
New Jeep® Adventure Academy to Provide Essential Off-roading Instruction to Jeep 4x4 Owners and Enthusiasts

New Jeep® Adventure Academy to Provide Essential Off-roading Instruction to Jeep 4x4 Owners and Enthusiasts

新的 Jeep® 冒險學院將為吉普車 4x4 車主和愛好者提供基本的越野指導
PR Newswire ·  2020/09/19 02:28

AUBURN HILLS, Mich.,Sept. 18, 2020/PRNewswire/ --Jeep® Adventure Academy to provide hands-on, off-road driving instruction for any Jeep 4x4 owner, novice to advancedSeasoned instructors from Jeep JamboreeUSAto lead in-depth instruction at three locations across the country, beginning in October

奧本山 (密歇根州)九月十八日, 2020 年 9 月 18 日通訊社/--Jeep® 冒險學院為任何 Jeep 4x4 車主,新手到高級人員提供動手越野駕駛指導來自吉普大露營的經驗豐富的教練從 10 月開始,USATO 在全國三個地點領導深入的指導

The Jeep® brand will introduce its first-ever Jeep Adventure Academy to provide hands-on, off-road driving instruction to Jeep 4x4 owners. Beginning this October, the Jeep Adventure Academy will take place in select locations across the country and will be led by off-roading experts and prominent instructors from Jeep JamboreeUSA. Participants will learn off-roading basics and even more about their Jeep brand vehicle's legendary capability, while building confidence and connections within the Jeep brand community of adventure seekers.

Jeep® 品牌將推出其有史以來第一個吉普車冒險學院,為 Jeep 4x4 車主提供動手越野駕駛指導。從今年 10 月開始,吉普車冒險學院將在全國各地的特定地點舉行,並將由 Jeep JamboreeUSA 的越野專家和傑出的教練領導。參加者將學習越野行駛的基礎知識,甚至更多有關其 Jeep 品牌車輛的傳奇能力,同時在吉普車品牌的探險者社區中建立信心和聯繫。

"Off-roading is a rite of passage for Jeep 4x4 owners and the new Jeep Adventure Academy will provide key knowledge every off-roader can use for hitting the trails," saidJim Morrison, Head of Jeep Brand, FCA -North America. "The new Jeep Adventure Academy underscores the Jeep brand's commitment to delivering Jeep 4x4 vehicles that provide owners with a sense of capability, safety and security to handle any condition or adventure with confidence."

「越野行駛是吉普車 4x4 車主的一種通道儀式,而新的吉普車冒險學院將為每個越野車手提供關鍵知識,」FCA-北美吉普車品牌負責人賽德吉姆·莫里森(SaidJim Morrison)。全新的 Jeep Adventure Academy 強調了 Jeep 品牌致力於提供 Jeep 4x4 車輛的承諾,為車主提供能力、安全感和安全感,可以放心地處理任何狀況或冒險。」

Jeep Adventure Academy classes will focus on several essential areas of off-roading instruction, including 4x4 system basics, driving techniques, trail etiquette, vehicle preparation and equipment, how to properly read terrain and challenging obstacles, safety tips and more.

Jeep Adventure Academy 課程將著重於越野訓練的幾個重要領域,包括 4x4 系統基礎知識、駕駛技巧、步道禮儀、車輛準備和裝備、如何正確閱讀地形和具有挑戰性的障礙物、安全提示等。

The Jeep Adventure Academy will take place during the first three weeks in October at the following locations:Holly Oaks Off-road Vehicle Park,Holly, Michigan:October 2-4Southern Missouri Off-Road Ranch,Seymour, Missouri:October 9-11Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area,Hollister, California:October 16-18

吉普車冒險學院將在十月的前三個星期在以下位置舉行:冬青橡越野車公園,冬青,密歇根州:10 月 2-4 日南密蘇里越野牧場,西摩,密蘇里州:10 月 9-11 霍利斯特山州車輛娛樂區,加利福尼亞州霍利斯特,10 月 16-18 日

Registration is available at A one-day session starts at$99and requires Jeep 4x4 vehicle ownership. The academy sessions will be led by professional staff from Jeep JamboreeUSA, an organization that has been conducting off-road adventures since 1953.

您可以在「吉普探險」網站上進行註冊。為期一天的會議以 99 美元開始,並且需要吉普 4x4 車輛擁有權。學院課程將由吉普 JamboreeUSA 的專業工作人員領導,該組織自 1953 年以來一直在進行越野冒險。

Jeep Brand


Built on nearly 80 years of legendary heritage, Jeep is the authentic SUV with capability, craftsmanship and versatility for people who seek extraordinary journeys. The Jeep brand delivers an open invitation to live life to the fullest by offering a full line of vehicles that continue to provide owners with a sense of security to handle any journey with confidence.

Jeep 建立在近 80 年的傳奇傳統上,是真正的 SUV,具有功能,工藝和多功能性,適合尋求非凡旅程的人們。Jeep 品牌通過提供完整的車輛系列,繼續為車主提供安全感,以充分發揮生活的公開邀請,以充分利用自信地處理任何旅程。

The Jeep vehicle lineup consists of the Cherokee, Compass, Gladiator, Grand Cherokee, Renegade and Wrangler. To meet consumer demand around the world, all Jeep models sold outsideNorth Americaare available in both left- and right-hand drive configurations and with gasoline and diesel powertrain options. Jeep is part of the portfolio of brands offered by global automaker Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. For more information regarding FCA (NYSE: FCAU/ MTA: FCA), please visit

吉普車陣容包括切諾基,指南針,角鬥士,大切諾基,叛徒和牧馬人。為了滿足世界各地的消費者需求,所有 Jeep 車型都銷售 Outsidenorth Americaall,提供左驅和右驅動配置,並提供汽油和柴油動力總成選項。吉普是全球汽車製造商菲亞特克萊斯勒汽車提供的品牌組合的一部分。如需有關 FCA 的詳細資訊 (紐約證交所:FCAU/MTA: FCA),請瀏覽網站。

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