
健康核验、刷码乘车合二为一 腾讯助力重庆实现公共出行一“码”搞定

Health check and code swiping are combined into one. Tencent helps Chongqing to achieve one "code" of public travel.

腾讯科技 ·  Mar 30, 2020 11:43

Recently, Chongqing big data Applied Development Administration Bureau and Chongqing Municipal Transportation Commission jointlyTencent Cloud, team Tencent and Transit QR Code, using big data platform, mobile payment and other technologies, combine the two codes of "Yukang Code" and "Transit QR Code" that are necessary for citizens to travel, and launch "healthy Transit QR Code". From March 28, when Chongqing citizens go out, only need to show "healthy Transit QR Code" to complete the health check and mobile payment by car, so as to ensure that citizens' public transport travel is more secure and convenient. Chongqing has also become the first provincial municipality directly under the Central Government to integrate Tencent Health Code and Transit QR Code.

It is understood that the "Yukang Code" launched by Chongqing big data Bureau is an electronic "health pass" to facilitate Chongqing citizens to go out, while providing various services such as health information declaration, dynamic health status display, health certificate declaration for migrant workers, and so on. It has realized "one person, one code, multi-terminal, multi-purpose, and dynamic management", and played an important role in epidemic prevention and control, citizens' travel and enterprises' resumption of work. Before the integration of "two yards", when taking the bus, light rail and subway, citizens need to show the "Yukang code" to prove their health, record the travel track, and then open the "Transit QR Code" Mini Program to pay for the ride. Then, after March 28th, the situation will be further improved. When Chongqing residents go out by public transport, they do not have to switch APP, eliminating the trouble of passengers showing two codes on their mobile phones twice. They only need to scan a "healthy Transit QR Code" to check their health, record travel tracks and pay for the ride at the same time.

It is reported that passengers who have applied for Yukang code can get through when they open WeChat Mini Programs's "Transit QR Code", thus achieving the function of two-in-one code. When healthy Transit QR Code is green, it means that passengers meet the safety standards for epidemic prevention and control and can directly scan the code to take the bus. When it is shown in red, it will serve as a warning to passengers, but there will be no mandatory restrictions on bus and rail travel in Chongqing. Passengers who do not apply for "Yukang Code" or fail to apply for it should go to "Yukang Code" Mini Program as soon as possible to apply for it. "healthy Transit QR Code" can be used after successful application. The elderly, children and other people who are not familiar with online operation or do not have terminal equipment such as smartphones can apply to the driver and crew or the customer service center for manual registration. At the same time, "healthy Transit QR Code" is only suitable for getting on the bus and scanning the bus when traveling by public transport. Other scenarios are not universal, you still need to show Yukang code.

At present, it is the key stage of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. Chongqing "Health Transit QR Code" relies on the Internet big data platform and fully integrates the mobile payment mode of public transportation, closely combining "health" with "travel". It not only facilitates the public travel of the majority of passengers, but also ensures the health and safety of public transport. It will provide another strong support for Chongqing enterprises to resume work and production and win the war of prevention and control of the epidemic.

Currently, relying on Tencent Cloud ES cluster service, the epidemic prevention health code launched by Tencent Cloud can cope with trillion-level access by virtue of its strong data search and query, high concurrency, flexible expansion and technical capabilities in the field of security. During the epidemic, Tencent health code has covered 900 million people, a total of more than 3.5 billion bright codes, and a total of more than 10.5 billion visitors. Tencent and Transit QR Code also continued to play a role in public transport travel safety during the epidemic through a touch-free and convenient payment method.

With Chongqing taking the lead in launching the "two-in-one" health Transit QR Code, Tencent Cloud and the team of Tencent and Transit QR Code will continue to work with local government departments to provide health protection and travel convenience for the general public in a "one-code" way, so as to increase scientific and technological assistance for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production.

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