Evnia Announces Strategic Partnership With UL Solutions
Evnia Announces Strategic Partnership With UL Solutions
MONTREAL, March 19, 2025 /PRNewswire/ - Evnia, a leader in environmental compliance and ecofee management, is proud to announce its strategic partnership with UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science. This partnership aims to provide companies with optimized solutions for managing their regulatory obligations related to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and environmental compliance.
蒙特利爾,2025年3月19日 /PRNewswire/ - Evnia 是環保合規和生態費用管理的領導者,驕傲地宣佈與全球應用安全科學領導者UL Solutions建立戰略合作關係。此次合作旨在爲企業提供優化的解決方案,以管理與擴展生產者責任(EPR)和環保合規相關的監管義務。
"At Evnia, our mission is to simplify ecofee management for our clients. This partnership with UL Solutions allows us to take a step further toward excellence by offering in-depth technical expertise combined with a global perspective on environmental challenges, especially for U.S.-based companies facing new EPR laws," said François Parent, General Manager of Evnia." We are very pleased to collaborate with such a respected organization as UL Solutions to help our clients navigate this constantly evolving regulatory landscape."
Evnia的使命是爲客戶簡化生態費用管理。與UL Solutions的合作使我們能夠在卓越之路上更進一步,提供深入的技術專長和全球環保挑戰的視角,特別是對於面臨新EPR法律的美國公司,"Evnia總經理François Parent表示。"我們很高興能與UL Solutions這樣一個受人尊敬的組織合作,幫助我們的客戶應對這一不斷變化的監管環境。"
UL Solutions, recognized as a leader in compliance-assistance and safety services, will provide its expertise and in-depth knowledge of the North American retail product compliance space. This collaboration aims to help companies meet EPR requirements as well as product compliance obligations.
UL Solutions被公認爲合規輔助和安全服務的領導者,將提供其在北美零售產品合規領域的專業知識和深入了解。此合作旨在幫助公司滿足EPR要求以及產品合規義務。
"We are thrilled to partner with Evnia, a company that shares our commitment to compliance and innovation," said Kieran Callahan, general manager of the Supply Chain Insights group at UL Solutions. "This partnership enables UL Solutions to introduce its customers to a proven and scalable EPR reporting solution backed by years of experience to help companies meet this evolving market challenge."
"我們很高興與Evnia合作,這是一家與我們對合規和創新的承諾相符的公司,"UL Solutions供應鏈洞察組總經理Kieran Callahan表示。"此次合作使UL Solutions能夠向客戶介紹經過驗證和可擴展的EPR報告解決方案,這一解決方案擁有多年的經驗,以幫助公司應對這一不斷髮展的市場挑戰。"
Through this collaboration, the two companies aim to provide robust regulatory compliance support to industries such as retail, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and automotive, simplifying ecofee reporting processes while helping these companies adhere to the rigorous compliance expectations of environmental standards across North America.
To learn more about this partnership, visit
About Evnia, Environmental Compliance Group
Evnia is a North American leader in ecofee management and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs. For 20 years, Evnia has been helping businesses simplify their environmental obligations while optimizing compliance and reporting management. We are environmental compliance simplified.
About UL Solutions
A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions (NYSE: ULS) transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 110 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers' product innovation and business growth. The UL Mark serves as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers' products and reflects an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.
關於UL Solutions
作爲應用安全科學的全球領導者,UL Solutions(紐交所:ULS)將安全、安防和可持續性挑戰轉化爲遍佈110多個國家客戶的機遇。UL Solutions提供檢測、檢驗和認證服務,以及支持客戶產品創新和業務增長的軟體產品和諮詢服務。UL標誌作爲客戶產品的受認可標的,體現了我們對推動安全使命的不懈承諾。我們幫助客戶進行創新,推出新產品和服務,駕馭全球市場和複雜的供應鏈,並在未來實現可持續和負責任的增長。我們的科學是你的優勢。
SOURCE Evnia Environmental Compliance Group
來源 Evnia 環保母基集團