
Jaguar Health Reports 2019 Financial Results and Business Updates

Jaguar Health Reports 2019 Financial Results and Business Updates

ACCESSWIRE ·  2020/04/06 12:00

Mytesi ®net sales and gross sales grew 38% and 44%, respectively, in 2019 compared to 2018


Reminder: Company to host investor call Monday, April 6 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern


SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / April 6, 2020 / Jaguar Health, Inc. (JAGX) ("Jaguar" or the "Company") today reported consolidated financial results for the year ended December 31, 2019 and provided business updates.

加利福尼亞州舊金山/ACCESSWIRE/2020年4月6日/捷豹健康公司(Jaguar Health,Inc.)(以下簡稱“捷豹”或“公司”)今天公佈了截至2019年12月31日的年度綜合財務業績,並提供了業務最新情況。

"We are very pleased to see strong Mytesi®(crofelemer) sales growth in 2019 over 2018," Lisa Conte, Jaguar's president and CEO, commented. "Looking forward, we believe 2020 has the potential to be a transformative year for the Company. Our core goals for the year include forging a regional, ex-US business development deal to bring in non-dilutive dollars to support efforts to move key potential Mytesi pipeline indications into development, commercialization, and access outside the U.S., and completing the roll-out of our new, recently announced patient support program for Mytesi. Subject to additional financing, we are also planning to initiate three clinical trials in the second half of 2020 - a pivotal trial for the indication of prevention and treatment of cancer therapy-related diarrhea (CTD) in adult cancer patients, and two studies for the rare pediatric disease indications of congenital diarrheal disease and short bowel syndrome. For the adult CTD study, we've been in active discussions with the FDA, and in meetings with key opinion leaders, and have received their input on the clinical trial and statistical analysis plan. We are revising the clinical protocol to accommodate their input and preparing the requisite documents including the statistical analysis plan, the informed consent and other requirements to initiate this pivotal adult CTD trial under a new IND. The principal investigator is at a major cancer institution in the US. Finally, at a time when the world is grappling with a pandemic, we are pleased to announce that our wholly owned subsidiary, Napo Pharmaceuticals, will receive additional preclinical services from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ("NIAID") to support development of lechlemer, Napo's second generation, plant-based anti-secretory drug candidate for treatment of diarrhea associated with the enduring scourge of cholera. Under NIAID's suite of preclinical services, NIAID-funded contractors will conduct toxicology testing for a 28-day rat study. NIAID is part of the National Institutes of Health."

捷豹總裁兼首席執行官麗莎·孔蒂(Lisa Conte)評論説:“我們非常高興看到Mytesi®(CroFelemer)2019年的銷量比2018年強勁增長。”展望未來,我們相信2020年有可能成為公司變革性的一年。我們今年的核心目標包括達成一項不含美國的地區性業務發展協議,帶來非稀釋美元,以支持將關鍵的潛在Mytesi管道適應症轉移到美國以外的開發、商業化和准入的努力,以及完成我們最近宣佈的Mytesi新患者支持計劃的推出。在獲得額外資金的情況下,我們還計劃在2020年下半年啟動三項臨牀試驗-一項是關於成人癌症患者癌症治療相關性腹瀉(CTD)預防和治療適應症的關鍵試驗,另兩項是關於先天性腹瀉和短腸綜合徵這兩種罕見兒科疾病適應症的研究。對於成人CTD研究,我們一直在與FDA積極討論,並與主要意見領袖舉行會議,並收到了他們對臨牀試驗和統計分析計劃的意見。我們正在修訂臨牀方案,以適應他們的輸入,並準備必要的文件,包括統計分析計劃、知情同意和其他要求,以便在新的IND下啟動這項關鍵的成人CTD試驗。首席研究員在美國一家主要的癌症機構工作。最後,在世界正在與大流行作鬥爭之際,我們很高興地宣佈,我們的全資子公司Napo製藥公司將從美國國家醫療服務中心(NAPO)獲得更多的臨牀前服務。全國過敏和傳染病研究所(NIAID)支持開發Lechlemer,NAPO的第二代植物性抗分泌藥候選藥物,用於治療腹瀉相聯與霍亂這一持久的禍害相伴而生。在NIAID的臨牀前服務套裝下,NIAID資助的承包商將為一項為期28天的老鼠研究進行毒理學測試。NIAID是美國國立衞生研究院(National Institutes Of Health)的一部分。“

2019 Company Financial Results:


Mytesi Net Product Revenue: 2019 Mytesi net sales were approximately $5.7 million, and Mytesi gross (non-GAAP) sales were approximately $8.2 million, an increase of 38% and 44%, respectively, year over year. In 2019, the Company's animal product research and development efforts were intentionally minimal, and Jaguar's animal-related sales were also minimal.


