
Income Investors Should Know That Oconee Federal Financial Corp. (NASDAQ:OFED) Goes Ex-Dividend Soon

Income Investors Should Know That Oconee Federal Financial Corp. (NASDAQ:OFED) Goes Ex-Dividend Soon

收益投資者應該知道,Oconee Federal Financial Corp.(納斯達克市場代碼:OFED)很快就會除息
Simply Wall St. ·  2020/07/31 18:50

It looks likeOconee Federal Financial Corp.(NASDAQ:OFED) is about to go ex-dividend in the next four days. This means that investors who purchase shares on or after the 5th of August will not receive the dividend, which will be paid on the 20th of August.

看起來像是奧科尼聯邦金融公司(Oconee Federal Financial Corp.)(納斯達克:OFED)即將在未來四天內除息。這意味着在8月5日或之後購買股票的投資者將不會獲得股息,股息將在8月20日支付。

Oconee Federal Financial's next dividend payment will be US$0.10 per share. Last year, in total, the company distributed US$0.40 to shareholders. Looking at the last 12 months of distributions, Oconee Federal Financial has a trailing yield of approximately 1.5% on its current stock price of $26.51. We love seeing companies pay a dividend, but it's also important to be sure that laying the golden eggs isn't going to kill our golden goose! So we need to investigate whether Oconee Federal Financial can afford its dividend, and if the dividend could grow.

Oconee Federal Financial的下一次派息將為每股0.10美元。去年,該公司總共向股東分配了0.4美元。看看過去12個月的分配情況,Oconee Federal Financial的往績收益率約為1.5%,目前的股價為26.51美元。我們喜歡看到公司分紅,但同樣重要的是要確保下金蛋不會扼殺我們的金鵝!因此,我們需要調查Oconee Federal Financial是否有能力支付股息,以及股息是否會增長。

See our latest analysis for Oconee Federal Financial

查看我們對Oconee Federal Financial的最新分析

If a company pays out more in dividends than it earned, then the dividend might become unsustainable - hardly an ideal situation. Oconee Federal Financial paid out 57% of its earnings to investors last year, a normal payout level for most businesses.

如果一家公司支付的股息超過了它賺取的股息,那麼股息可能會變得不可持續-這幾乎不是一個理想的情況。Oconee Federal Financial去年向投資者支付了57%的收益,這對大多數企業來説是正常的支付水平。

Companies that pay out less in dividends than they earn in profits generally have more sustainable dividends. The lower the payout ratio, the more wiggle room the business has before it could be forced to cut the dividend.


Click here to see how much of its profit Oconee Federal Financial paid out over the last 12 months.

單擊此處查看Oconee Federal Financial在過去12個月中支付了多少利潤。

Have Earnings And Dividends Been Growing?


Companies that aren't growing their earnings can still be valuable, but it is even more important to assess the sustainability of the dividend if it looks like the company will struggle to grow. If earnings fall far enough, the company could be forced to cut its dividend. It's not encouraging to see that Oconee Federal Financial's earnings are effectively flat over the past five years. It's better than seeing them drop, certainly, but over the long term, all of the best dividend stocks are able to meaningfully grow their earnings per share.

盈利沒有增長的公司仍然有價值,但如果公司看起來將難以增長,評估股息的可持續性就更重要了。如果收益降幅足夠大,該公司可能會被迫削減股息。看到Oconee Federal Financial的收益在過去五年裏實際上持平,這並不令人鼓舞。當然,這比眼睜睜看着它們下跌要好,但從長遠來看,所有最好的紅利股票都能夠大幅提高每股收益。

Another key way to measure a company's dividend prospects is by measuring its historical rate of dividend growth. Oconee Federal Financial's dividend payments are broadly unchanged compared to where they were nine years ago.

衡量一家公司股息前景的另一個關鍵方法是衡量其歷史股息增長率。與九年前相比,Oconee Federal Financial的股息支付大致保持不變。

The Bottom Line


Has Oconee Federal Financial got what it takes to maintain its dividend payments? Oconee Federal Financial has been struggling to generate growth while also paying out more than half of its earnings to shareholders as dividends. In sum this is a middling combination, and we find it hard to get excited about the company from a dividend perspective.

奧科尼聯邦金融公司(Oconee Federal Financial)是否獲得了維持股息支付的能力?Oconee Federal Financial一直在努力實現增長,同時也將超過一半的收益作為股息支付給股東。總而言之,這是一箇中等水平的組合,從股息的角度來看,我們很難對該公司感到興奮。

With that being said, if dividends aren't your biggest concern with Oconee Federal Financial, you should know about the other risks facing this business. For example, Oconee Federal Financial has2 warning signs(and 1 which makes us a bit uncomfortable) we think you should know about.

話雖如此,如果股息不是你對Oconee Federal Financial的最大擔憂,你應該知道這項業務面臨的其他風險。例如,Oconee Federal Financial擁有2個警告標誌(這讓我們有點不舒服)我們認為你應該知道。

If you're in the market for dividend stocks, we recommend checking our list of top dividend stocks with a greater than 2% yield and an upcoming dividend.


This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.


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