
Bsquare Helps OEMs Reduce Truck Rolls with B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT

Bsquare Helps OEMs Reduce Truck Rolls with B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT

Bsquare通過B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT幫助OEM減少卡車滾動
PR Newswire ·  2020/04/22 20:05

New solution makes it easy to recover or upgrade an embedded device


BELLEVUE, Wash.,April 22, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- Bsquare Corporation (NASDAQ: BSQR) launches B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT , a recovery, upgrade, and OS imaging solution for embedded and purpose-built devices such as point-of-sale kiosks, healthcare devices, digital displays, and handheld terminals.

華盛頓州貝爾維尤,2020年4月22日/美通社/--Bsquare公司(納斯達克:BSQR)啟動適用於Windows IoT的B2IQ SquareOne,這是一種針對嵌入式和專門構建的設備(如銷售點售貨亭、醫療保健設備、數字顯示器和手持終端)的恢復、升級和操作系統映像解決方案。

In addition to needing software upgrades that happen every two or three years, embedded devices can get corrupted, causing them to go out of service. In either case, this means sending a technician into the field at a cost of about$200per truck roll. A fleet of 1,000 devices can mean an extra cost of$200,000.


"We have a long history of partnering with our customers to design, build, and operate smart devices," said Bsquare President and CEORalph C. Derrickson. "As these devices become part of complex systems, maintaining and upgrading the software is an even greater challenge. SquareOne lowers the cost of maintaining these devices and helps companies recover gracefully from inevitable software corruption issues. Devices enabled with B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT can be restored easily by a non-technical user onsite."

Bsquare總裁兼CEORalph C.Derrickson説:“我們與客户合作設計、製造和操作智能設備的歷史由來已久。“隨着這些設備成為複雜系統的一部分,維護和升級軟件是一個更大的挑戰。SquareOne降低了維護這些設備的成本,並幫助公司優雅地從不可避免的軟件損壞問題中恢復過來。使用B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT的設備可以由現場的非技術用户輕鬆恢復。”

Choose from Multiple System Recovery Modes


SquareOne allows recovery of a device's Windows IoT OS in two ways: from a hidden partition or by USB or other external media. The solution offers a GUI interface for capturing an image of a system, including the Windows operating system and any applications, and recovering it by a preferred method, allowing the system to be restored to a working state.

SquareOne允許通過兩種方式恢復設備的Windows IoT操作系統:從隱藏分區恢復,或者通過USB或其他外部介質恢復。該解決方案提供了一個GUI接口用於捕獲系統(包括Windows操作系統和任何應用程序)的映像,並通過首選方法將其恢復,從而使系統恢復到工作狀態。

SquareOne's partition-based recovery configures the target system with an embedded recovery image that the end user can deploy when needed. The application is dormant and is launched only when recovery is necessary. An external media-based version is available for systems that don't support a hidden partition or for people who want to manage the recovery image separate from the target system. Both are turnkey solutions that require no additional development to implement.


Manage Cloud-initiated Field Upgrades


SquareOne also offers a Windows-based agent that can receive updated Windows images from Azure Cloud or third-party device management software. The device can be restored to an up-to-date recovery image or upgraded to a new version of Windows IoT. The upgrade process can be triggered remotely or initiated by the end user.

SquareOne還提供了一個基於Windows的代理,可以從Azure Cloud或第三方設備管理軟件接收更新的Windows鏡像。該設備可以還原到最新的恢復映像或升級到新版本的Windows IoT。升級過程可以遠程觸發,也可以由最終用户發起。

Bsquare Understands Windows IoT

Bsquare瞭解Windows IoT

Bsquare is a Microsoft Gold engineering and operations partner. With more than 25 years in the IoT and intelligent systems business, Bsquare has long supported its OEM (original equipment manufacturer) partners with tools to enhance software and systems on fixed-purpose embedded devices running the Windows IoT family of operating systems. Today, from device hardware to the operating system to IoT software solutions and cloud services that make intelligent systems possible, Bsquare's expertise, products, and services are at the center of digital transformation.

Bsquare是一個微軟金牌工程和運營合作伙伴。擁有超過25年的物聯網經驗,智能系統長期以來,Bsquare一直為其OEM(原始設備製造商)合作伙伴提供工具,以增強運行Windows IoT系列操作系統的固定用途嵌入式設備上的軟件和系統。今天,從設備硬件到操作系統,再到使智能系統成為可能的物聯網軟件解決方案和雲服務,Bsquare的專業知識、產品和服務處於數字轉型的中心。

"When customers engage with us on a new design, it typically results in shorter development cycles and reduced time-to-market, lower overall costs to complete projects, and enhanced product robustness and features," said Derrickson. "And when they ask for services like easier recovery and upgrade systems for Windows IoT, Bsquare engineers build the software for them if we can't find it on the market. The evolution of SquareOne is a direct result of listening to our customers and meeting their needs."

德里克森説:“當客户參與我們的新設計時,通常會縮短開發週期和上市時間,降低完成項目的總成本,並增強產品的健壯性和功能。”當他們要求提供Windows IoT更容易的恢復和升級系統等服務時,如果我們在市場上找不到軟件,Bsquare工程師就會為他們開發軟件。SquareOne的發展是傾聽客户意見和滿足他們需求的直接結果。

B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT is available now for embedded devices operating on most Windows embedded operating systems, included Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro, and Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate for Embedded Systems. SquareOne is part of Bsquare's suite of products and services for IoT, which also includes B2IQ Jumpstart for Windows IoT, an imaging and training solution for teams building embedded devices on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise.

B2IQ SquareOne for Windows IoT現已推出現在適用於在大多數Windows Embedded操作系統上運行的嵌入式設備,包括Windows 10 IoT Enterprise、Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro和適用於嵌入式系統的Windows 7專業版和旗艦版。SquareOne是Bsquare物聯網產品和服務套件的一部分,該套件還包括B2IQ Jumpstart for Windows IoT,這是一個為在Windows 10 IoT Enterprise上構建嵌入式設備的團隊提供的成像和培訓解決方案。

About Bsquare Corporation


Bsquare builds technology that is powering the next generation of intelligent systems. We help companies realize the promise of IoT through the development of devices and systems that are cloud-enabled, share data seamlessly, facilitate distributed learning and control, and operate securely at scale. Bsquare's suite of services and software components create new revenue streams and operating models for our customers while providing opportunities for lowering costs and improving operations. We serve a global customer base from offices inBellevue, Washington, and theUnited Kingdom. For more information,


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