

Optimistic about the future of the healthcare industry, BlackRock World Health Science Foundation is a good choice

基金圈P图小花 ·  Mar 26, 2020 21:54  · Insights

Investment keywords: be optimistic about the stable growth of the health care industry and outperform the MSCI index

Under the influence of the global epidemic, the major markets are indescribable. The A-share market has fluctuated many times, and the US stock market has even experienced many circuit breakers, which shocked the 89-year-old stock god Buffett, while the Hong Kong stock market is even more uncertain under the influence of many markets.

The trend of Hang Seng Index this year, source: Futu Niuniu

Under such circumstances, risk-averse stocks such as health care are often favored. If you are bullish on the consumer healthcare industry, you might as well buy a fund that focuses on the consumer or healthcare industry. Blackrock World Health Science Fund A2 (US dollars) is a fund focused on investing in stocks in the global health care industry. The fund invests no less than 70 per cent of its total assets in stocks of companies around the world that are mainly engaged in health care, pharmaceutical and medical technology and biotechnology supply and development, mainly in mature markets such as the US, Switzerland and the UK. We are fully optimistic about the background of global health expenditure driven by aging population growth, health care improvement and rising labor costs.

Since its establishment in 2001, the fund has exceeded the benchmark target with excellent performance, and as of March 27, 2020, the cumulative increase has been as high as 287.8%, 38 points higher than the benchmark. It is rare in the fund industry to be able to outperform the MSCI index and beat the index fund for a long time, while it is commendable that Blackrock World Health Science Fund can beat MSCI, an index with high recognition in the industry.


Comparison of cumulative total returns between Blackrock World Health Science Fund (blue) and MSCI World Medical Index (red), source: Bloomberg

Behind such an excellent fund is a strong fund management team and a strong company. Unlike other industries, the health care industry has higher professional requirements. Dr. Xie Hongying has been the fund manager of the fund since 2011. He has 26 years of experience in health science research and investment, and has a rich background in biotechnology, medicine, medical equipment and healthcare-related industries. He is a PhD in distribution biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles, a postdoctoral fellow in molecular genetics at Columbia University, and MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management. At the same time, the five team members led by it have 2 PhD degrees in Biochemistry and Chemistry, 3 MBA degrees and 1 MD degree, with an average of 22 years of scientific research and investment experience, as well as good medical professional background and investment experience.

In addition to the professional team of fund managers, Blackrock, a powerful company behind it, is also worth mentioning. The company is one of the largest asset management groups, risk management and consulting services companies in the world. As of December 31, 2019, assets under management amounted to $7.43 trillion. It has 69 outlets in more than 30 markets around the world, helping customers in more than 100 countries and regions to achieve asset appreciation.

As a listed company, it really shows investors what is meant by "Daniel stocks". As one of the world's outstanding asset management companies, Blackrock's share price has risen from more than 30 in 2009 to nearly 500 now, a perfect "ten-year tenfold share".

Blackrock stock price trend, source: Futuo Niuniu

Judging from the strong strength of the company and the investment team of professional fund managers, the strength behind Blackrock World Science Fund should not be underestimated. It is a good choice for investors who are optimistic about the health care industry but lack relevant professional background.

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Investment involves risks, and investors should carefully read the fund information and related documents (including its risk factors). Investors are advised to note that the prices of fund products can rise or fall, and may change substantially within a short period of time. Investors may not be able to get back the amount they have invested in the fund. The past performance of the fund does not predict future performance. If there are similar forward-looking statements in this document, such contents or statements shall not be regarded as guarantees of any future performance, and it should be noted that the actual situation or development may differ materially from such statements.

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