes, he can no longer dominate!


Trump: I call on my voters to go to the polling station, watch the vote carefully, and be sure to watch carefully! Do you know why? Because something bad will happen! Vote rigging or something!


Biden: Trump is afraid of counting votes.

Trump denied it on the spot.

The host asked Biden whether he was willing to appeal to supporters to remain calm and not declare victory until all the votes were counted.

Biden promised that he and his supporters would wait for the results before declaring victory or defeat, and that he would support the results.

21.pngThe opening has changed during the debate: Biden's odds are down.

According to the latest overseas trading, the odds of Biden are falling. Don't you like Trump's debate style?

Today's opening:

Yesterday's opening:


After the debate, CNN said it was the most chaotic presidential debate in history:

Hints of subsequent election events

A total of three televised debates will be held by US presidential candidates this year. The second and third debates will be held on October 15 and 22 in Miami, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee, respectively. In addition, Vice President Pence and Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris will hold the only vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City, Utah.

1. Vice Presidential debate on October 7, 2020

2. Second presidential debate on October 15, 2020

3. The third presidential debate on 22 October 2020

4. November 3, 2020, Presidential Election Day.

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