Total Mytesi Prescription Volume : Total Mytesi prescription volume increased 62% in the year 2019 over the year 2018.


Operating Expenses: The total operating expense for the year 2019 was $34.7 million as compared to $35.2 million for the year 2018, a 1%, or $0.5 million, decrease year over year. The decrease in total operating expenses was primarily due to the write-off of goodwill of $5.2 million in the year 2018, offset by an impairment of long-lived intangible assets of $4.0 million and $0.6 million in the settlement of the Tempesta royalty license agreement.


Cost of Product Revenue: Total cost of product revenue for the year ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 was $3.8 million compared to $2.8 million, respectively, a 38%, or $1.0 million, increase year over year. The increase in cost of product revenue was due to increased sales of Mytesi, including non-recurring charges of material costs for a campaign batch cancellation fee of $0.1 million and the write-off of $0.4 million non-conforming inventory, and distribution fees of $0.2 million from the Company's former distributor, offset by the reversal of $0.2 million of accrued royalties related to the termination of a royalty agreement.


Research and Development : The R&D expense was $5.8 million for the year 2019 compared to $5.2 million for the year 2018, a 13%, or $0.7 million, increase year over year. The increase in R&D expense was due to increased clinical and contract manufacturing expenses of $0.6 million primarily due to an increase in contract manufacturing costs for enhanced manufacturing process improvements the Company is developing to reduce the cost of revenue, an increase in non-cash stock-based compensation of $0.3 million primarily due to an increase in the number of option grants, and an increase in other expenses, consisting primarily of consulting, formulation and regulatory fees of $0.3 million, offset by a decrease in personnel and related benefits of $0.5 million due to changes in headcount and related salaries.


Sales and Marketing : The Sales and Marketing expense was $6.9 million for the year 2019 compared to $9.8 million for the year 2018, a 29%, or $2.9 million, decrease year over year. The decrease in Sales and Marketing expense was also due to a decrease in direct marketing and sales expense of $2.5 million from decreased marketing programs for Mytesi, and a decrease in other expenses of $0.4 million largely due to a reduction in advertising costs.


General and Administrative :The G&A expense was $13.5 million for the year 2019 compared to $12.3 million for the year 2018, a 10%, or $1.2 million, increase year over year. The increase in G&A expense was due to an increase in accounting fees of $0.2 million due to a change in the timing of services provided, an increase in non-cash stock-based compensation expense of $0.6 million related to the stock options granted during the year 2019, an increase in rent and lease expense of $0.3 million due to contractual increases of office facilities, and a net increase in other general and administrative expenses of $0.1 million in consulting and legal fees.


Loss from Operations: For the year 2019, the loss from operations was $28.9 million compared to a loss of $30.8 million in 2018, a 6%, or $1.9 million, decrease year over year. This decrease in operating loss was due primarily to the write-off of goodwill of $5.2 million in 2018, offset by the impairment of indefinite-live intangible assets of $4.0 million in 2019.


Net Loss: For the year 2019, the net loss was $38.5 million compared to a net loss of $32.1 million in 2018, a 20%, or $6.4 million, increase year over year. The increase in net loss was primarily due to an increase of interest expense of $3.1 million, loss on extinguishment of debt of $4.4 million, a gain from the Valeant settlement of $1.2 million in 2018 compared to zero in 2019, offset by a total decrease in operating expenses of $0.5 million, an increase in total revenue of $1.5 million, and a net decrease in other income of $0.4 million.


Net Loss Attributable to Common Shareholders: For the year 2019, net loss attributable to common shareholders was $44.7 million compared to $32.1 million for the year 2018. There were four deemed dividends recorded in the year 2019, whereas there were none recorded during the year 2018.


