
Top 3 Tech And Telecom That Could Lead To Your Biggest Gains This Month

Top 3 Tech And Telecom That Could Lead To Your Biggest Gains This Month

Benzinga ·  03/20 11:14

The most oversold stocks in the communication services sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.

相對強弱指數(RSI)是一種動量指標,它比較股票在價格上漲日的強度與在價格下跌日的強度。當與股票的價格走勢相比時,它可以讓交易者更好地了解股票在短期內的表現。根據Benzinga Pro,當RSI低於30時,通常認爲資產被超賣。

Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.


Trade Desk Inc (NASDAQ:TTD)

Trade Desk Inc (納斯達克:TTD)

  • On March 18, Keybanc analyst Justin Patterson maintained Trade Desk with an Overweight and lowered the price target from $130 to $74.. The company's stock fell around 27% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $53.42.
  • RSI Value: 26.3
  • TTD Price Action: Shares of Trade Desk gained 3.2% to close at $55.32 on Wednesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest TTD news.
  • 在3月18日,Keybanc分析師 Justin Patterson 維持了對Trade Desk的增持評級,並將目標股價從130美元下調至74美元。該公司的股票在過去一個月內下跌了約27%,並且52周低點爲53.42美元。
  • RSI值:26.3
  • TTD價格動態:Trade Desk的股票在週三上漲了3.2%,收於55.32美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的實時資訊提醒了最新的TTD資訊。

Playtika Holding Corp (NASDAQ:PLTK)

Playtika Holding CORP (納斯達克:PLTK)

  • On Feb. 27, Playtika Holding posted fourth-quarter GAAP loss of 4 cents per share. "We are thrilled with the progress we have made in executing our return to growth strategy, highlighted by our successful acquisition of SuperPlay," said Robert Antokol, Chief Executive Officer. "Looking ahead, we are excited by our pipeline of new games and continued M&A opportunities, which we believe will drive consistent topline growth and create value for our shareholders." The company's stock fell around 36% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $4.56.
  • RSI Value: 21.4
  • PLTK Price Action: Shares of Playtika Holding gained 0.7% to close at $4.56 on Wednesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in PLTK stock.
  • 在2月27日,Playtika Holding公佈了第四季度GAAP每股虧損4美分。首席執行官羅伯特·安託科爾表示:"我們對在實施回歸增長策略方面所取得的進展感到興奮,特別是我們成功收購SuperPlay。"展望未來,我們對新遊戲的開發和繼續的併購機會感到振奮,我們相信這些將帶動持續的營業收入增長併爲我們的股東創造價值。"該公司的股票在過去一個月內下跌了約36%,52周最低價爲4.56美元。
  • 相對強弱指數(RSI)值:21.4
  • PLTK價格走勢:Playtika Holding的股票週三上漲0.7%,收於4.56美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的圖表工具幫助識別了PLTk股票的趨勢。

Cumulus Media Inc (NASDAQ:CMLS)

積雲媒體公司 (納斯達克:CMLS)

  • On Feb. 27, Cumulus Media posted downbeat quarterly results. Mary G. Berner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cumulus Media, said, "Since the pandemic's onset, the radio industry has experienced tough economic and secular headwinds. In the face of those, we outperformed our peers through the end of 2023 on key metrics including cost takeouts, EBITDA margin recovery, free cash flow generation, net leverage, and liquidity." The company's stock fell around 53% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $0.41.
  • RSI Value: 27
  • CMLS Price Action: Shares of Cumulus Media fell 2.8% to close at $0.45 on Wednesday.
  • Benzinga Pro's signals feature notified of a potential breakout in CMLS shares.
  • 在2月27日,積雲媒體發佈了糟糕的季度業績。積雲媒體的總裁兼首席執行官瑪麗·G·伯納說:"自疫情爆發以來,廣播行業經歷了嚴峻的經濟和世俗逆風。在這種情況下,我們在關鍵指標上超越了同行,包括成本削減、EBITDA利潤率恢復、自由現金流生成、淨槓桿和流動性。"該公司的股票在過去一個月內下跌了約53%,52周最低價爲0.41美元。
  • 相對強弱指數(RSI)值:27
  • CMLS價格走勢:積雲媒體的股票週三下跌了2.8%,收盤價爲0.45美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的信號功能通知CMLS股票可能出現突破。

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