Where to Invest Your TFSA Contribution for Steady Dividends
Where to Invest Your TFSA Contribution for Steady Dividends
Retirees and other investors seeking reliable passive income are wondering which TSX stocks paying good dividends are still attractive to buy for a self-directed Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) portfolio.
Canadian Natural Resources
Canadian Natural Resources (TSX:CNQ) has increased its dividend for 25 consecutive years. This is a great track record for a business that relies on commodity prices to determine its revenue and cash flow.
CNRL trades near $43.50 at the time of writing. The stock picked up a new tailwind in recent weeks but is still down 13% in the past year. Investors who buy CNQ stock at the current level can get a dividend yield of 5.4%.
CNRL has the balance sheet strength to make strategic acquisitions when the energy market is weak. This boosts revenue and reserves and positions the business for growth when oil and natural gas prices rebound. Management is good at moving capital around the asset base in an efficient manner to get the best returns based on market conditions. That is one reason the board has been able to steadily raise the dividend through market cycles.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS) is another contrarian pick today for dividend investors. The stock is down 11% in 2025 after a big rally that occurred from August through November last year. Rate cuts in the United States largely drove the rebound in bank stocks through the end of 2024. That momentum has cooled off as markets now anticipated fewer rate cuts from the U.S. Federal Reserve in 2025.
Bank of Nova Scotia is shifting its growth strategy under the new chief executive officer to focus on the United States and Canada. Previous management bet big on Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Colombia, as well as other Latin American markets. Investors have not benefitted as expected from those investments. Bank of Nova Scotia sold its assets in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama last year. More divestitures could be on the way to free up capital for investments in new areas of focus.
It will take time for the turnaround efforts to deliver results. In the meantime, investors can pick up a solid 6.2% dividend yield from BNS stock.
TC Energy
TC 能源
TC Energy (TSX:TRP) is up 27% in the past year and trades near its 12-month high, so the stock isn't on sale today.
TC Energy(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TRP)在過去一年中上漲了27%,交易價格接近12個月高點,因此該股今天沒有發售。
However, the energy infrastructure firm has made great progress in the past two years on its efforts to shore up the balance sheet and to position the business for growth. TC Energy monetized non-core assets and spun off its oil pipelines business to pay down extra debt it had to take on to get its Coastal GasLink pipeline project completed. That asset is now in service and generating steady revenue. TC Energy will also see a major pipeline project in Mexico go into commercial service this year.
但是,在過去的兩年中,這家能源基礎設施公司在支撐資產負債表和爲業務增長做好準備方面取得了長足的進展。TC Energy將非核心資產貨幣化,並分拆了其石油管道業務,以償還其爲完成Coastal GasLink管道項目而必須承擔的額外債務。該資產現已投入使用併產生穩定的收入。TC Energy今年還將看到墨西哥的一個重大管道項目投入商業運營。
Natural gas demand is expected to grow in the coming years as gas-fired power-generation facilities are built to provide electricity for artificial intelligence data centres. TC Energy's extensive natural gas transmission and storage assets in Canada, the United States, and Mexico position the company to benefit from the trend.
隨着燃氣發電設施的建成,爲人工智能數據中心提供電力,預計未來幾年天然氣需求將增長。TC Energy在加拿大、美國和墨西哥擁有大量天然氣輸送和儲存資產,使該公司能夠從這一趨勢中受益。
Investors who buy TRP stock at the current level can get a dividend yield of 4.9%. The board has increased the payout annually for more than two decades.
The bottom line on top TSX dividend stocks
CNRL, Bank of Nova Scotia, and TC Energy are good examples of top TSX dividend stocks that pay reliable dividends with attractive yields. If you have some cash to put to work, these stocks deserve to be on your radar.
CNRL、新斯科舍銀行和TC Energy是多倫多證券交易所頂級股息股票的好例子,這些股票支付了可靠的股息,收益率誘人。如果你有一些現金可以使用,那麼這些股票值得你關注。