Press Release: RGC Resources, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend
Press Release: RGC Resources, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend
Press Release: RGC Resources, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend
RGC Resources, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend
ROANOKE, Va., April 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of RGC Resources, Inc. (NASDAQ: RGCO), at its meeting on April 27, 2020, declared a quarterly dividend of $0.175 per share on the Company's common stock. The dividend will be paid on August 1, 2020 to shareholders of record on July 15, 2020. This is the Company's 305th consecutive quarterly cash dividend.
弗吉尼亞州羅阿諾克,2020 年 4 月 27 日(環球美通社)-研資資源有限公司(納斯達克股票代碼:RGCO)在 2020 年 4 月 27 日的會議上宣布了該公司普通股的季度股息每股 0.175 美元。股息將於 2020 年 8 月 1 日支付給 2020 年 7 月 15 日有記錄的股東。此為本公司連續第 305 季度現金股利。
RGC Resources, Inc. provides energy and related products and services to customers in Virginia through its operating subsidiaries including Roanoke Gas Company and RGC Midstream, L.L.C.
RGC Resources, Inc. 通過其營運子公司(包括羅阿諾克天然氣公司和 RGC Midstream,L.L.C)為弗吉尼亞州的客戶提供能源和相關產品和服務。
From time to time, the Company may publish forward-looking statements relating to such matters as anticipated financial performance, business prospects, technological developments, new products, research and development activities and similar matters. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a safe harbor for forward-looking statements. In order to comply with the terms of the safe harbor, the Company notes that a variety of factors could cause the Company's actual results and experience to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in the Company's forward-looking statements. Past performance is not necessarily a predictor of future results.
本公司可不時刊發有關預期財務表現、業務前景、科技發展、新產品、研發活動及類似事宜等事宜的前瞻性聲明。1995 年的《私人證券訴訟改革法案》為前瞻性陳述提供了一個安全的港灣。為了遵守安全港的條款,本公司注意到公司的實際業績和經驗可能與公司前瞻性聲明中所表達的預期結果或其他期望有很大差異。過去的表現不一定是未來結果的預測指標。
Contact: Randall P. Burton, II
Vice President and CFO
Telephone: 540-777-3997
聯繫人:蘭德爾 ·P· 伯頓,II
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
(完) 道瓊斯通訊社
April 27, 2020 17:00 ET (21:00 GMT)
2020 年四月 27 日東部時間 17:00(格林威治標準時間 21