Income Tax Rate: The effective tax rate for the fiscal year 2019 and 2018 was zero percent, primarily as a result of the estimated tax loss for the year and a full valuation allowance.


Non-GAAP EBITDA : Non-GAAP EBITDA for the years 2019 and 2018 was a net loss of $28.1 million and $25.7 million, respectively. Excluding the impairment of goodwill, loss on extinguishment of debt, and other non-recurring expenses, non-GAAP Recurring EBITDA was a loss of $19.0 million and $20.0 million for the years 2019 and 2018, respectively.

非公認會計准則EBITDA:2019年和2018年的非GAAP EBITDA分別為淨虧損2810萬美元和2570萬美元。剔除商譽減值、債務清償虧損和其他非經常性費用,2019年和2018年非GAAP經常性EBITDA分別虧損1900萬美元和2000萬美元。

Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Measures


The Company supplements its condensed consolidated financial statements presented on a GAAP basis by providing gross sales, non-GAAP EBITDA and non-GAAP recurring EBITDA, which are considered non-GAAP under applicable SEC rules. Jaguar believes that the disclosure items of these non-GAAP measures provide investors with additional information that reflects the basis upon which Company management assesses and operates the business. These non-GAAP financial measures are not in accordance with GAAP and should not be viewed in isolation or as substitutes for GAAP net sales and GAAP net loss and are not substitutes for, or superior to, measures of financial performance in conformity with GAAP.

該公司通過提供總銷售額、非GAAP EBITDA和非GAAP經常性EBITDA來補充其在GAAP基礎上公佈的簡明綜合財務報表,根據適用的證券交易委員會規則,這些被視為非GAAP。捷豹認為,這些非GAAP措施的披露項目為投資者提供了額外的信息,這些信息反映了公司管理層評估和運營業務的基礎。這些非GAAP財務指標不符合GAAP,不應孤立看待,也不應被視為GAAP淨銷售額和GAAP淨虧損的替代品,也不能替代或優於符合GAAP的財務業績指標。

Gross sales percentages issued by the Company are based on gross sales figures that represent Mytesi orders placed by wholesalers with Jaguar's third-party logistics warehouse, which generate invoiced sales and cash flow for Napo. Gross sales is used internally by management as an indicator of and to monitor operating performance, including sales performance of Mytesi, salesperson performance, and product growth or declines. The Company believes that the presentation of gross sales provides a closer to real-time useful measure of our operating performance. Gross sales is not a measure that is recognized under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP") and should not be considered as an alternative to net sales, which is determined in accordance with GAAP, and should not be used alone as an indicator of operating performance in place of net sales. Additionally, gross sales may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies, as gross sales have been defined by the Company's internal reporting practices. In addition, gross sales may not be realized in the form of cash receipts as promotional payments and allowances may be deducted from payments received from certain customers. Mytesi gross sales are reduced by Medicare, ADAP 340B chargebacks, returns, and wholesale distribution fees based on historical trends to determine net sales.

該公司發佈的銷售總額百分比是以銷售總額為基礎的,代表批發商在捷豹第三方物流倉庫下的Mytesi訂單,這為納波產生了發票銷售和現金流。總銷售額是管理層內部使用的一個指標,用於監測經營業績,包括Mytesi的銷售業績、銷售人員業績以及產品的增長或下降。該公司認為,總銷售額的公佈為我們的經營業績提供了一種更接近實時的有用衡量標準。銷售總額不是根據美國公認會計原則(“GAAP”)確認的衡量標準,不應被視為淨銷售額的替代指標,淨銷售額是根據GAAP確定的,不應單獨用作衡量經營業績的指標,而不應替代淨銷售額。此外,總銷售額可能無法與其他公司使用的類似名稱的衡量標準相比較,因為總銷售額已經由公司的內部報告實踐確定。此外,銷售總額可能不會以現金收據的形式實現,因為促銷付款和津貼可能會從從某些客户那裏收到的付款中扣除。根據以下歷史趨勢,Mytesi總銷售額將因聯邦醫療保險、ADAP 340B按存儲容量使用計費、退貨和批發分銷費用而減少確定淨銷售額。

The Company defines non-GAAP EBITDA as net loss before interest expense and other expense, property and equipment, amortization of intangible assets, share-based compensation expense and provision for or benefit from income taxes. The Company defines non-GAAP Recurring EBITDA as non-GAAP EBITDA adjusted for certain non-recurring revenues and expenses, such as a non-recurring adjustment related to a donation. Company management believes that non-GAAP EBITDA and non-GAAP Recurring EBITDA are meaningful indicators of Jaguar's performance and provide useful information to investors regarding the Company's results of operations and financial condition.

