DJ Nikola's Deal With GM Is a Validation for Electric-Truck Start-up --
By Al Root
Nikola and General Motors disclosed a blockbuster deal Tuesday that sent shares of both companies soaring.
Nikola stock added more to it's market capitalization than GM did, even though GM will receive an 11% stake in the start-up for no cash. That is a steep price, but Nikola got something valuable in return: validation.
There are still a lot of questions about Nikola (ticker: NKLA), such as whether the company can manufacture heavy-duty trucks successfully, hit its goals on costs, and manufacture cheap hydrogen gas to power its fuel-cell vehicles. The GM (GM) deal doesn't address hydrogen production, but it answers some of the questions about manufacturing and design.
"You honestly probably could not pick a better partnership," said Nikola founder Trevor Milton on a GM-Nikola conference cal on Tuesday. "Nikola needed manufacturing, Nikola needed supply chain and Nikola needed the history of how to build a pickup truck that would not fail."
Wall Street largely agrees with Milton's assessment. "There have been many skeptics around Nikola and its founder Trevor Milton's ambitions over the coming years, which now get thrown out the window with stalwart GM making a major strategic bet on Nikola for the next decade," wrote Wedbush analyst Dan Ives in a Tuesday research report.
"While [Nikola] still remains an execution story over the coming years in the eyes of the Street, the GM news is a paradigm changer for the company."
Ives doesn't cover GM. He rates Nikola shares at Hold and has a target of $45 for the stock price. J.P. Morgan analyst Paul Coster actually rates Nikola stock the equivalent of Buy but has the same $45 price target. Coster also think the equity dilution was worthwhile for Nikola.
"[The agreement] provides a credible path to the manufacture and sale of 50,000 light trucks [a year] in North America starting in late 2022," wrote Coster in a Wednesday research report. He also said the deal validates Nikola's strategy of powering some of its trucks with fuel cells. Other models will be powered with batteries.
What's more, the parts-supply agreement reduces Nikola's risks in terms of manufacturing and capital spending. GM will help the startup source parts effectively.
Cost savings is something Cowen analyst Jeffrey Osborne focused on as well in his research report. He is the most bullish analyst covering Nikola stock, rating shares the equivalent of Buy, with a stock-price target of $79, the highest on the Street. In addition to lower costs, Osborne called the deal a validation of the entire battery and fuel-cell marketplace.
Nikola stock jumped 41% in response to the announcement, adding about $5.5 billion to the company's market value. It was a huge move because it removed a big overhang in the stock -- namely, the question of who would manufacture the Badger, the company's light-duty pickup truck.
Shares were down 7.8% at $46.16 on Wednesday morning.
"This [deal] represents completion of the second ...of three major milestones laid out during the company's earnings call that it expected to complete by [year-end]," pointed out RBC analyst Joseph Spak in a Tuesday research report. The stock got a lift because management is doing what it said it would do.
Spak, however, is still cautious. He rates shares the equivalent of Hold, but he did take his price target from $46 to $49 a share.
The stock's jump caused another analyst to take some chips off the table. Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner rates Nikola stock at Hold, but on Aug. 4, he issued a " catalyst Buy" recommendation with a price target of $50, urging his clients to pick up shares before the company disclosed its financial results later that day.
The stock closed at $50.05 on Tuesday, and Rosner closed out the "catalyst Buy" call on Wednesday. Investors who followed his advice would have scored a gain of 29% from the price of about $39 in early August to Tuesday's closing level. It was a good call, although all the return was made in a single day.
Barron's wrote cautiously about Nikola in late July, when shares were about $30. That hasn't been a good call, based on Tuesday's closing price. Still, we expect shares to be volatile in coming months.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
September 09, 2020 10:55 ET (14:55 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
按Al Root
尼古拉創始人特雷弗·米爾頓(Trevor Milton)週二在通用汽車-尼古拉會議上表示:“老實説,你可能找不到更好的合作伙伴了。”“尼古拉需要製造,尼古拉需要供應鏈,尼古拉需要如何製造不會倒閉的皮卡的歷史。”
華爾街在很大程度上同意米爾頓的評估。韋德布什分析師丹·艾夫斯(Dan Ives)在週二的一份研究報告中寫道:“圍繞尼古拉及其創始人特雷弗·米爾頓(Trevor Milton)未來幾年的雄心壯志,有許多人持懷疑態度,現在隨着堅定的通用汽車對尼古拉在未來十年進行重大戰略押注,這些雄心壯志被拋在了窗外。”
艾夫斯沒有報道通用汽車。他對尼古拉股票的評級為持有,目標股價為45美元。摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)分析師保羅·科斯特(Paul Coster)實際上對尼古拉股票的評級相當於買入,但目標價相同,為45美元。科斯特還認為,股權稀釋對尼古拉來説是值得的。
成本節約也是考恩分析師傑弗裏·奧斯本(Jeffrey Osborne)在他的研究報告中關注的問題。他是覆蓋尼古拉股票的最樂觀的分析師,對股票的評級相當於買入,目標股價為79美元,是華爾街最高的。除了降低成本外,奧斯本還稱這筆交易是對整個電池和燃料電池市場的驗證。
“這[就這麼着,説好了]代表着公司在財報電話會議上制定的三個主要里程碑中的第二個里程碑的完成,預計將於[年終]“加拿大皇家銀行分析師Joseph Spak在週二的一份研究報告中指出.”該股獲得提振,因為管理層正在做它説要做的事情.
該股的跳漲導致另一位分析師將一些籌碼從談判桌上撤下。德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)分析師Emmanuel Rosner對尼古拉股票的評級為持有,但在8月4日,他發佈了“Catalyst Buy”建議,目標價為50美元,敦促他的客户在公司當天晚些時候披露財報之前買入股票。
該股週二收報50.05美元,羅斯納週三結束了“Catalyst Buy”看漲電話.聽從他建議的投資者將從8月初約39美元的價格到週二收盤水平獲得29%的收益。這是一個很好的決定,儘管所有的回報都是在一天內完成的。