該公司將非GAAP EBITDA定義為扣除利息支出和其他支出、財產和設備、無形資產攤銷、基於股份的薪酬支出以及所得税撥備或受益前的淨虧損。該公司將非GAAP經常性EBITDA定義為根據某些非經常性收入和支出進行調整的非GAAP EBITDA,例如與捐贈有關的非經常性調整。公司管理層認為,非GAAP EBITDA和非GAAP經常性EBITDA是捷豹業績的有意義的指標,並向投資者提供有關公司經營結果和財務狀況的有用信息。

Dial-In Instructions for Conference Call


When: April 6, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time


Dial-in (US Toll Free): 888-394-8218


Dial-in (International): 323-701-0225


Conference ID number: 7352525


Live webcast on the investor relations section of Jaguar's website (click here)


Replay Instructions


Dial-in (US Toll Free): 844-512-2921


Dial-in (International): 412-317-6671


Replay Pin Number: 7352525


Replay of the webcast on the investor relations section of Jaguar's website (click here)


Jaguar Health, Inc. is a commercial stage pharmaceuticals company focused on developing novel, sustainably derived gastrointestinal products on a global basis. Our wholly owned subsidiary, Napo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., focuses on developing and commercializing proprietary human gastrointestinal pharmaceuticals for the global marketplace from plants used traditionally in rainforest areas. Our Mytesi®(crofelemer) product is approved by the U.S. FDA for the symptomatic relief of noninfectious diarrhea in adults with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy.

捷豹健康公司是一家商業階段的製藥公司,專注於在全球範圍內開發新穎的、可持續衍生的胃腸產品。我們的全資子公司Napo PharmPharmticals,Inc.專注於從熱帶雨林地區傳統使用的植物中為全球市場開發和商業化專有的人類胃腸藥物。我們的Mytesi®(CroFelemer)產品獲得美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)的批准,用於對成人HIV/AIDS患者進行抗逆轉錄病毒治療的非感染性腹瀉的症狀緩解。

For more information about Jaguar, please For more information about Napo,


About Mytesi ®


Mytesi (crofelemer) is an antidiarrheal indicated for the symptomatic relief of noninfectious diarrhea in adult patients with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Mytesi is not indicated for the treatment of infectious diarrhea. Rule out infectious etiologies of diarrhea before starting Mytesi. If infectious etiologies are not considered, there is a risk that patients with infectious etiologies will not receive the appropriate therapy and their disease may worsen. In clinical studies, the most common adverse reactions occurring at a rate greater than placebo were upper respiratory tract infection (5.7%), bronchitis (3.9%), cough (3.5%), flatulence (3.1%), and increased bilirubin (3.1%).


See full Prescribing Information Crofelemer, the active ingredient in Mytesi, is a botanical (plant-based) drug extracted and purified from the red bark sap of the medicinalCroton lechleritree in the Amazon rainforest. Napo has established a sustainable harvesting program for crofelemer to ensure a high degree of quality and ecological integrity.


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements." These include statements regarding the belief that 2020 has the potential to be a transformative year for the Company, the Company's goal of forging an ex-US business development deal to bring in non-dilutive dollars to support efforts to move key potential Mytesi pipeline indications into development, commercialization, and access outside the U.S., the Company's plans to complete the roll-out of its new patient support program for Mytesi, plans to initiate three clinical trials in the second half of 2020, subject to additional financing, the expectation that Napo will receive additional preclinical services from NIAID to support development of lechlemer, and the expectation that the Company will host an investor call on April 6, 2020. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "aim," "anticipate," "could," "intend," "target," "project," "contemplate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements in this release are only predictions. Jaguar has based these forward-looking statements largely on its current expectations and projections about future events. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond Jaguar's control. Except as required by applicable law, Jaguar does not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise.




Peter Hodge


Jaguar Health, Inc.





SOURCE: Jaguar Health, Inc.


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